Chapter 10

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After an evening of stories and giggles, I finally left at 7:30.

“Do you want to go grab something together for dinner? It’s getting a bit late now,” Jack had offered. But I kindly declined; I was a bit tired, and my appetite wasn’t the highest, and I seriously needed to prepare for tomorrow’s school day.

So, I said good-bye, and left Jack’s dorm. As I stepped out, Finn stepped out with me. He first said bye to Jack and gave him a “manly” hug and then began to make his way out.

“Where are you going, Finn?”

“Oh, I’m heading over to my dorm, which is…” he pointed across to the opposite side of the hall-- “over there.” I blinked.

“Wait, so you guys aren’t in the same dorm?” Finn shook his head.

“Afraid not, I was hoping for that, but we got split dorms. I haven’t gotten any roommates, and neither has Jack. Quite unfortunate, yea?”

I nodded. “I don’t have anyone in my dorm room either, getting a bit lonely in there. I haven’t exactly met anyone except you guys.” Finn smiled.

“Well, we’ll keep you good company, alright? You got nothing to worry, we can meet as often as possible!” He took me in for a side hug, and I hugged him back. Man, this is a massive hug. I feel like he’s 4 times bigger than me, and I’m super tiny, like a child, hugging him, even though I’m not short. I’m 5’ 7”, but Finn must be at least a good 3 inches taller than me. Dang.

Oh, my god, his shirt smells really good. It’s some really nice smelling perfume, but it just makes me wanna hug him longer. It smells super familiar though…..have I smelled this perfume before?

His hug reminds me of my old…..friend...Hayden. Oh. It’s a bit of a long story, we weren’t just average friends; we were like besties. Closer than besties, you could say. He was always there for me, and gave me this nickname, Anna-- that’s it! That’s why Jack’s nickname was so familiar sounding.

Anyways, when I was feeling down, he would grab his guitar from inside his house and play a few tunes, mumbling a few lyrics from songs. It was so cute, just like his brown hair and sea blue eyes...not to mention his laugh….

Sadly, we got into a fight. Sorta. We wanted to take our friendship relationship up a step, particularly Hayden. But, I started to worry about the effect of that on my studies, and I wasn’t pretty much broke his heart. He just told me that it’s ok, education’s important. But that we needed space….I totally broke his heart, and it broke mines too. Man, I really miss him. So much. It hurts.

“Everything ok, Andrea?” I looked up to see Finn’s concerned face.

I smiled weakly. “Yea, I’m fine. Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow in class?”

“Yea!..See you!” Then, Finn walked to his room, once glancing back and smiling, and then going inside. I sighed and began to walk to my dorm on the opposite side of the campus.

The cold wind was beating down on me as I hugged myself to stay warm. My hair was blowing in my face, but I was deep in thought, so it didn’t really bother me. What bothered me was Hayden.

Once I reached my dorm, I locked my door and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, and sighed.

I tried to remember the last time I hung out with Hayden and had tons of fun. But now, it feels like ages ago, and he’s probably far away and studying in some other college. I literally have no connection with him, which is pretty sad, considering of how close we were. But after that incident, we barely made eye contact.

His phone plan changed later and his number changed, so I completely lost touch, because that was my main form of communicating with him--through calls and texts. He still had his Twitter, Facebook, etc., but we didn’t bother talking after that. Hayden’s still on my friends list in it, vice versa, but it’s no use. Now, I felt utterly lonely and depressed. I took out my phone and checked for texts. I brightened a little when I saw Julia had texted back.

Wow, sounds super cool! Software and Graphic something, huh? Best of luck for you. I’m doing medicine in this college called California East Bay, so I didn’t move very far. Past two weeks have been pretty interesting, too much info to fit in here, lol. I made some new friends, and tried to talk and stuff. Still, nothing compared to highschool, right? Did you make any new friends? Tell me about them!! Rite now, I gotta go, I’m going out with a friend. Text me back, luv u :D :)

I wanted to tell her about everything, including Jack, the mix-up, the eyesex, and what a great time I had, but my heart wasn’t up to it, and neither was my brain; I feel pretty tired. Why do I get tired so quickly?

Yea, sounds cool Julia. London’s nice, a bit cold, I’ve made some british friends, they seem lovely. <3

I put a little heart near the lovely, hehe.

Oh, any chance, do you have Hayden’s number? I know it’s sudden, but I feel a little….I don’t know. If you get the chance, give me a call, like at night or morning, idk...stupid time difference :)

I was about to off my phone, when I looked at my previous chat with Jack. I thought about how sweet and funny he is, and how great of an entertainer he can be. I looked over at my clock….7:45. I am a bit hungry, but lazy to cook. I decided to take up Jack’s dinner offer. I called him up.

“Hello?” His british accent rang through my ears.

“Hey Jack.”

“Hey Anna!” I heard a pause and a chuckle in between. I rolled my eyes. “What’s up?”

“Erm…..if you haven’t eaten yet, maybe we could….still go out….? If you’d like?”

Another pause. I wondered if he thought I was desperate. Whatever, I need to eat and I’m not willing to go discover a restaurant alone.

“Yea, I’d love to! I was just about to order takeout, just let me grab my keys and call Finny….is it ok if we call Finny?” My heart skipped a beat.

“Yeah, sure! It would be awesome if we all went! I’m sorry for bothering you now again, it’s probably late for your dinner.” I heard a chuckle again.

“Hey, c’mon. We’re college kids now! We eat late, sleep late, it’s what we do, am I right?”

I giggled. “Yea, you’re right.”

“Good, and don’t forget, we are always there for friends. So don’t worry Anna, we’ll take you to the best restaurant we’ve got here!”

“Alright, alright, you’re starting to sound cheesy, haha. Please don’t take me anywhere too expensive! Just a simple place, got it?”

“Right… it, haha.”

“Alright, see ya in a few, Jackyboy!”

“‘Kay, see y-- wait, WHAT?!”

I laughed, and then hung up. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t really look any different than before, so I decided to head out like this. I sat down on a spinning chair and waited for Jack and Finn to arrive.

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