7. Welcome Baby Stormi

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(Time skip: Few months)

February 1st 2018

I woke up and went downstairs to get some food. I was super hungry. I watched Netflix and I decided to just have a chill day.

I pick up my phone and start texting Kendall, when I feel a sharp pain in my side. "OW!" I yell and I call Kendall and tell her to come quickly.

She comes over as fast as she can and she rushes over to me on the couch.

"Ky ! What's wrong?" She says wide eyed.
"Help! I'm having really bad pains in my side" I tell her. We hurriedly get into her car and she drives me to the hospital. I take deep breaths.

When I'm in the car I text all my family and Travis telling them I'm on my way to the hospital. They all reply really fast and tell me that their coming.

We arrive at the hospital and I get singed in and they escort me to a room. I get changed into the hospital robe and lay on the bed.

Kendall starts pacing the room with her arms crossed. "Ky. I'm really sorry. I haven't been the most supportive because I thought you were a bit too young and a bit careless but I know your ready for this baby and your going to be the best mother ever. I can't wait to meet this baby and please forgive me" She says worriedly and coming to my side.

"Kendall! Are you kidding me? I will always love you no matter what. I know this baby wasn't exactly planned but I'm as happy as I can be. I know you were just concerned. I love you Kenny" I reply.

Kendall wipes away a tear from her eye and hugs me. Suddenly, Mom and the rest of the family come in. They all hug me and we wait patiently for the doctor.

Travis comes into the room looking frantic. "I came as fast as I could" he says while coming to my side and kissing my cheek.

The doctor comes in after a few hours and tells me it's time. I have waited my whole life for this moment. And it's happening.

The nurses and doctor hook me up to some machines and do some tests but then finally...

"Alright Kylie, Push!" The doctor says. I push as hard as I can and I hear a faint cry.

"One more push Kylie!" The doctor says and I push really hard and then the crying became louder.

The nurses took the baby and cleaned her.
After, they wrapped her in a pink blanket and handed her to me.

"Congratulations" The doctor smiles and talks to the nurses.

I look down and see the prettiest baby I have ever seen. She looked identical to me when I was a baby.

Tears start to form on my family's eyes and they congratulate Travis and I. Mom tells me how proud she is of me.

"Baby Stormi" I say and everyone cheers. The nurses then took the baby away to just run some tests and make sure she's perfect and healthy. The family congratulated and hugged us and then left the hospital to let me rest.

Travis kissed the top of my head and I lay back in the bed and rested.

"Our babygirl was born on February 1st 2018" Travis smiles. I smile back and then I fall asleep because I'm so wrecked from the whole day.

-After Nap-

"...Excuse me Miss Jenner?" The nurse says as they wake me. "Your baby girl is perfectly healthy and she's ready to go home!" They say.

I thank them and I hand Stormi to Travis while I get changed. I packed my hospital bag and we headed out to the car. It's pretty late. It's like 12:30

We put Stormi into the baby carrier and she falls asleep straight away. Every time i look at her I smile. She's so adorable.

Travis carried the Baby Carrier to the car after we signed out of the hospital. We put Stormi safely into the car and we drive to my house.

"I'm surprised they let us go so soon!" I said. "Yeah, it was pretty quick" He replied.

We arrived at my house and we went upstairs to my bedroom and Travis put Stormi's cot near my bed. We lay her down gently and smiled as she slept peacefully.

"I love you" Travis says to me as he kisses my cheek. "I love you too" I reply.

(A/N : Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter ! It's so sweet. Also btw I'm thinking of writing a story about North West as a teenager? Let me know if I should!! Also follow my Instagram : Princessskardash. Xxx

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