Madame Restell

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AN: I'm so sorry. I've been so busy. I promise (since now schools done) I'll be updating much more frequently.

This chapter contains a brief history lesson. (You can skip it if you want.)

Madame Restell was one of the only abortionists in the 19th century. She was considered evil, and infamous. She (conveniently) worked on the streets of New York, where this story takes place.

Her methods were to give out medicines that could induce miscarriages. The medicines would give various side effects such as dizziness, nausea, mental illnesses, and vomiting. If that didn't work, she would perform an abortion. (I'm not sure how...the article didn't exactly say...but I can work with that.)

I am going to give her some psychic abilities that she didn't actually have. Her history in his story isn't completely accurate. But for more info, you can look up "abortions in the 19th century." Ya know, if you care.
Anne's POV:

I had left WD's a couple minutes ago. I was feeling especially emotionally drained. And it was only 10 in the morning.

I looked down, and I realized that I was starting to show. I folded my arms over my stomach. I still had no idea what to do. I still didn't know whose it was.

I turned a corner and heard whispering. I started walking faster, attempting to avoid whatever it may be. A robbery, a drug deal, my own insanity playing over again in my head. Whatever it was, I didn't wanna deal with it.

The whispering didn't stop, instead it sounded more clear. Like all the other sound in this loud city abruptly stopped. I turned my head hesitantly and followed the whisper.

I crossed the street, and walked around a pole used to hold the bridge above me up. I saw a woman sitting cross-legged in front of a crystal ball. She had dark wavy hair, and was wearing a brown, worn-down robe. She looked like she was concentrating on something.

"Yes Anne?" Ok I'm not even gonna ask she has a crystal ball. Of course she knows my name.
" I here?" She opened her eyes finally, and looked up at me. Her eyes were a little scary. I couldn't exactly determine what color they were. At first they looked brown. Then they looked green. Then I saw a tint of violet. It was very easy to get lost in them. Creepy. Hypnotizing actually.
"You're here because you're in quite a situation."
"And I think you want me to help." She said easing a suggestive eyebrow. Creepy. But hypnotizing actually.
"Great." She said closing her eyes gently and putting a hand on her crystal ball. I stared at her questioningly. She opened her eyes again. "Well, sit." She said as if it were obvious. I scrambled to sit down, staring at her.

She closed her eyes again, and put one hand on the crystal ball, she reached out and grabbed my hand unexpectedly. I flinched at the unexpected contact, but didn't pull away. After about the longest, most awkward minute of my life, I heard her speak.

"Ok..?" I answered back in confusion.
"I know everything." My eyes widened.
"What?" She chuckled.
"Don't be scared Anne, now I can help you." I narrowed my eyes in skepticism.
"No. I don't believe you."
"Ok look Anne, I can tell you if the baby's Phillip's or I can get rid of it if it isn't. Is that not what you want?" My jaw dropped.
"H-how did y-"
"Is that what you want?" thought about it for a second. It was pretty fool proof. I was pretty sure she could determine who's baby it was. Considering what just happened.
"Yes." I said, trying to sound sure of myself, even though I wasn't.
"Alrighty then." She grabbed my hands again, and I did my best to pretend I wasn't thoroughly freaked out. It had been about ten seconds before I realized something.
"What's your name?" She opened her eyes, a little comically exasperated.
"Ann Trow Lohman. But you can call me Madame Restell." I nodded a little.
"What exactly do people call you...for?" I had no idea who she was or what she did. She didn't answer me.
"Oh, Anne." She said opening her eyes again.
"Oh I'm so sorry for what you had to go through." What exactly was she talking about?
"Oh um it's ok...tha-" she put her hand up, silencing me.
"I have your information." I could feel my eyes widen.
"You're sure you wanna know this?" Why wouldn't I..?
"Um yes. I'm sure."
"The baby is.." Oh dear god.

I wasn't sure if I had heard her right. I wasn't sure if I had heard her at all. Get out of your own head Anne! Who did she say? When? She's telling you right now Anne! Listen!

"Anne?" I shook my head as if to tell myself to snap out of it.
"Did you hear what I said?"
"Um y-yeah. Yeah I did." I lied
"Well I'll tell you one more thing. The baby won't make it." I put a hand over my mouth, muffling my gasp.
"Are you saying..?" She furrowed her eyebrows.
"What? No Anne! Goodness you're such a drama queen." I put on a confused face, she continued.
"It won't make it because you came to me. Which means you don't want it." I looked down at my little bump and then back up at her.
"I can get rid of it for you."

Phillip's POV:

I was sitting on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. I set down Pride and Prejudice and got up.
"Just a second." I said as I moved towards the door.

I was hoping it was Anne. I didn't know where she'd gone but she didn't tell me she was going anywhere last night. She didn't leave a note this morning or have anything on the calendar. She doesn't need to tell me. But I'm just worried about her.

I hear the knock again. Whoever it was, they're not very patient. I walked over to the door and turned the knob to open it.

I saw a face I didn't recognize.
"Hi...can I help you?"

That was all I remembered. Before it got dark.
AN: Welp I did it. I finally updated. I'm so sorry it took so long and this chapter wasn't even that good. It was actual crap. Like I'm really sorry. This ones more of a setup for the next few.

I submitted my story(s) to watty's 2018! I mean it probably won't get very far but I figured I'd try.

Thanks for reading!


Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now