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Anne's POV:

I opened the door to my apartment building, starting to walk towards the stairs. I looked down at the small velvet pouch in my hand.
"One each day keeps the baby at bay." I remembered her creepy rumplestillskin rhyme.

I hadn't even realized that I stopped walking. Snapping out of my trance, I continued up the stairs to the apartment.

I opened the door and sat down on the couch. I looked around for Phillip but I didn't see him. He must've went to the store. We're almost out of food. I opened the small pouch and took out one of the blue capsules.

They were oddly mesmerizing to look at. They looked like glistening mixed blue sands trapped in a small plastic case. I wondered what secrets those minerals hid. What they would really do to my body. I was just about to close the pouch and admit to myself that this was crazy when I felt something.


Then it hit me. The morning sickness, my other illnesses, the sleepless nights. I couldn't have a baby. Especially not now. Especially not in my condition. I took a pill out and filled a glass with water. I sat down at the counter and I stared at a small daisy in a flower pot by the windowsill above the sink.

It was then that I noticed how still and silent everything was. I didn't hear a single sound. And if I'm being honest it was a little frightening. I broke the silence with a sigh. And put the pill in my mouth.

Tears flew out of my eyes fast and freely, but I had no expression. I held it in my mouth for a good ten seconds before I picked up the water glass and drank every last drop. I slammed the glass down on the counter, making myself flinch. I continued to cry, but I ignored it.

I felt a knot tie in my stomach. Ow ow ow what is that? I got up, and felt a huge wave of nausea hit me. I started toward the bathroom, but became disoriented when I rush of dizziness washed over me. I tripped over the wood step, and hit my head on the shaggy rug. I heard my heartbeat in my ears and a blaring, continuous pounding replayed in my head for what felt like eternity. Breathe Anne. Breathe. 1...2...3......3...2...1... I opened my eyes and felt my symptoms dying down. My nausea was still present and a cold sweat broke out over my entire body.

After a few more minutes I stood up, and noticed something for the first time. There was a piano in the corner by the window. Oh. Phillip must've got it. The piano was beautiful. It was jet black and shiny and had an opened top. I could see every single string and ran my fingers across them lightly. The keys were whiter and better shaped than my teeth, and it had a single Golden label above middle C.

I sat down at the black wooden bench and let nostalgia take me over.

Phillip's POV:

I ran. Sprinted. I still wasn't exactly sure who/What I was running from. But all I knew was he was after Anne. Anne had never mentioned much about her slaver, but I can tell it wasn't a good relationship. The bastard didn't seem to realize that she wasn't his property anymore. Slavery was abolished.

I tripped over a couple concrete layers, but didn't stop running. I glanced down and noticed my hand was still bleeding. How deep did I cut? I almost missed the turn to our street, but I made a last second turn. When I reached the apartment building I stopped to catch my breath.

I made my way up the stairs and opened our apartment door quietly. I heard a piano playing and soft singing.

"I'm trying to hold my breath.
Let it stay this way.
Can't let this moment end."

Anne's voice was beautiful. I almost forgot. It had been so long since she sang freely like that. I didn't know she could play piano. And I didn't know we had one.

I shut the door a bit louder so she would hear me. She stopped playing and turned around.
"Phillip!" She got up and ran over to me.
"Hey." She took me by surprise by hugging me tightly and crying a little. A panic pulsed through me and I pulled her away to look at her.
"Anne what's wrong?" She smiled.
"Nothing I'm just so glad you're home." She said hugging me again. What the hell happened when I was gone?

She pulled away for air and noticed my hand.
"Oh god Phillip you're bleeding! What happened?"
"It's just a splinter." I left a lot out. I didn't wanna worry her. She went and grabbed some bandages and anesthetic. She tended to my "wound" and then walked back over to the piano. She started to play a Beethoven piano sonata.
"Remember this?" She asked, referring to that night on the boat.
"Of course I do. That was the night I knew I was in love with you." She stopped playing and looked back up at me.
"Really?" I took her hand in mine.
"That night I saw every side of you. I took every ounce in my body not to hold you when I told you about my parents. It took every ounce in me not to scream when you passed out in my arms. It took every ounce in me not to kiss you when you asked me to stay with you. And when you fell asleep, I couldn't stop myself from confessing my love to you on that night. I knew that I loved you then. And I said it."

A tear slipped out of her eye. And she laid against my chest.
"I love you." She says
"I love you more."
"Impossible." She giggles and pulls away. I wipe the tears from off her face.
"Hey Phillip?"
"Yes Anne?"
"Where did you get this piano? It's so beautiful." I furrowed my eyes brows.
"Anne, I didn't buy this piano." Her eyes widened and confusion plastered her face. Her expression was concerning me.
"Anne what is it?" She furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at the keys before looking back up at me.
"It was here when I got home."
AN: OOOH SPOOKAY. Yay I finally had an actual interesting-ish chapter! Hope you enjoyed! The plot only thickens from here. 😂😂😂 Ha me trying to be suspenseful. I crack myself up.


Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now