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Anne's POV:

I walked out the door, thinking about what she had said. I had no idea what I was going to do. What am I going to tell Phillip? Do I tell him about all of it? Or just the pregnancy? Or even that at all? I had no idea what to do.

Everything around me looked weirdly different now. The colors were a little richer, but faded, and the sounds were muffled, but piercing. My vision was blurred, but sharp. Everything just looked so weirdly...different.

I walked down Ann Street, and didn't even think about it. But at the same time I did. I couldn't really explain it. I walked past the lamppost I had just touched a couple hours ago, that now had a completely different meaning.

Do you ever just think back to who you were right before something life-changing happened? Looking back on it you just seem so oblivious, so innocent. You don't even realize how much your life could change in just a matter of days, hours, minutes, even seconds.

I walked through crisp winter New York City air, feeling the now setting sun on my face. I started thinking through every possible reaction to every possible thing I could tell Phillip.


I closed the door behind me, turning to face Phillip who was sitting at the counter reading Pride and Prejudice. Aw he took my book. He looked up at me, setting his book down to walk over.
"How did it go Anne?" His eyes were oddly hopeful, full of happiness and utterly energetic. The expression on my face made them darken a little.
"Um. I have some things I need to tell you." He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Ok what is it?" He asked grabbing my hands.
I thought about what I should say to him. I thought and thought and thought. Everything seemed to slow a little as I made up my mind.
"Uh...I'm pregnant." His eyes, full of energy seemed to light up.
"R-really?" He stuttered, smiling wide.
"Yes Phillip." In one swift motion, he grabbed my waist, and spun me around, tears in his eyes.
"We're gonna have a baby." He said, shedding a tear out of his piercing blue eyes. I nodded, putting my forehead against his.

Or it could be completely different...


"I'm pregnant." I waited for him to say something, anything. "Phillip? Did you hear me?" Suddenly his eyes turned so dark. Just full of despair, regret and anger.
"What did you say?"
"I don't want it! I don't want any of it Louise!"
My eyes widened. I felt an utter wave of uncontrollable panic pulse through me. I shook, and felt my eyes fill with burning hot tears.
"W-what did you just call me?"

I put a hand on my throbbing head, tripping over my own feet. I looked up, realizing I wasn't exactly sure where I was. Phillip's ridicule and judgement sill clouded my head.

"I bet the baby isn't even mine. With you going out there getting every man lucky whether you like it or not, I doubt that it's even my responsibility."

I felt tears falling down my face, so fast. I couldn't control anything that I did. I couldn't control my crying, my volume level, where I was going, moving my body in general. I felt myself trip, and hit something. I couldn't tell if it was a lamppost, a wall, or even a person.

"I know what he did to you. I know everything. Let me just say that you honestly deserved it. It was your fault that it happened anyway. You're no use to anyone in your life. All you ever do is bother people with your problems. No one wants to hear it Louise-"
"That is NOT my name!" I scream, staring at His angered, vengeful face, as I felt myself shatter into several million pieces.

No. Get out. Please stop. I can't take it. I was laying on the ground, hopefully not in anyone's way. The last thing I need is to prove his point. I felt myself hyperventilating. Phillip in my head was not helping. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think of something that would make me calm down. But instead, something...new was put in my mind.

I wasn't fourteen. Not this time.

I was saying no.

But they weren't stopping.

They were saying things.

Their voice was familiar.

When...when was this..?

It was dark, but there was a faint presence of light. There was a sickly nostalgic familiarity to the whole situation.

I didn't remember it.

But somehow I knew. I just knew. That it had happened. But when?

I was screaming. I was begging. I was in pain. They didn't care. I saw a glimpse of my scarf on the floor. I knew exactly which one it was. And exactly where it was now. That scarf was given to me last Christmas from Charity and Phin.

I wasn't fourteen this time.

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, I forced myself to think of something happier.


Everything was so still, so quiet. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The air around me felt crisply dense. Almost like I was literally lighter than air. I felt my legs gripping the trapeze as I swung up. I reached out with my hand, somehow knowing that I was reaching out to the soon to be most important person in my life.

I would love you. I would fight for you. I would defend you. I would die for you. I could never lie to you.

When I saw his face, I literally felt something inside me shift. Almost like the air around me became lighter, and all of its density was converted, and forced into a deep level of magic, pushed into the center of my heart. The density was there for a long time.

But it was set free. When I first touched you.

And when I first kissed you, Then I felt lighter than air. Like I could fly away.

I love you.

I breathed in 1...2...3... and breathed out 1...2...3... I repeated it, again, and again, until I opened my eyes, and scrambled to my feet.

I walked down the block, turned into my building, feeling the heat hit me, making me melt a little. I walked up the stairs, walked down the hallway, and stopped at the door.

What the hell am I gonna tell him?

I put my hand on the doorknob, took the biggest deep breath of my life, and turned it gently.

I walked in, closed the door behind me, turning to face Phillip who was sitting at the counter reading Pride and Prejudice. He did take my book... He turned around to face me, and looked up at me, setting his book down to walk over.
"How did it go Anne?" His eyes were oddly hopeful, full of happiness and utterly energetic. Just like I predicted... His eyes turned dark at the sight of my face.

And then I collapsed. I cried, and sobbed, and wailed. He held me tight, and picked up my small, frail body, and took me into our room, where he held me tighter than he ever had.
AN: Not much of an AN for this chapter, just a small clarification. I'm sorry if 'Phillip's' ridicule offended any of you, I just wanted to clarify that in the 1800's, men and women were hardly seen as equals. So with the very little awareness of sexual abuse/harassment, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that women were most likely blamed for it, since they still kind of are today, a couple hundred years later. Anyways, other than that, lemme know what you guys thought of this. I really appreciate the feedback. 💕


Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now