12. Finding out who the dad is

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"Miss jenner ?"


"We can confirm that the DNA in your daughters blood, is not your boyfriends. The DNA is your bodyguards." She tells me.

I feel my whole world spin and I drop the phone on the couch. I called Tim down to the kitchen.


"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I got the DNA results back and ....... Stormi is your daughter,not Travis's" I say before breaking into tears. So many things are going through my mind right now.

"Really?" Tim asked completely shocked. He sat down on a near couch and was just speechless.

"What are we going to do?" I ask him. He just looks up at me with his gorgeous eyes.

"I have no idea! I can't believe I have a daughter..." he says still shocked.

I decided to go to Khloe's house and talk to her.
I picked up Stormi and drive to Khloe's house. Tim stayed to mind the house.

I got out of the car and carried Stormi into Khloe's house.

"KHLOE?" I yelled trying to find her. "IN HERE KY" she replies shouting from the kitchen. Kourtney and Kim were there too.

"Hey Ky!" They all greeted me. I handed Stormi to Kim and i decided to tell them my situation.

"So guys I really need you help" I tell them.
"With What?" Khloe asks intrigued.
"Okay so.... You know those rumors on the internet about Tim being Stormi's dad? Yeah well they're true. I got someone to test Stormi's DNA and it came back and the results are that Tim and I are her parents. I'm so confused right now and we don't know what to do!" I say letting it all out.

"Omg" is all Khloe could say.
"Are you sure Tim is the father?" Kourtney asks. They all knew Tim because he worked for them a few years ago.

"I'm positive. We got it tested to see" I reply.
"Have you told Travis?" Kim asks.
"No, not yet. I'm scared too" I tell them.
"You have to tell him" Khloe says and picks up my phone and hands it to me.

I texted Him.

Me: Hey I need to talk to you about something...

Travis: sure go ahead.

Me: I got Stormi's DNA tested and your not her dad. I'm sorry, I don't know what to do

Travis: then who's her father 😡

Me: my bodyguard, Tim. I'm sorry 😔

Travis: How could you. You lied to me. And you slept with your bodyguard behind my back?

Me: Trav I didn't mean too. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing I'm sorry 😭

Travis: Don't talk to me ever again. Ur a cheating slut 🤬 we're done.

Me: Fine.


I burst out crying. "What did he say?" Kim asked concerned.

"He was so mad and he called me stuff" I replied. "I guess we're broken up" I say. "Maybe it's for the best" Kourtney says trying to comfort me. "Yeah she's right. Tim is completely gorgeous!" Kim says trying to lighten the mood. I laughed and nodded.
"Now I just have to tell mom. Oh, and the WHOLE WORLD" I say getting stressed.

I went onto twitter and said, 'Guys, me and Travis broke up for good reasons" I didn't even care at this point so I posted it.

I knew that us breaking up would be all over the headlines but I didn't care.

I thanked my sisters and I went back home.
I held Stormi on my hip and I walked inside.
I saw Tim and I told him that me and Travis broke up. He looked kind of happy but kind of sad.

"So now I just have to tell the whole world that your Stormi's father" I said. "You don't have to. I understand" he replied. The truth is going to come out anyway so i should just tell them now.

I went onto Instagram and posted, "The recent rumors about Stormi's dad are true. My bodyguard is Stormi's real father. I'm sorry for any confusion, but I don't want to keep any secrets from you guys." I posted it and it got lots of attention. I knew it would be in the news too.

I was being tagged in everything and there was loads of comment. Some bad, some good.

Tim and I talked and laughed for ages. I only realized how nice he was. He listened to me and he was so considerate. I also realized how handsome he was. His eyes were exactly like Stormi's.

I picked up Stormi and handed her to Tim.
"That's your daughter" I told him.
He smiled and held her. "I can't believe I have a daughter!" He said.

Stormi started to giggle and it was adorable!
"She's adorable" he said smiling.
"She looks exactly like you, I don't know how I didn't see it before" I said. We talked some more then Tim asked me a question.

"Would you like to maybe go get some food sometime...? It's okay if you don't want to I understand you were just in a relationship and-" Tim asks nervously.

"I would love too" I reply. He looks relieved and happy.

I'm kind of happy about how this all turned out...

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so happy about this chapter. Get ready for Tim and Kylie. I thought I would spice things up a bit.
Remember too......


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