Doctors visits

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AN: Hey guys just letting you know: I'm gonna be having an authors Q&A at the end of this book so if you have any questions about the story or me then lemme know. Also would you guys wanna see a third book? It would focus around Anne's child who I'm thinking will be smart, sentimental, and a little stubborn. It would probably be a romance (and of course involve Phillip as an overprotective father.) So if you would like to see that, then lemme know that as well! Ok carry on. 💕

Anne's POV:

"...I'm pregnant." His eyes widened. God only knows what was going on in his head.


I couldn't quite read his face. He looked surprised. But I couldn't put my finger on what else. Don't be mad. Don't leave me. Don't call me Louise. I should probably say something now...ok so do that.

"I have been for about 5 months. I was trying to tell you sooner but some other things got in the-" he cut me off from my rambling.

"Anne! That's...that's amazing!" He stands up and hugs me tightly, but being careful of my stomach. Oh thank god. Oh I love you.

"We're gonna have a baby." He whispered in my ear, joyful tears rolling down his cheeks.

"We're gonna have a baby." I smile to myself. But I feel it fading as thoughts run through my head.

God please let it be his.
*              *              *               *               *                *

I wake up the next morning to Phillip's voice on the phone.

I roll out of bed and walk into the living room, carefully avoiding the piano. I don't go near it anymore. It scares me to think about how it got here.

"Ok. Thank you. You too. Bye." I raise an eyebrow at him as he hangs up the phone.
(AN: ha just pretend phones exist.)

"I scheduled you an appointment. At the clinic. You're five weeks in now I thought maybe we could find out the gender together."
(AN: what do you want the gender to be?)

I looked at him with a bit of fear at first, but covered it up with fake excitement. Which he believed. He enveloped me in a hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I say. But I would like you better if you didn't know all my medical issues.

"What time is the appointment?" I ask, not meeting his gaze.
"11. We should be leaving here pretty soon." He said glancing at the time. 10:28.
"Ok...I'll go get ready."

Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. I walk back into my room to put some clothes on. I grab a skirt and a button down shirt, not really paying much attention to what I'm doing.

What if they tell him? What if he finds out? What would happen? How would I explain the HIV? Ok you're getting a little ahead of yourself slow down.

I take a few deep breaths, grab my purse, and walk out of my room. I give Phillip a fake smile and put my coat on. We begin walking to the clinic.

The walk is mostly silent. Phillip is happy, which is good. But I'm terrified. My anxiety is through the roof, and I would tell Phillip that to make me feel better, but my mental state is exactly the thing I don't want him to know.

We approach the clinic and Phillip opens the door for me. I walk inside and approach the woman at the desk.

"Anne Wheeler." She looks up from a file. Oh no. It's the same lady.

She rolls her eyes and looks down, rustling around for my name on a Manila folder.
"...right." She says sarcastically. She adjusts her glasses as I tap nervously on the counter. I can feel Phillip eyeing me and I'm praying that he'll stop.

Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now