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  Afterwhile of sitting in the bathroom, Tate and I had gotten up. Not wanting him to leave, I invited him to my room. No. Not anything like that. Just to talk. I didn't want to be alone after all that. So, I now lead him to my room. I was amazed Ally hadn't heard any of it. I opened the door to my room and closed it as quietly as I could. I turned around to see Tate looking around my room, his brows creased a bit. Once he heard me close the door he looked back at me, giving a small smile.

Smiling back, I sat on my bed and patted the space next to me. He climbed onto my bed and we both leaned on the bed heading. The room was dark expect for the small sliver of the moon coming in through my curtains. We were still silent. I really didn't know what to say after what had just happened. I couldn't really think clearly ethier. I knew we had fought about the whole Leah thing but for now I could forgive him. Besides, she really had it coming.

As I lay there I felt something slide into my hand and I looked down to see Tate had wrapped his fingers around my hand. I did the same, looking back up at my ceiling. I was right next to him and I remember the last time I so close to him. Kissing. I felt a blush rise in my cheeks at the memory. I shifted a bit and he noticed my discomfort.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I thought the question ridiculous but I saw he was being sincere. I sighed.

"Yeah." I said. I didn't want to tell him what I was thinking about so. Who would? I wanted to divert the subject so I tried to think of something. "I realized something. We don't really know a lot about each other. Maybe we can play 20 questions or something to get started on finding out about each other." He was silent for a moment before giving a nod.

"Ok. You first." He said. I tapped my chin, thinking.

"Um, favorite color?" I asked.

"I would have to" He answered

"Um, next question. What is your favorite food?"



"Yeah. I just really like them."

I listed off many "what is your favorite" questions and I probably went past the twenty questions mark. We laughed as I asked stupid questions and he said stupid answers. Finally it was his turn.

"Ok. Let me start off with a your favorite like you did me. Favorite color?" He asked.


"Favorite food?"

"Are you just copying me?"

"No." He said but he had a slight smirk on.


"Favorite song by Nirvana."

"Smells like teen spirit." I say quickly.

"Wow, really like that one huh?" I throw my head back laughing.

"Yeah. First song I heard from them and also always gonna be my favorite." He chuckled, a smile coming to his lips. He looked down for a moment. Our hands were still entwined and he brushed a thumb over mine. He looked back up at me and stared at me in my eyes. I was surprised at his sudden mood change and my smile died down a bit.

"Callie." He said. "I have been wanting to ask a question." I rose a brow and sat up, sitting criss cross.


"I...I was wondering if you want to date me." He said slowly. My eyes widened and I didn't say anything. Date me? We only met five weeks ago. He continued. "I know we just met, know. I shouldn't have said anything, just forge-I cut him off by crashing my lips onto his. His voice was muffled and he kind of jumped, surprised. I smiled against his lips. I pulled back and his eyes were wide.

"Yes." I said and he smiled. He pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back, happy as ever. 

devoid love • tate langdonWhere stories live. Discover now