14. Stolen Kiss

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I woke up and I smelt something cooking. It smelt amazing. I checked Stormi's crib and she wasn't there.

I went downstairs and I saw Tim cooking breakfast. He had Stormi Placed on his hip while he was cooking. It was adorable ! I took a picture of them. He tickled her and she giggled and it was so cute !

"Morning Guys!" I say and walk over to them. "Good morning" Tim says with a huge smile.

It so strange. I already feel so comfortable with Tim, it's like we're married. I took Stormi from him and she snuggled me.

"Want some breakfast?" He asks me. I nod and he puts pancakes on two plates for us. It was really good. We talked and laughed while we ate.

Tim is my bodyguard so he basically lives in my house. I went upstairs to get dressed while Tim was playing with Stormi. I decided to wear black leggings and a Givenchy white crop top and my white yeezys. I did my makeup and I did my hair too.

I went downstairs and Stormi's  diaper had to be changed. Tim insisted he would do it. I thanked him and he carried Stormi upstairs.
I sat on the couch and posted selfies on Instagram and Snapchat, when I heard the doorbell ring.

I got up and answered the door. I saw Travis standing in front of me.

"Travis ?! What are you doing here?" I ask shocked. "I want us to be together" he replies. I bite my lip and don't know what to say. He suddenly moves towards me and I feel his soft lips against mine.

"Kylie?!" I heard a voice say from behind me.
It was Tim. "Tim...." I say as he stands there completely shocked and disappointed. I couldn't take the sadness in his eyes.

"Tim it's not what it looks like" I reply. "Did I mean nothing to you...?" He asks quietly.
"I thought we had something" he adds and places Stormi in her play pen. He kisses her head. He bites his lip and walks out my door.

"Tim we do have something!" I shout and I run out to him. As he gets into his car.
"I really loved these past few days" he says and closes his car door and drives away.

I turn around and Travis smiles. "Travis leave." I say and fold my arms and walk up to him.
"Why did you do that Travis? You had to ruin something I had" I say and tears fall down my face. I kiss Travis and then realize what I'm doing and I cry even harder. He goes to say something but I interrupt him, "JUST GO" I shout and run into my house and close my door.

I slide down the back of the door and sit with my head in my arms. I cry and cry. I look up at Stormi in her play pen and he big eyes are wide. I kiss her forehead and I try and text Tim.

What have I done? I always make bad decisions. I texted Khloe and let her know because she always has good advice. I wish this never happened...

A/N: I'm sorry guys I haven't posted in ages. What do you think is going to happen next ????
Remember to,

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