One Question

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Anne's POV:

Everything was a blur. A stressful, traumatic, scarring blur.

I wasn't exactly sure where I was. All I knew was that it was better than being near Phillip.

I found myself at a crossroad. An intersection I didn't know existed. 74th street and...Ann Street.

I stared at the sign for what seemed to be an hour. It was probably only about ten seconds. I walked up to it and in a fit of screaming rage kicked the pole, and tugged on the sign with all my might fueled from rage until it bent.

I slowly sank down next to it and cried. I hadn't been actively aware of the people around me until I looked up and found people staring at the sad scene in front of them.

I slowly stood up, not bothering to wipe my tears. I felt the cold, dry air setting against them, freezing them against my cheeks as they evaporated, leaving nothing but traces of dry skin and a memory of sadness.

I looked up across the street and felt a wave of memories come crashing down on me as I stared at the place where it all began, all lit up, bright. Music played from the inside. The oddities must've been rehearsing.

I walked across the street. I saw a reflection of myself, and for just a split second, a small fraction of a moment I saw a spark in my eye. It disappeared as quickly as it had showed, however. I shook my head and sighed before walking through the door.

I see Lettie coaching and directing the other oddities in the ring, where my brother, unwillingly, follows her direction. I smile lightly, missing coming here.

(AN: holy frick frack I just remembered that in the last book the frickin building burned down but I completely forgot. Eh just pretend it didn't. Oops.)

Not wanting to be noticed, I turn right and walk up a staircase, lightly humming Rewrite the Stars as a wave of nostalgia hit me. I walked around the entire ring, watching as the oddities rehearsed until I reached the staircase near my old dressing room.

I hesitantly went down it, and slowly but surely made my way to my room. The door still had the same knob, the vanity still had one lightbulb that was out, and the small twin bed still had the same broken down old comforter, which I took a seat on.

I sighed, taking in the cozy feeling of this room, and who I was when I used to regularly use it.

"Anne?" I jump, turning my head in a quick flash to see who was standing in the threshold.
"...Lettie. Uh...hi." She walked in.
"Oh heavens it's been so long since I've seen you. How are you?"
"I'm...ok. I've been better. Here come, sit down." She sat down on the other side of the twin bed.
"Where's Phillip? I haven't seen him in a week."
"Don't know." The tone in my voice must have sounded very annoyed and dismissive because her reaction was quite shocked.
"Anne did something happen?" I looked at the floor.
"Maybe. Yes. I don't really wanna talk about it." I say standing up and taking off my coat seeing as how hot the room was getting. I set my coat on the chair. When I turned around Lettie's eyes widened, and she wasn't looking me in the eye. Not knowing what she was so surprised about, I asked.
"What is it?"
"Anne are you...are you pregnant?"
"...oh. Um yeah."
"Anne that's wonderful! How far along?"
"5 months."
"Oh dear! Did you find out the gender yet?"
My face fell.
"Well. I was supposed to today, but I never around to it." She quirked one eyebrow up.
"It's a long story."
"Well I have t-"

Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now