Anne's POV:

I look too beautiful to look like me. My dress too white, too lacy. My skin too airbrushed and perfect. My eyes too vibrant and happy.

I haven't been this happy in so long

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I haven't been this happy in so long.

Lettie walked in. "Ok so you have something old, new and blue but-" she cut herself off. "Oh my Anne you look stunning."

"Really?" Lettie looked at me in disbelief, then glanced at Lena who shared the same expression.

"You're literally the prettiest person I've ever laid my eyes on. My brother's a lucky guy." Lena said. I smiled bashfully.

"You think he'll like it?"

"Has he seen you in it yet?" Lettie asked.

"No. Not yet."

"Anne I think he might die." The three of us broke out in laughter and I looked back in the mirror. Lettie walked up behind me and placed a charming pearl necklace on my neck, fastening it in the back. My jaw hung open a little.

"There! Now you have something new, old, blue, and borrowed." I turned around.

"Lettie, thank you!" I heard a knock at the door.

"Can I come in and see my beautiful daughter?" My mom opened the door before any of us could answer.

"Oh-" she covered her mouth "you look even more perfect than I imagined!" I beamed.

"Thank you, Mom."

"Are you ready?" She held her arm open. I looked around, the biggest smile on my face. This is it.

I took her arm and walked outside of the church, toward the venue.

There was a light breeze that felt lovely on my skin, slightly slick from sweat from both the 85 degree heat, and the anticipation pulsing through my veins

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There was a light breeze that felt lovely on my skin, slightly slick from sweat from both the 85 degree heat, and the anticipation pulsing through my veins.

All the oddities stood up, WD smiled at the sight of me, standing in the gazebo. My eyes slowly moved left to where Phillip was standing.

Hurricane - The Greatest Showman ~ Anne X Phillip {Sequel to B R O K E N; free}Where stories live. Discover now