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  I was walking around the house. I still couldn't believe how tall and large it was. I basically lived in a mansion now. The tall windows were really the main feature. Bricks were stacked in many ways, building up on top of each other. Even with all the beauty of the place it still made chills run down my spine. I sighed, picking up some rocks and throwing them in front of me in boredom. I kicked little bits of grass as well, making them flutter up a bit.

My mind started to travel. What if we never moved? I could still be in my room on the first floor. Watching T.V. Or I could be at the library reading the same book I always came there for. I never bought it, just liking to read it. I could be at my same school, having the same classes. People ignoring me rather than making fun of me. It was better that way not to be noticed. Not like now were when I walked down the halls and people whisper about me.

I growled a bit. It made me so angry. I threw a rock hard at the house, blowing a piece of hair from my face. I went to get the rock when I looked up. I saw a woman in the window. She had blonde hair that was tucked into a bun behind her. She wore multiple levels of jewelry, her hands clasped together. Her blue eyes were creased in sorrow. She stared at me and I stared right back.

"Your going to die in there." I heard a voice say and I yelped, whipping around fast. That girl from before stood behind me. The girl, from what I could tell, had down syndrome. Her brown wavy hair was on either sides of her shoulders. She wore a long yellow dress, a creepy smile on her face. I placed a hand to my heart, feeling it thump widely behind my ribcage.

"You startled me." I gasped but she kept her smile.

"Didn't you hear me? Your going to die in there." She repeated and I rose a brow.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"Because they all do. Everyone that moves in. They die." She explained and I nodded. I put my hand down. "And you'll die too." She smiled again.

"What do you mean they all die?"

"It's the house. It gets them all." She said in a sickly sweet voice.

"The house? What's wrong with the house?" I had a bad feeling about this. I knew about the previous owners but, what happened to the rest? The neighbor from before. That old woman had told me that a lot more happened here. More deaths? How many? What happened to them?

"Addie! Addie!" A voice called out and the girl looked in that direction. She turned to me one last time before running off. I stare after her. I wonder what that was about. I turn back around, looking at the window. The woman is gone.

I walked back inside to find Ally in the living room, reading a book. We had talked about my last outburst and dealt with everything. We were cool now so I decided to tell her about what had just happened.

"Hey, Ally." I say and she looks up at me.

"Hey Cal." She greets and I sit in a chair in front of her.

"Do you by any chance know a girl named Addie? I was outside and saw her. She told me I was going to die here. Ring a bell?" I ask and she nods, placing her book down.

"Yeah. She came in here yesterday. Told me I was going to die in the house. I told her to leave and a women next door came to pick her up. She said she was her mother and neighbour. Constance if I remember her name right." She explained and I nodded. Guess I knew them both now.

"Why do you think she said that?" I ask.

"She seems sick, Callie. I think you can tell that." She explains. I wanted to tell her about the woman in the window but I held back. I didn't want to tell her. So I held it back. Leaving the her and going to my room. I sat on my bed, proceeding in chewing my nails. I knew it wasn't the healthiest habit but I did it anyway. I didn't know if it was because the fact I didn't want to be here or something else but I just couldn't find it in me to call this home. I didn't here.

I sighed, turning on my side, feeling my purple pillow underneath me. I stared at my wall slightly cross eyed. Maybe things would look up. Maybe I would find friends. But it didn't seem likely. I had said that at my other school as well, but I never got one. I should just keep to myself for now.

devoid love • tate langdonWhere stories live. Discover now