Um...ok so heres the deal (please read)

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So storytime. I was at swim practice today and they started playing tightrope and I almost fell in the pool.

As I was swimming, I started to think back to when I first saw the movie and how it made me feel. It made me think back to when I first created B R O K E N; free. I remembered being really really freakin happy. I was really excited about writing. Even by the end of the book, I was still really excited about writing.

But now...I don't feel the same way.

That doesn't mean I won't finish this story because I'm not an effin quitter. But if you guys noticed the chapters were getting more dense, then that's why.

I'm a little upset at the plot line approach that I took. I could've made the story much better. And more like the first one that everyone (including myself) seemed to like much more.

So I'm mad at myself. And I'm really upset at my choices.

But I know that, despite what I think, people still really seem to like this story. So I'm not gonna stop writing it.

But, very sadly, my passions kind of gone.

-I'm sorry. Erin💕

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Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now