Get Out

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AN: I'm back! Thanks for all the support on my first book, and I hope that you enjoy the second one! This book is going to have a lot of potential trigger warnings. I apologize, but it'll be really hard to follow this story if you don't read them. So if you're sensitive to self harm, abuse, or assault, I suggest you shouldn't read this. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but it'll be really hard for me to do what I want with this story if I keep it completely G rated. I'll still put Trigger warnings before and after the sensitive parts, but if you skip them, it may be hard to follow. Just a notice. Also most all of this story will be in Anne's POV, considering the plot of it. Nevertheless, please enjoy this story! 💕
Anne's POV:

(Trigger Warning)

I don't remember much. Everything was a blur. A stressful, traumatic, scarring blur.

I felt a hand trailing forcefully down my waist. A hand colliding with my cheek. I remember being shoved, being beaten. I recall feeling vulnerable. I remember feeling pain. I was so scared. I didn't know what was happening, and I didn't know how to stop it. I had no idea. I just wanted it all to stop, to run to someone who could save me.

But there was no one like that for me. Not there. Not then.

I was stripped of my dignity. I experienced what no one should ever experience. Let alone a fourteen year old girl. One who had to literally live with it. To literally face what happened, who caused it, everyday.

I remember yelling, screaming for help. For someone to hear me. I felt nails digging into my skin. I asked, pleaded for them to stop. I woke up with a black eye the next day because I did.

Can you recall a feeling you remember having when you were younger? A scared one? It reminds you of when everything scared you, when you were innocent. Some people can recall that scared, traumatic feeling, but don't really remember when they felt it.

I remember exactly when.

Multiple 'whens.'

There were voices in my head. I had to tell them to get out. Always. And forever. After that moment.

The things I heard them say. They were things I would never wish on anyone to ever hear. The things I felt, emotionally and physically. I wasn't ready for. I didn't want it to be them. I didn't want that to be the image I always had.

I didn't want it.

Get out of my head. Get out.

I shut my eyes as hard as I could. But I couldn't seem to wake up.

A hand on my skirt, ripping it. Bruises on my face, from several punches. Being thrown down like a rag doll.

Get out. Get out!

"Get out...get out." I mumbled aloud, squinting my eyes even harder.
"Get out! Let go! Let me go! Stop!" I screamed, sobbing.
"Anne?" I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I couldn't tell what was real. I swatted it away.
"Let me go! Let go of me! I said no! Stop!" I felt tears running down my face fast, staining my shirt.

I felt an arm of each on my shoulders shaking me awake. I opened my eyes fast, widening them. My breathing was fast, and you could hear a shrill in my voice whenever I inhaled and exhaled. There was a thin line of beading sweat on my forehead.

"Are you ok?" I tried to say something but nothing would come out. "It's ok. Breathe." I counted in my head as I inhaled 1...2...3...and exhaled 1...2...3... I had to do that a couple times before I finally calmed down. When I did, I started crying softly and I threw myself around Phillip, catching him off guard at first.

(AN: Over)

"I'm sorry. Im s-sorry." I said as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"It's ok Anne. It's not your fault."

My nightmares had been becoming much more frequent lately. I wasn't sure why. I had no idea what was causing them to haunt me so consistently now.

Phillip's been taking it pretty hard. I haven't told him what they were about, which he respects, but I can tell it hurts him to see me in pain. And what hurts him even more is that he can't help me.

The first time it happened, Phillip didn't wake me, he just wrapped his arms around me. If I was aware of what was happening outside of my head, I would've let him do that. I would've known that it was an act of love and protection.

But I didn't.

I swatted his arms away, and yelled at him. I still don't know specifically what I said, since every time I ask Phillip, he gets really upset. Puts his hands in his hair, and looks away. As if he can't seem to understand how I could ever say whatever it is to said to anyone. Let alone the person I love more than anything.

I'm guessing it was somewhere along the lines of 'let go of me, I don't ever wanna see your face again,' or maybe 'don't ever touch me again, you bastard,' or even 'burn in hell you misogynistic son of a....' Well you get the idea.
I have a feeling it wasn't really what I said, but more the severity of the pain and fear in my voice when I said it.

"I'm sorry." I pull away from his shoulder to look him in the eyes.
"For what?"
"All of this." I said gesturing around our penthouse bedroom, to nothing in particular. "You don't deserve what I've put you through. I'm sorry that I made you go through this. That I'm making you go through this."

He looked at me with sad eyes, and then tucked a strand of my curly, unkempt hair behind my ear.

"I love you. Whatever this is," he mimicked my gesture, "we'll get through it. And I'm not letting you go through it alone." I smiled at him, and he could see it from the bright NYC moonlight and city street lights illuminating my face. 

"I love you too." I say as I throw my arms around him again, and this time, let him hold me.
AN: Sorry this chapter's a little short! I've been really busy, and I'm gonna have an even busier week this week so I might only be able to update once! I'm so sorry! But I promise (some of you in particular) are really going to love this story.

Also (if you guys want) I was maybe thinking about doing a Q&A. If you guys wanna know more about me. Because there are a lot of things you don't or wouldn't know about me. So if you guys have any specific questions, you can comment them, or message me. And if you don't, that's fine too, but lemme know if you guys would like a Q&A!

-Love you


Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now