"A Bloody Ending to a Bloody Life"

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(AN: This is not the end, just to let you know.)

Anne's POV:

It had been 2 years since I had the baby. She was beautiful. Tan skin, silky dark hair and soft brown eyes. She looked just like me. I stood over her crib, smiling at her peaceful body.

Phillip walked in smiling, getting breakfast started. I picked her up and walked over to him. He poked her nose and laughed, staring down at the scrambled eggs.

He looked up again about 5 seconds later. His face fell and he covered his mouth to stifle a scream.

"Wha-what is it? Phillip?" He was staring at the baby. I looked over at her questioningly and saw a large slit in her throat. She was bleeding out.

"I-oh my god! What's happening?!"

"Anne what did you do?!" My eyebrow softened a little.

What did I do?

"Phillip, I-I didn't do this!"

"How could you?! What did you do Anne?!"



I woke up screaming. Phillip was right beside me, a very concerned look on his face.

"Anne? Are you ok?" His blue eyes staring into mine. I wouldn't meet his gaze.

"What did I do what did I do. What did I do?" I whispered out loud to myself. I rolled out of bed.
"What did I do?"
"Anne what do you mean?"
"What did I do?" I walked out the bedroom.
"Anne? What are you talking about?" I put on my coat.
"What did I do?" I grabbed my purse.
"Anne?!" I looked at him and met his eyes.
"No. No I need to fix this. God what was I thinking. No no no no no. What did I do?" I walked out the door without another word. I heard Phillip call behind me but I didn't turn around, or answer, or blink.
I walked down the stairs, out the door, through the streets, and turned the corner. I saw her sitting there, staring straight ahead.

"Sit down Anne." I sat down. "Why the sudden change in heart?" I felt the tears well in my eyes.
"I-I I can't. I just I can't do it. I'm s-sorry."
"Anne you don't have to apologize to me. You just have to be ready." I nodded slightly, and looked at the ground.
"Have you told the father?" My head shot up.
"And why not?"
"You know why." She looked up, trying to recall the memory. She seemed...off.
"Oh yes that's right." After a slight pause she looked me straight in the eye. "Would you like me to tell you?" My jaw dropped a little.
"Y-y-yes! Please."
"Do you know the date today?"
"Um...January 7th?"
"Do you remember November 9th?"
"Yes." I blushed. It was a memorable night between Phillip and I. (AN: That's all I'll say for you fetuses out there.)
"Do you remember November 12th?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I thought. And thought. And thought. I looked up.
"No." I said, surprised with myself. She shook her head.
"You were raped." I covered my mouth. It was real. Oh god. Oh my god.
"Anne, I know you don't completely remember. But one of those nights was the night your child was conceived." It took me about three minutes for this information to sink in.
"Why can't you tell me which one." She sighed.
"Because I don't know." I shook my head, standing up in frustration.
"Who was it?"
"Who was it?! Who did that to me?!"
"I think you know." She said. I sat down. More like collapsed. She took my hand in hers.
"Talk to Phillip, Anne. You never understand how many lives you can save by telling the truth. Well...until it's too late." She looked down. She was trying to tell me something. I couldn't tell what.
"Just...the next chance you get...talk to him." I nodded.
"Ok." I stood up, and turned to leave. "Goodbye."

I walked back to the apartment. And closed the door behind me. There was a note on the counter.

Went to get groceries so we don't starve :)
I'm sorry about this morning. I hope you're ok now. I'll be back as soon as I can.

-Love you, Phillip.

I sat down at the piano. And began to play.
(Third person POV:)

The New York Times

Female Abortionist Madame Restell Commits Suicide Today.

Her nude body was found half submerged in her bathtub by her chambermaid, her throat cut ear to ear. House servants told reporters she had been restless and despondent, pacing her home in a crying wreck. "Why do they persecute me so? I have done nothing to harm anyone." Anthony Comstock, the man who outlawed abortion, thought her suicide was a cruel joke. When he learned it was true, he reached for his file on Ann Trow Lohman and added a final comment.

"A bloody ending to a bloody life."
AN: Well that's depressing. But it's true. She did commit suicide. Who's baby do you guys think it is? Who do you want it to be? Thanks for reading!


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