So avni and neel got back from Bangalore. Avni had successfully wrapped up her first individual ad campaign project successfully. Shweta and prakash were back from delhi and their routine was back in place. After their talk in Bangalore avni had been making a conscious effort to spend some time with neel everyday. Even if it was only for a few minutes in the morning or at night she was making sure that she'd talk to him about her day and his. She was really going the extra mile to make sure that they didn't have a big misunderstanding again. Neel appreciated her efforts but he still couldn't entirely get over the guilt of what happened in b'lore. It was one thing to be upset with Avni about being too caught up with her work but for him to assume that she had cheated on him was VERY very wrong. HE knew that she was very hurt but she had let it slide because she was guilty as well. So neel wanted to make it up to her by doing something special for her. He had planned a special weekend for avni. And to start it off he had informed his parents, neela ma,DD, Ali to be available on Friday evening so that they could spend some family time together. They had planned to play passing the parcel and some board games that night and he had instructed sweta and neela to make all of Avni's favourite things for dinner. So when Avni got back home that evening she was pleasantly surprised to see that neela ma, DD and Ali were also around and the aroma that hit her as she walked in was heavenly!
Avni- she gave them Ali,DD and Neela a hug. She was happy to see them all.
They all sat down and decided to play Monopoly but within an hour everyone was super hungry so they happily abandoned the game and moved to the dining table.
Shweta- accha chaliye sab log. Dinner karlete hain. Baadme aaram se baith ke game khelenge aur gupshup karenge
Avni lit up when she saw that everything on the menu was her favourite stuff. When she looked up questioningly at shweta she said
Sab tere pati ke orders hain. Tillu ne kaha tha ki aaj ka saara khaana tumhaari pasand ka hona chahiye
Avni just looked at neel with a huge smile and mouthed a thank you
Neil was ecstatic to see his wifeys 1000 watt smile which he absolutely adored. He liked it even more when he was the reason behind it!
They all dug into the food and enjoyed a hearty dinner and a fun conversation, generally pulling each others leg and chit-chatting about anything and everything under the sun.
After dinner they moved to the living room and sat around enjoying avni's fav chilled kheer dessert which neela had made.
After that they sat down to play passing the parcel. Neelama decided to referee and they passed around the cushion. Everyone wrote down one punishment on a chit paper and they put it into a bowl. So neelama played and stopped the music. One by one everyone got out and had to perform tasks.
Shweta ji had to imitate someone and she did bebe's mimicry- she had a blast because bebe was not there also! But neel had sneakily taken a video and watsapped it to bebe! :D
Prakash ji sang a romantic song for shweta ji.
DD was out next. His punishment was to enact his fav movie scene and he performed scenes from Andaz Apna Apna which got everyone cracking up.
Ali was out next and his chit said that he had to act like a drunkard. So he did an excellent impersonation of a drunk shayar and spouted out many urdu couplets in return for vah vah's and applause from all of them.
Lastly only avni and neil were left. They sat opposite each other and once the music started they were throwing the cushion at each other. Shweta, ali, DD and prakash were cheering for them. Avni and neil were looking directly at each other, both their eyes shining with joy and mirth. Then suddenly when the cushion was with avni and she was about to throw it back at him, neil had given her a wink and sent her a flying kiss. Surprised at that avni held onto the cushion a moment longer and the music stopped before she could throw him the cushion back!
Avneil FF
FanfictionThis is a story of Avneil post the jail track. Their journey to overcome their guilt, their flaws and embrace their love and look forward to a beautiful life together! Earlier posted on IF and now thought I'd post here!:)