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I was sitting in a row of black chairs. My head was bowed, staring at the ground. I didn't dare look up. If I did, I was afraid I would break down. And I could. I could not cry. The man spoke clearly and loudly for all to hear. His voice bounced off the walls of the room, the sound pounding in my ears. I shut my eyes tightly as I felt my eyes well up. I felt a warm hand slide onto mine and I opened my eyes, looking up.

I saw my aunt next to me, her eyes red and puffy from many times of tears. She looked down on me, locking our eyes. I stared back and then I let a tear slip. Just one. I would only let one escape my eyes. No matter what I would never break. I never would. She looked back at the front and I found myself doing the same. I had to turn. And so I did. My eyes then landed on the two black caskets before me.

My eyes flew open. I didn't realize where I was for a moment before I felt the pillow under me and the familiar smell of my sheets filling the air. I breathed the aroma in. I was in my bed. But not in Maine. I was still in LA. Still in the same, strange, not home, LA. I sighed, running my hands down my face, My sweater rode up my arm, revealing my wrist. A long scar ran down it, curved and deep. I lifted my finger to it. It was bumpy. Just like I remembered. I looked away, sitting up instead.

My eyes flew to my clock. 7:40 I had to be at school by 8:30. I yawned, stretching a bit. I didn't want to go, but I didn't really have a choice. Now did I? So, pulling on a random outfit. A black tank top, sweater and jeans. I left my room, slowly. I had enough time. I walked into the kitchen, going into the fridge. I pulled out two pieces bread. I turned around, ready to stick them in the toaster when I saw something else instead. I let out a scream.

An old women stood in front of me. Her bright red hair was tucked into a sort of fancy bun. Her skin was flabby, raw from time. She had a simple maid's dress on but I paid no attention to that. I looked at her eyes. One eye was a deep brown. The other...a ghostly white. She had her hands clasped behind her back, a straight face drawn on her face.

"I didn't mean to startle you ma'am." She said.

"Who are you?" I asked frantically. Why did people keep showing up in my house!?

"I am the maid Miss Rose." She said and nodded at my two pieces of bread. "Would you like me to make you some toast?" I suddenly heard footsteps outside and I saw Ally run into the kitchen.

"Callie? I heard screaming." She said and then she caught notice of the old women. Connecting the pieces she smiled. "I see you have met O'hara." More liked scared half to death. I tried to control my breathing. "She is the housekeeper." I nodded.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't see you and sorry I was just startled." I said.

"They is quite alright." She responded. "Would you like me to make that for you?"

"No. I think I can manage." I said with a smile. I know it wasn't nice to say but, that white eye gave me the creeps.

That day at school I was in the halls. I had made sure not to smoke in front of anyone. Even though I didn't care about that bitch Leah, I just didn't want to get into trouble on my second week. But even with all that carefulness I still had the "pleasure" of bumping into someone.

"Hey freak!" I heard and I turned my head to see none other then Leah and she friends walking behind her. I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk on. "Didn't you hear me you freak?" They suddenly stood in front of me.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I say and she laughs.

"Uh, no. Don't you remember? I'm gonna kick your ass!" She yelled. She then pushed my shoulders, knocking me into a row of lockers. I tried to run away but she shoved me again. I grew angry at her but she simply smiled. She then proceeded in punching me in the gut. I doubled over. I growled. I kicked her shin and pushed her back. Leah fell to the ground. Her friends took action. Kicking and hitting at me. I did the same. Throwing a few punches. People started to shout, edging the fight on. One punch connected to a jaw and one's head went flying back. The other I stomped my foot on, then kicked her in her gut.They laid on the ground, groaning.

I took the opportunity to leave, running away from peoples eyes. I wiped a tear from my eye. My stomach stung like hell and I burst into a girls bathroom. Luckily, it was empty and I took a look at my stomach. Lifting my shirt up, I looked at it. A bruise was already starting to form. I let go of the fabric, taking in huge breaths. She had knocked the wind out of me in that punch and I found it hard to breath. I sunk to the floor, clutching my gut.

I walked off the bus. I was lucky they hadn't hit my face or Ally would notice. I walked into my house, Ally in the kitchen. She turned to me and a smile lit up her face.

"Hey sweetie. How was your day?" She asked.

"Cool." I responded. I picked up an apple, biting into it. "I gotta do some homework. See you later."


I walked up to my room, shutting the door. My stomach was sore and I placed my apple down on my desk. I had lied. I had no homework for tonight. I justed wanted to lay down. I curled up onto my bed, wrapping my blankets around me. I closed my eyes. I breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. It felt better to breath. 

devoid love • tate langdonWhere stories live. Discover now