s c h o o l t i m e n o s t a l g i a

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So I must admit, I have broken the school rules a few times during primary school. It was actually pretty trivial things like uhh, talking when the teacher said not to. But there was this time which was actually pretty hilarious. 

It was Year 7, everyone was trying to be c o o l and keep up with these stupid thing called t r e n d s. 2016, in particular, had the stupidest trend to ever exist, THE WATER BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE. oh and dabbing too. So, being the kid who tried to be cool and all in last year of primary school. I started to bottle flip (what a surprise dude)

In the middle of a Maths class, the lads and I were flipping bottles, and dabbing at literally all of our successful flips I kid you not. There was a certain point where our lame teacher (lmao jk she was a pretty good teacher) finally was like "tHe nExT pErSoN tO dO aNoThEr oF tHoSe bOtTlE fLipS wIlL gEt a sAd sTeP". Now, sad steps were the equivalent of getting a suspension in primary school, to an Asian at least. I swear I cried once from getting a step, but I well deserved it. 

There was a point where it got so chaotic that the teacher banned having drink bottles on our desk as a whole. When there was a substitute we raced to our lockers to get our bottles. So in that same Maths lesson, I started to flip my GLUE STICK, but it's actually impossible. Then one of the boys in my class snitched on me and said I was flipping glue sticks. 'iS tHiS tRuE?' replies the devil. I eventually owned up to it, there's also this special person every week that writes up the name. She looks at them and nods like 'do it'. Me, being the rebellious 13 year old, was like 'whatever'. 

This wasn't even the funniest way that I got punished in primary school. One time, when I was naive as hell, because I as 5 years old and impressioned onto anything and anyone, I played on the playground with my friend, and he was certainly not the brightest kid, but I still became friends with him. The bell rang and we still stuck around on the playground, like on the monkey bars and stuff, but the teacher sent us to time out because we didn't obey the rules. So back then (yes it was that long ago, like 2009) we needed to fill out a sheet about our consequences and how we can improve later on. It took 20 minutes and then I went back to class. I apologize that I don't have such a good memory of this but still. 

During one recess break, I was playing basketball with this same friend and also another one which I will leave unnamed for privacy issues. We used a heap of imagination when playing these games; for example this recess we played "Extreme Mario Racing Basketball", and I was literally having the time of my life back then. I know you'd be cringing at the thought of this but come on, I was 5. I was running so fast one game that I tripped and the whole back of my hand was grazed from the asphalt really badly, not to mention my knee and a bit of my face. It was the most serious injury I had at school.

This wasn't me being a rebel but this same friend, called 'J', is a pretty routy kid. My family thought it was great that I made friends but not until I invited him over. When that happened, we were playing on the Wii, like Mario Kart and I bet him. He threw the controller and my reaction was like 'what the hell bro'. My grandma and mum look over in disgust, and after that I didn't invite many or any friends after that. Because that stuff was really expensive back then, a controller was like $100. He also ran around on our couches and my mum was not particularly happy about that. 

The only two people I have actually invited over to my house was my good friend 'M' and also the aforementioned 'J'. Unlike 'J', 'M' was a sane child, he was my best friend, until he went to high school. 'M' is one of those chill kids you want to play games and stuff with. I invited him over, and we worked on our totally awesome comic book together. We legit had a plan for our comic book, it was called "Comicizm". 

I seriously have no ideas how my group of friends even came up with this name, but one day my other friend 'L' was drawing random stuff and we were like, we should name this. Eventually 'L' was like 'How about COMICIZM?', it wasn't the absolute stupidest name, and it was pretty unique and unheard of. I drew the first comic of it, unfortunately we actually threw it in the bin which was a waste. It was about a guy who is walking on a cliff and then behind the bushes is a guy who scares him and he falls into the water where a shark swallows him. Pretty graphic, I know, but that was what I considered humour back then. It became a hit among the class who actually cared to read it.

We actually had big plans for Comicizm, sadly it came to it's inevitable end when most of my friends had left the school. I made a website, animations (like the good animations on the computer) and also a GODDAMN FACEBOOK PAGE. If y'all wanna copy of my last comic titled 'Guy with a Big Nose', DM me but it's actual the only good one.

This is a real screenshot of the website which is actually still up and running so if you wanna visit it, feel free to but there's no content on there

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This is a real screenshot of the website which is actually still up and running so if you wanna visit it, feel free to but there's no content on there. For an 11 year old that website is what I believe is pretty okay. Visit if you like, comicizm.wordpress.com

Anyways, about that 'M' guy. He was a sane kid, he had curly hair which made him cooler in my opinion. We were practically best friends and we contacted each other and I went to his house first. It was really fun, we played a bit of 3DS, I had a bit of food, played soccer and lost the ball in which he climbed over the fence and grabbed it like a rebel; then we went on the trampoline. It brings back such good times and I really want to go back to those days

One time he came over to my house and we drew a few comics, played table tennis and played MARIO KART. Guess what? This time he was a sane child and didn't throw the controller and my mum had a sigh of relief, he also had some of my mum's cooking, mum actually never makes this stuff anymore so he's actually really lucky. It's basically a sweet fried batter thing but it looks like a dumpling. It was amazing, and I was glad he thought so too.

There was this one time where we were playing four square on the asphalt in Year 6, it was actually a normal lesson, but our teacher decided we should play. I was actually playing really intensely back then, four square was the cool thing to do during recess and lunch back then, it was also the major reason of our disputes and feuds during primary school. I was playing and I may have stretched my legs a bit too wide and then *RIP*. I was like, 'it probably was just my shoes scraping on the asphalt, right? RIGHT?!' I feel my shorts and then I was like 'crap', I immediately rush to the teacher and try to explain this situation to him discreetly. 'Yeah um, I split my shorts', to which he replies, 'OH' like he was so shook. I went to the front office and told them, I then had to get a pair of long pants that SOMEONE ELSE WORE, it was kinda weird because there was rubbish in the pockets. But that's the only way I could survive the rest of the day. I was met by laughter of my best friends, because that's what friends did.

I hope this makes up for all the crappy parts I've been posting, I ate up 2 hours of my life but I enjoy making these than homework.

From your sentimental, nostalgic author,


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