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Dear Diary

The will of humans are one of the most strongest will ever made. People use that for many things. For good. For evil. But sometimes it isn't that simple. People are a mixture of many things. Good and evil mix in everyone's blood. Good people do bad things and bad people do good things. That is just how it worked. Humans do what humans do. It's in the blood. You don't see animals doing that.

Animals didn't kill for sport. They didn't give there food to the unfortunate other animals. They were animals. They didn't have that trait. Not like humans do. Humans seem to like chaos and destruction and death. They even like it more when they do it themselves. Doing it themselves gives them a sense of power. Of stability in their lives. And when people find stability, they find power. Everyone wants power. That is the way of life.

Power is something that shows what you can do. It can show people who you are or what you try to portray yourself as. You can make people fear you, or you can make people love you. Some people pick fear. When picking fear, you pick complete loyalty to the person in power. Because when you are afraid, you will do anything to get out of being afraid. Even following someone insane and delusional. When you pick love, you pick equality. Normally when someone picks love, that leader will show them that they are equals, through and through. No matter what. They will help anyone and not themselves.

This is what power can get you. Power can make people fall beneath you or try to rise above you. It is the person with the power to decide who may rise and who may fall. And if that person with power takes to long, well...their followers will make a decision for them. Power can make people believe certain things as well. Certain things that affect them and the people around them. Affect the people around them can be extremely significant.

Believing certain things. This is something of wide variety. The person in power may believe they are destined to help the people who follow them. To protect them to the very end. Like their lives are the life of their own. But some people with the power, abuse it. They think they are above the people they lead. That they are something that is considered a god. A god that shall never be fought against. And if anyone disagrees with them, then they think it is their duty to fulfill whatever punishment they think necessary. Even if that punishment goes to the extreme. 

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