g r a d u a t i o n

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So I recently just graduated from high school woop woop. 





Ok just kidding but I had some random memories about my Year 7 graduation in primary school, you know, when school tried to make things fun and stress-free? I am saying this before Year 7 in primary school is still a thing because rip my state is conforming to societal pressure and forcing Year 7 into high school. 

Anyways, in my last year of primary school, things were really fun, I honestly think that it was the best year of schooling so far. I remembered that I was so excited to go into high school next year and being with my friends. That idea took a drastic turn down into the drain; if you didn't know I'm in this special class in my state which they consider g i f t e d. Like I am not even the slightest bit gifted I just fluked my Mathematics test and I got in. 

One of the most important and not to mention, memorable parts of a Year 7's student's schooling in primary school is when you graduate. The teachers, staff, heck everyone makes such a big deal out of it bidding you farewell as you embark on your new journey which is called life. Wow, that sounded high-key philosophical. At the end of the year, there's a graduation ceremony; there's two parts to it, the one which the school bids you farewell and the other one after school where it's a full on like baptism and all where you have to write your own speech and basically making yourself seem really vain and prestigious. 

Let's start with the whole-school one; on the very last Thursday of the school year, we had to speak about our experiences and wrapping everything up. But my teacher was probably the most extra teacher I have ever had, her name was Mrs. W. I didn't really like her because she seemed like a really confronting person, but overall she was really cool. She decided to make our graduation rather different compared to previous ones; so we made graduation hats and we had to draw a design that has something to do with graduation. 

I had THE BEST design ever and I swear when I showed it to my teacher she was legit wheezing. It was a picture of Pepe the Frog crying with the caption, "don't cry because it's over smile because it happened". I legit had to draw this and stick it onto the top of my graduation hat. We also had to sing the "Graduation Song" and I legit cried because it was that bad. When we sung it to the whole school we were so monotone, and during the instrumental break we had to lean our heads forward and show our cringey-ass designs on top of our 10/10 quality cardboard graduation hats. Everyone was wheezing at mine I swear. 

We also had to present our oh-so-humble achievements in a 2 minute speech where you stand on top of those block things they have in primary school and someone else says some crap about you. I wish I did have a copy of everything that I did in primary school because that s**t was quality. So I basically wrote about my early life, like "Pho was born on (date) at (hospital), he attended (name) primary school since (year)". You were also supposed to write about your achievements, what you want to do in the future and who you thank for your journey through primary school. I was extremely vague in the people that I thanked in my speech, I legit wrote "Pho would like to thank everyone who has supported him on his journey through primary school". I thought it would be a bit cheesy to say literally everyone's name so I just narrowed it down.

 I think that primary school teachers need some more respect honestly; like you consider that they have to teach multiple subjects like Maths, English, (to an extent) Science, History, Civics and Citizenship, the list practically goes on. This is on top of having to manage the kid's behaviours which I can vouch for is really hard. I'm not saying that high school teachers have no stress compared to primary school but they have a lot more knowledge to understand and teach. Although it may not be as intense as a high school teacher. So please respect your teachers, especially your primary school teachers because they have to learn so much. Respect your teachers children, all of them.

This was all before the most important event, the nighttime presentation, this is where everyone legit tries to flex on each other with their formal-ass tuxedos and dresses. But it was really hard because everyone's families and the teachers were all expecting you to not stuff up and be like all mature and stuff. So I mentioned before that people were wearing tuxedos right? Well, I had a suit, but I grew out of it REAL quick. (commence side story) When I went to Vietnam when I was about 9 years old, I got a suit, since I was attending a wedding so you gotta look formal and stuff. (end) Well, it's been 6 years, and I went from like 145cm tall to 175cm. There was no way I was gonna fit a suit from when I was 9, unless I had some magical powers to shrink and become either smaller or 9 years old again. So my alternative was to wear this pink looking shirt with stripes and a pair of tan-coloured shorts. Out of all of my outfits back then, that's all I had that looked even close enough to being formal attire for a graduation.

Since my house was so close to the school, it took me 5 minutes to walk there at most, and I got ready 5 minutes before everything started. Everyone from my family was there, and they made such a big deal out of it, I don't know why though because it wasn't even the last day. So when I arrived, I looked pretty unordinary. Everyone was dressed in full on tuxedos, the girls were wearing full on makeup and dresses, and then there was me, the kid, in a pink shirt. It looked a bit weird at first but people really liked my outfit; in primary school, I was most definitely not close to any of the girls, my primary school friends was only the boys. So when you're approached by 5 girls asking to take photos with you, it was pretty freaking awkward. I will admit I am REALLY awkward, to this day I still am, but at least it was better than when I was in primary school. So my smile was basically an SOS sign to the camera people. When my family member was like "oh my god they're so pretty" (in Chinese), but it was weird as hell when the girls basically took minimal photos with any of the other guys, which I assure you were WAY better looking than I was. "Bro you're just bragging aren't you?" Okay, maybe a little bit, sue me. 

I think the best part of the "Graduation Ceremony" was when this guy, who didn't know what time to actually arrive at the hall ACTUALLY SHOWED UP. So we were reading out each other's speeches and the protocol for someone who wasn't there is to say "Unfortunately, this person couldn't be here with us today" which sounds liked someone died, but I'm not the one who wrote the script. After everyone was about to pack up, the guy who was supposed to show up finally did, and then everyone started WHEEZING, poor kid though, he wore like a tux and a red bowtie. After the Graduation Ceremony, everyone headed off to the BUFFET RESTAURANT LMAO. What I just told was only just the start of the shenanigans that took place on that day.

to be continued........

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