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 I decided not to go to school today. Ally would be out all day. I just couldn't go. School was like a burden. A constant ache in my limbs. But instead of physical pain, it was mental. School was mentally damaging me. And it didn't help Leah and her bitch friends kept tormenting me. Everyday I came home with some sort of bruise on my body. It was a miracle I have kept it from her for so long. When she did see me I told her I fell or some shit like that.

It wasn't hard to convince her that I went to school. I had gotten dressed, put my bag on my shoulders and left. But instead of going down the street to the bus stop, I went around the corner, waiting until she left. I then went inside as soon as her car left the driveway. I threw my bag on my bed, sitting down. I thought of what I could do with my day. I lit a cigarette, bringing it to my lips. I hit my CD player, playing Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. I sat on my windowsill, opening the window to let the smoke file out.

As I did so I thought about Tate. I didn't know why he hanged around me. I wasn't anything special. Just some girl who's the niece of his doctor. I didn't think he should be treated. He wasn't really that messed up. From my perspective, he just needed someone to be with. To talk to someone other than a doctor who was only there for money. Maybe that could be me. I waved that thought away as soon as I had it. That wouldn't happen. No one could have that with me. I inhaled the smoke, letting it fill my lungs. I tapped my hand on the windowsill, my nails clicking.

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks. You'd better run better run, outrun my gun..." I whisper sang. I sighed, swinging my legs to touch the floor. I suddenly had a thought and my eyes flickered to my door. The last time I was alone in this house I saw that women. Her horrific face still haunted my dreams. Was she still there? Was she even real? I narrowed my eyes. I was going to find out.

I ground my cigarette into my windowsill and flicked it out the window. I walked over to my door, opening it. The house was eerily quiet. I walked out of my room, my steps making small creaking sounds on the floor. I felt a sudden...I wouldn't call it fear. But something crawled up my spine, I couldn't place it. I felt that way when that women appeared. And when I was in the basement. Were they connected somehow?

I walked down the stairs, trailing my hand along the rail. I finally came to the first floor and I made my way to the basement. When I started to near, it that crawling feeling increased ten fold. But nevertheless, I continued on. I came in front of the basement door. I breathed in. I was going to find out about this house. Something about it just wasn't right. So, I took all the courage I had and pulled the door open. The outside window lit up the steps, giving me enough light for me to see my way down.

I came to the stone floor and glanced around. Ally had placed several storage items on the shelf in the corner. A dirty window was on the far left of it, only some light coming through. Iron bars over them. I turned on the light, pulling the chain. It flickered on and off for a moment before finally settling in. I then proceeded in walking around. My shoes clicked on the solid ground and I first walked into what I called the small room. Pipes decorated the walls, disappearing into the ceiling.

I saw a light switch and flicked it on. A large light came on but it soon died out. I tried the switch a couple of times but it was gone. Sighing, I stepped out of the room. Going into the back. I had never been so far in the basement before, so of course I was a little nervous. I came up to the corner and I came into an opening. I saw basically just a larger version of the small room but with a couple of boxes here and there. I sighed in relief.

"Boo." I screamed as I heard a voice behind me, I turn around, kicking whoever it is in the leg. They groan and I back up. I then see who it is. Tate was bent over, clutching his shin. I gasped.

"Oh crap! Sorry! You scared me!" I say. I go over to him as he stands up straight.

"You have a mean kick." He says with a smile and I chuckle.

"Whoops." I say and he laughs. He gives me a smile that makes my heart flutter. But I then raise an eyebrow. "Wait. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to pay you a visit." He answers. I make an "o" shape with my mouth. His smile widens. I remember the kiss and I quickly turn away. He clears his throat. "So, what are you doing down here?" I look behind me.

"Just searching around here." I say, walking around. I knit my brow a bit then turn to him. "Do you know anything about here? I mean, you have been around this neighborhood longer than I have. Is there something...wrong with this house. That you can tell." He looked thoughtful, coming up to stand beside me.

"Well, a lot of people say this place is haunted. Their nickname for it is Murder House." He explained. I gulped.

"And why is that?" I say, partly knowing the answer. He looked down at me.

"Because this place is known for all the deaths that took place here." He started. He walked around as I did then faced me. "It started with the people who built this house. Built in 1922 by Charles Montgomery and his wife, Nora. They lived here with their baby. But soon, Charles grew distant from his wife and baby. Becoming obsessed with his work."

"What was his work?" I whisper. He gave a smile.

"Resurrecting the dead. Animals to be exact." He said. I kept from making a face. "But that was not the only thing. To keep their finances up, Nora made her husband perform abortions on women illegally. He also became addicted to drugs. Using them during his sessions with his patients. But one day, on the boyfriends of one of the women kidnapped their baby. Both were overcome with grief.

Nora wanted to have a normal funeral. But her husband had other plans. He used his skills of his work and used it to make a new son. Nora found out, thinking her husband was crazy. But soon he told her he made another son. A better son. She went to find out. But she was horrified when she saw what her husband made. She tried to kill it. But couldn't. She then shot her husband and then commited suicide afterwards. Ever since then, anyone who lives here dies."

As I listen, I had leaned on the wall, staring at the floor. I looked back at him.

"I don't believe you." I say. He smirks.

"Don't believe in ghosts?" Tate asked and I shook my head. He chuckled.

"I think you should start." 

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