S h y S h y

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So I have recounted my past experiences of being shy and how I started to break out of my shell in primary school. But I got a lot more to say about my first 2 years in high school. This is where is started to break out of my shell and start talking more.

*c o m m e n c e s t o r y t i m e*

Having moved to a different school because of their program which allows students to skip a year of education. From Year 8 to 10, and that's pretty good because I would have another year to study and be a year younger than everyone out in the workforce. After two attempts, in which in the first I was considered "not mature enough", I got in the second year which was amazing and completely changed my education for the better.

It was very difficult trying to fit in to a new school and I didn't know anyone. My cousins attended the school in the same program and got really good marks so I was expected by most teachers who had them to be like them. But besides that. Though being secluded and self conscious, I didn't know what to do or who to be friends with. Luckily I had found a group of friends whom you can refer to the nerds. They sat in the library watching the new episode of Last Week Tonight or watching low-budget sci-fi movies whilst some were playing games on their laptops or phones.

If you read my previous part you know that I wasn't that type of person in primary school, boy have I changed. I stuck with them for the whole year and just sat there doing the routine for four consistent terms. It was pretty boring but we would have some interesting conversations every now and then. I think one of the things I was glad for was having told these girls about my Instagram account.

One day during History and Social Studies, these two girls approached me and asked me if I used Instagram. I would have replied with no because I didn't want anyone to know about this other side of me, because then they'd tell me things like I have a completely different personality in person than online.

But I said yes. Like the overdramatic girls they are they squeal as if it's some major deal that this shy, secluded kid has social media. So they ask my username and I gave it to them walking back to the lockers at the end of the day. My phone blew up with many requests and that's how I started to make more friends. I can admit I have done some absolutely terrible things in the past because I gave them it but I'd rather point out the positives from this.

It was around this time last year that this girl messaged me asking if that account was me from homegroup. I said yes and I usually started off replying because I wanted to spark the conversation first. I had a hunch the girl I was talking to likes watching anime so that's exactly what I asked her. I did some terrible things and how she still is friends with me is rather baffling, but I'm glad. This then led to 1 year of continuous talking and we created a friendship. I think it was the 2nd best friendship I created from Instagram. But "what's the first?" you may ask.

Well, for privacy lets this girl, Vivi. Vivi is a very nice girl who had also messaged me, for disclaimers, I had a lot of people message me. She is also the person that got me into K-pop so, thank you. So like usual, I knew she liked K-pop so I asked her the same thing as the previous. I believe that I have done many things wrong on my behalf that I have said to her and I'm still so happy that we've moved past and still maintain our friendship.

Unlike the previous friend, Vivi and I actually sat together and talked occasionally. The first time was when she came to the library, sat down and watched K-pop videos. We've honestly come a lot further than that, around 80% of lunchtimes I join her and her friends and talk. But I get bored so I just leave and go back to the library because I'm not one to talk about baby photos, bracelets or earrings.

I think these two friends are the best things to come out of my bold decision to tell people my Instagram account because a) we still talk and b) we talk in person (the latter more). I don't have anything more to say to these two other than, thank you.

to be continued....


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