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Anne's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling sick...again. Philip had made me make an appointment at the nearest clinic for 12 PM that day. I glanced at the clock 10:53.

Sighing, I rolled out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I took a shower, put my hair in a bun and put on some comfy clothes. I walked out of my room, and sat down at our charming table. I turned around and glanced at my pink gloves. I miss you. I thought as I blinked away a non-existing tear.

Have you ever looked up so longingly and sadly that you expected yourself to cry, but for one of many possible reason, you just couldn't bring yourself to?

I turned back around and faced my plate of food. I noticed Phillip, but I waited for him to say something.

"Good morning." He said. I just smiled back, not really looking him in the eyes.
"You ok?"
"Yeah." I responded back a little too cheerfully. I was tired of bringing other people down for something that I was doing to myself.

I picked up my fork and put it into my scrambled eggs. I took a single bite before looking at the clock on the microwave. 11:37.

"Oh! I gotta go." I said climbing off the velvet stool, and grabbing my clutch. "Don't wanna miss the appointment." I kissed him on his stubbly cheek, before walking towards the door.
"I love you." I heard him say.
"I love you too." I said without looking back.
I opened the door and closed it as if I was walking away quickly. I put my back up against the door and slid down it slowly. Tears fell out of my eyes silently. But I got up, wiped them away, and walked to the stairs.

I weaved through the streets, the ones filled with unnoticed possibilities. I walked past the museum, and I heard familiar songs of happiness and joy that took me back to when I was younger and naive.

I put my hand on a lamppost and swung around it, feeling a slight breeze on my face. I hummed Rewrite the Stars lightly, enjoying the slight feeling of freedom I received from that moment. I knew that it would probably be the closest I ever got to trapeze again.

Sighing, I continued walking until I reached the clinic. I walked in, and approached the desk clerk. She barely looked up at me.

"Name?" She asked coldly. I cleared my throat a little.
"Anne Wheeler." She glanced up at me annoyed.
"That's not what your insurance says." I looked down at her, nervous. I haven't said my full name in about eight years. I hated it. I hated saying it. After what happened. I felt beading sweat on my forehead, and my breathing quickened.
"What's your full name?"
"Um...uh." She glanced up at me again, staring into me. After what felt like eternity, I managed to croak it out.
"Louise Annabelle Jackson."
"Have a seat." I quickly sat down, catching my breath. I hated that name. I hated Louise. I hated who she was, what she did, who she gave in to. I hated her. I watched as the dark spots that had previously clouded my vision had subsided.

I stared at the wall, trying to forget the things that clouded my mind after having said that name. It felt like about ten minutes had passed when I heard not my name but that name.

"Louise?" I heard a kind sounding voice say. I flinched at a voice calling me that.
"P-please, call me Anne."
"Ok, Anne, follow me please." I hesitantly trailed behind her until we reached a room.
"Please sit down." I listened and sat down on the cheap feeling paper. She pulled out a binder and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw it.
"Anne when was the last time you went to a doctor?" I looked up and touched my fingers to my thumb, counting off the years. I looked back down at her when I had my answer.
"18 years ago. After my parents died." Her jaw literally dropped.
"Ok we're gonna need to run some tests."

Test after test, machine after machine, picture after picture, question after question. I didn't really pay attention. There was just one question that really woke me up.
"Anne..." she sounded nervous, and she's a doctor, so that's not a good sign. "Are you sexually active?"

I can't explain how I felt in that moment. I knew the answer, but I felt like she wouldn't be asking unless she had a reason to. I knew that I shouldn't lie, but I was scared of what each answer could, and would result in.

"...n-no." She raised an eyebrow.
"Have you been in the past?" She asked as she marked something on my chart.
"...n-n-no?" She didn't look up as she marked it again.
"Are you sure?" I sighed.
"Anne this is a safe place. You can tell me anything, and I not only don't want to, but legally can't tell anyone." I sighed.
"I was. A while back."
"Can you tell me when exactly?" She asked as she scribbled out my previous 'no.'
"Um, about 8 years ago?" I said as I scratched my head.
"Ok. We just have one more test to do. It'll be quick."

I didn't pay attention to that test either. I just kinda went through the motions.

"Ok, Anne," She said in an uncomfortable tone as she pulled out my chart yet again. "I have some news." I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. "I just want you to have this," She said as she pulled out her business card. I took it and put it in my coat pocket and attentively waited for her to continue.

"Don't let what I'm about to tell you change you as a person. From what I've seen so far, you're a kind, gentle person. You can get through this." I felt my jaw hang open a little, my lip quivering as tears filled my eyes. "Would you like to hear about your mental or physical health first?" I cleared my throat a little before meeting her eyes. "M-mental."

She sighed and glanced at the chart once more. "You have severe depressive disorder, and minor insanity. It's hard for patients to overcome but..." I stopped listening. I completely tuned out. There really was something wrong with me. "We can explore different options in the future if it gets to be too difficult to resolve itself."

"What else is wrong with me?"

She sighed again. "We have detected something quite concerning."
"What is it?"
"You have a rare form of HIV, caused by sexual transmission. It's one of the rarest forms of HIV 1, known as -N."
"What does that mean?"
"Well it's not fatal by itself, but you're much more sensitive to common colds and bacteria."
"Okay." I said, tying to be strong as I gathered the few things I had brought and started towards the door of the small room.
"Miss Jackson, we're not done here." I turned around, a little stunned.
"There's still more news."
"Well, What is it?" I said putting my purse back down on the chair.
"You're pregnant. Congratulations."
AN: I'm so sorry it's been way too long since I've updated. Hopefully I'll be able to release two chapters because I have a lot planned for the next one. Hope you guys enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!


Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now