...help me

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AN: So I was thinking of writing another fanfic or maybe even an original story. Lemme know if you guys would wanna see that. I was thinking about writing like a Wyatt X Lucy (Timeless). Or maybe a Calvin X Meg (A Wrinkle in Time) because there aren't that many good ones of that particular ship. If I were to write an original story it would probably be similar to 13 Reasons why. But of course, I would make I different...and better 😏. No offense Jay Asher.
Anyway I'm back! I'm not dead!
Anne's POV:

I rolled out of bed in a slurred groan. Literally falling out of bed. My hair was mussed and weirdly crimped and tangled. My face was flushed and I had sheet lines all across my face and arms.

My body temperature felt unusually high, almost like a little flame in my veins, pulsing through it. It wasn't an intense heat. More of a small, constant flame that made me feel warm and content.

It was one of those mornings.

Feeling a little nauseated, I got up from the carpeted floor, the harsh wool slightly irritating my skin. I walked down the hallway to my left, and felt my feet freeze up when they hit the linoleum floor. Hating the feeling, I quickly moved them to the little blue carpet I had put  in front of the sink.

I looked up at myself in the mirror. God I look terrible. I had dark circles around my eyes, and scaly skin from the harsh weather outside clashing with my constantly sweating forehead and cheeks, which were flustered deeply.

I hopped in the shower and rinsed myself off. Usually I would be singing something. I haven't been the past couple weeks. Singing was something I did out of happiness, pure joy. I haven't felt real joyful the past couple weeks.

I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I opened the door a crack to let the steam out, and wiped off a little part of the mirror with the edge of my towel.

I grabbed some face lotion out of the drawer and applied it lightly on my fragile face. It burned. It didn't matter how cautious I was with it, how little I used, how delicate the lotion, it still burned my face.

I let it sink in a little, and then splashed some cold water in my face in attempt to ease the painful burning sensation. My skin felt like slimy because of it, so I dabbled it gently with a hand towel.

I wrapped my hair, and walked back into my room. I still felt tired and slowed. Usually the shower kind of wakes me up. But not today. Not after the night I've had.

I threw on some loose clothes. I didn't feel like going to work today. I know that it would be childish to lie and say that I was sick. But I actually do feel a little physically ill.

I walked out of my room and turned the corner to our kitchen. I saw Phillip making breakfast. I smiled warmly at the gesture. Once the smell of bacon hit me I smiled lightly. He turned around.
"Mornin' beautiful." I smiled. And then I frowned. I looked around a little, before putting a hand over my mouth. His eyebrows furrowed with concerned and he set down the pan that was cooking scrambled eggs to walk over to me.
"Anne?" I felt my stomach churn. Finally knowing what was wrong, I turned around quickly, and sprinted to the bathroom. I heard Phillip call my name behind me. I ran into the bathroom, and almost tripped over myself before landing on the cold floor with a thud.

I threw the lid up. And threw up. I felt a hand on my back, rubbing gently in circles. Phillip grabbed a hair tie off the small bathroom counter and gently pulled my hair into a loose, sloppy pony-tail. He was never really good at it. But it was cute that he tried.

I looked up at him and smiled sadly. He returned it and sat down next to me. He put his arm around my small frame and pulled me in closer. I laid my head on his chest gently, listening to his heartbeat.

Feeling a little better, I stood up and shooed him away so that I could get rid of my insides via the flush of a toilet, and freshen myself up a little. After I did so, I walked back into my room and started putting on my under clothes.

Phillip stood at the door, a little confused at first before he walked over to me and put his hands on my waist. When I didn't look at him at first, he put his hand under my chin and made me look him in the eye.

"I called you in sick." I'm not sure what look I gave him but it made him respond like so. "There is no way I'm letting you go to work when you're obviously very sick, Anne."
"No. It's too dangerous for someone who literally flies through the air for a living to go to work in your condition."

I looked at him for what seemed like a long time. The bright sunlight shining through our bedroom window. Before I felt something wash over me. I started crying, sobbing, blubbering.

"B-but I can't m-iss work Ph-Phillip." He looked at me with a look I've never seen before. It was like he didn't know what to do exactly. It was so...un-Phillip like.
"I'm so tired of this!" I felt myself screaming. "I didn't do this to myself! I don't deserve this! Do I?"
"No!" He quickly responded back, grabbing my face. I spoke gentler this time.
"What is wrong with me?" I let out in a sheer whisper. "...help me. Please. I need help, Phillip. I do." I felt my lip quiver as I said what I felt I needed to hold in for so long.
He pulled me in so tightly it's almost like he threw himself around me. The more he pulled me in, the more I cried. I felt secure as if he could muffle my cries enough so that no one would ever hear them. It was such a weird sense and feeling of security.

But something that surprised me deeply was that it wasn't long before I felt him sobbing. I could tell he was trying to keep it in. I pulled away to look at him. He wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Phillip." He still wouldn't. "Phillip! Phillip, look at me!" He turned his head towards me reluctantly. I had never seen him like this. I shook my head a little, in complete unbelievably.

"Phillip?" He looked at me deeply.
"I love you. It kills me inside to see you go through this. You don't deserve it..." he trailed off, his voice cracking as he bit his lip. I grabbed under his chin lightly to make him face me. Before I put my hand along his jawline.

All I ever had to do. Was kiss him. He understood everything after that brief, reassuring moment. He grabbed my hands as I pulled them away slowly from his face.

"I love you too." I said, as he pulled me in again, gentler this time. As if he felt I would break under his touch.
AN: Eh, it's ok. It could've been better. Thanks for reading it though! Lemme know what you guys thought of this. I thought it would be interesting to (finally) see Phillip's venerable side. Lemme know what you thought of that!

Oh and if you guys have any more questions for the Q&A, go ahead and shoot! Also don't forget to tell me what other books/ fanfics you would like to see from me since this one is (sadly) wrapping up in about 12 chapters.

Love you


Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now