6. A day out with Jordyn

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Today I'm going to hang out with Jordyn because she's my best friend and I want to get my mind off all this baby stuff.

I put on some skinny black ripped jeans, a nude colored body-suit and black yeezys.
I did my makeup and I straightened
my hair.

I walked downstairs and I grabbed a granola bar. My doorbell rang and I opened my door to see Jordyn. "Hey Ky" she says. "Hey Jor" I reply. "Ready to go?" She asks. I scrunch up my nose. "Go where?" I inquire. "To have some fun" She replies and roles her eyes.

We get into her car and she puts on music. I sing so loudly and Jordyn and I laugh non-stop. She pulled up to MacDonalds and we ordered so much food and went to the beach.

We had a really good chat and we talked about everything and anything. I love Jordyn so much. She really understand me and she never judges me. She's there for me whenever I need her.

"Come on" Jordyn says while opening the car door. "What?" I ask and she throws a bikini at me. I look confused. "Put it on!" She says and do as she says. I got changed in the car. It was a very quiet beach. It was a while away from where I live.

I got out of the car and Jordyn stripped and she had her bikini under her clothes ! I laughed and folded my arms. We walked to the pier and Jordyn says, "Give me your hand". Before I could move, she grabs my hand and we jump off the pier into the water.

The cold sea water was so refreshing to my skin. I haven't been to the beach in ages. I swam to get air. "JORDYN!" I scream and laugh. She splashed water in my face and laughed.

She puts her head under the water and swims away from me. I swim to catch up with her.
We play and just have fun in the water for a while. We then decided to get out and she handed me a towel and we sat rapped up in towels on the pier, dangling our feet in the water.

"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure hun"
"Do you think of me differently because I got pregnant so young?"
"No way! I mean, I'm so happy for you and Travis! And I would never think differently of you"

At that moment I burst into tears and hugged Jordyn. "I love you so much Jordy" I whisper and she hugs me back. We talked for a while more and then we decided to go back to my house to shop online for baby stuff!

When we got home I had a shower and Jordyn waited till I was done and she made me chocolate cookies ! My favorite.

I got into my pajamas and so did Jordyn and we snuggled on the couch and ordered baby clothes and stuff. I ordered a pram, A cot, clothes, Diapers and toys e.t.c

I wanted to be really prepared for this baby. I heard the doorbell ring and I was confused because I wasn't expecting anyone.

I answered it and I saw Travis standing there with a huge bouquet of flowers. They were baby pink and he had a huge grin on his face.

"Travis!!" I scream and hug him. He hands me the flowers and kisses my cheek. I blush and he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. I bite my lip and I hear Jordyn cough and giggle.

"Oh" I say. "Hey Jordyn!" Travis says and waves at Jordyn. Jordyn laughs and throws her head back. "Hey Ky, I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick, k?" She says and I nod.

I invite Travis in as Jordyn goes up to my bedroom to shower. I make some coffee and I sit on the couch with Travis while eating the cookies Jordyn made.

"Look. I ordered all this stuff for Stormi" I say softly. I see a smile spread across his face and he puts his hand on my baby bump.

"Your going to be the best mom ever" he whispers. "And your going to be the best dad ever.." I reply and we kiss. Travis means so much to me.

We put on a movie and snuggled on the couch. Jordyn came back downstairs after a while and watched the movie with us.

I went into Instagram and Snapchat. I have to hide myself for the next few months. I can't wait till Stormi is brown so I can show my beautiful baby girl to the world...

(A/N: Hey guys! Not the best chapter, but I was so bad at updating this week so sorry about that! I have been soooooo busy. Lysm x )

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