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Anne's POV:

"Oh my god." I say in between sobs as we both sink the floor in the doorway.

"Louise? Baby lemme look at you." She pulled my head off of her shoulder and took in my matured face.

"I've missed you so much Mom. And please, call me Anne." She looked a little confused but nodded. Soon my confusion started to take me over. "I thought- I though you were dead? W-where's Dad? Did you know that WD lived here-"
"Lo- Anne," she caught herself, "Dad passed away about eight years ago. He was sick." My lip quivered a little.

"O-oh. Ok-kay." Deciding not to stay on the subject, she changed it.

"Anne, honey, what brings you here?"

"Well I came to see WD, but I couldn't remember what apartment was his. I reached into my coat pocket and there was a little slip of paper that had this apartment number on it. I thought it was his so I knocked on the door. When I heard your voice I knew it wasn't his, but it sounded familiar." I explained in one breath.

"Can I see that?" She asked, motioning towards the slip of paper. I nodded and handed it to her. "How did this get here?" She asked curiously.

"I honestly have no idea. I may have asked for it, or someone put it there or...something." I shook my head a little. She looked concerned so I decided to explain.

"I'm uh, I'm clinically insane." Her eyes widened, so I continued reassuringly. "I'm fine. But I just sometimes can't really tell what's real and what's not. It's like this weird reality-dysfunction-amnesia." I looked up out of my deep thought and saw I had made her more confused. Empathizing with her confusion, I looked her in the eye and said "it's weird."

She shook her head but she seemed to understand.

"Is that what you came to tell WD about?"

"Well, no...yes...kinda? It's a long story and there's a lot that I need to tell him." She nodded. "Have you spoken to him? Did you know that he lived in this complex?"

"Well I knew he lived here but I didn't want to intrude right away. So I bought an apartment in this complex and figured I'd wait to talk to him. Or maybe by chance he would be the one to talk to me." I nodded. It made sense. If I was in her position, I would never just go and knock on his door either.

"Well, Anne, you should go talk to him."

"Do you wanna come?" She looked a little shocked. I could tell she did. She really did. But she was going to say no. I could tell she didn't feel it was appropriate yet. She shook her head and I nodded.

"I'll come back? In a week at the longest?" She nodded.

"I'd like that." I smiled lightly and stood up. I walked out the door and waved as I closed it gently. I just saw my mom for the first time in fifteen years...wow. I walked across the hall, trying hard to concentrate on which apartment was his. I closed my eyes and tried to remember. Have I been here before? Is it just one of those things that I can't remember?

I saw a single flash of light. A simple picture. An apartment plate. With a number. 302. Is that it? Did I just make that up? God what is happening to me? I took a chance and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and my mind started to take me over.

Oh God where do I start? What do I say first? The pregnancy? The depression? The insanity? The rape? The fact that the rapist could be the father if I didn't make that situation up in my crazy, sick mind?

I watched the door open, and sure enough there he stood.
"Anne! It's so good to see you! How are you?" I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.
"Um. Uh."
"Are you ok?"
AN: Ok I lied. Not a whole lot happened this chapter. But the next 2 are really crazy. A lot coming (hopefully) . I'll probably have it out by tonight. I might even have 2 more out. Thanks for reading! (Even though this one kind of sucked)

Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now