Killing A Griever...

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Minho's POV:
"God" I think to myself. "How stupid is this new Greenie, I swear this shank has a serious death wish."
"Well? Come on then!" He says to me, snapping me out of my daze.
"What?" I say to him, shrugging. "We're already dead anyways you stupid shank, and that's your own fault."
"No! I refuse to believe that! We can make it through the night! We just have to hide!" He tells me enthusiastically, acting as if he knows everything. Well, he doesn't and someone needs to tell him that.
"There is no where to hide shank! Don't you think a lot more people would have survived a night out here if there was!" I yell at him, feeling guilty straight after. He looks at me in shock, I don't think he's ever seen me loose it with someone before.
"We have to! Your just discouraged! Here, help me with this." He states before grabbing Alby's arms and dragging him towards the wall. He ties a long piece of ivy around Alby's waist and begins to pull, hoisting him up the wall and hiding him within the vines. It's actually a really good idea.
A sense of guilt hits my stomach, I was supposed to look after Alby and now, I don't even know what to do to help him. Thomas turns to look back at me, his eyes calling out for help, but he's not saying a word. I grab the piece of vine and begin pulling it behind me, alongside Thomas. Even though he is a Greenie, he sure is a smart one. Once Alby is high up and hidden enough within the ivy, Thomas ties the end of the vine to another part of the wall, before walking backwards and looking up, shocked by what he had done in order to save someone he knew so little about.
"Now I just hope that doesn't cut of his circulation..." He says hesitantly, his face full of worry. I turn to him.
"Ya know what?" I say to Thomas, he looks at me, his confusion is clearly showing across his face. He shakes his head and sighs in frustration of not knowing the answer.
"You're the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck there ever was, Greenie." I reply for him.
As Thomas opens his mouth, clearly about to say something, the Maze echoes with the sounds of clicking and whirring, of metal hitting the hard, stone flooring.
"Shoot..." I say angrily under my breath. Thomas stares at me, he knows what's coming, but is still stupid enough to ask; "What is it?"
"Grievers, hurry follow me now!" I whisper to him quietly, gesturing him with my hand as we run through the corridors of the Maze, sneaking around corners and staying close to the Walls. "We just need to reach the Cliff, we'll be safe there for now." I tell Thomas, trying to reassure him. I can hear his panic through his breathing, how scared he is of being stung, of dying. He nods at me in return, clearly understanding what I have said.
As we turn around a corner, I grab Thomas arms and push him back around it. I put my finger against my lips, telling him to keep quiet. He nods back. We sneak quietly around the corner, our backs pressed hard against the cool, stones walls, almost tiptoeing across the floor, being as silent as possible. I can hear Thomas's breathe quicken, the blood draining from his face as he stares at the Griever, he's petrified. The Griever is a bulbous, dark creature, with many appendages such as spikes, shears, and rods. One sting off that thing could kill Thomas, or me within minutes, therefore, I try and stay close to him.
Suddenly, the ground veins to rumble. The walls. They are beginning to change. The Griever turns around, agitated. It sees us and begins rolling towards us.
"Run Thomas! Run!" I yell, pushing him down another corridor, picking up speed as we go, the door at the end of it is closing. I keep running and manage to get to the other side of it, the door still moving slowly. Thomas has stopped a few metres back, as if he is waiting. But for what? What is he going to do now?
As the Griever charges around the corner, Thomas begins to run towards the closing door, running like his life depends on it, because it does. I yell at him, screaming for him to hurry.
"He's not going to make it." I think to myself as the door becomes closer and closer to the cold, hard floor. Just as the door is a metre away from the floor, he slides underneath it on his back and the top of his legs. The doors slams shut against the flooring, crushing the Griever between them. It struggles for a moment, thrashing it's spiked legs at us both, before it soon stops moving, and yellow coloured oil begins oozing out of it. I can't believe my eyes.
Thomas has just killed a Griever.

Y/N's POV:
It's been a few hours since Minho, Alby and Thomas got trapped behind the Doors, and they are stuck out there, in the Maze with the Grievers. I feel Newt's hand on my shoulder.
"This is Minho we're talking about here, love." He says, confidence within his voice. "He's going to make it, and so are Thomas and Alby. I know it. He's strong. He'll look after them."
"I know Newt, that's not what I was thinking about actually..." I say quietly, resting my head against his shoulder. We are sitting on my bed inside my Hut, everyone else is inside the Homestead, most likely asleep. Teresa is sleeping in Thomas's hammock, we thought it might calm her after he ran in to help Minho.
"Your worrying about the scream, aren't you love?" He asks, and he's correct.
"I didn't know I could still do it, I thought when you bite me, I lost all my powers that I had as a Banshee..." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Now I'm not sure what I am anymore."
"Maybe your both..." He says quietly, almost as if he didn't want me to hear it. I look at him blankly, I don't understand what he means by that.
"What if, when I hit you, your powers that you had as a Banshee never disappeared, but just became weaker?" He questions, I nod in return.
"Maybe..." I yawn, I haven't slept much this past week with Gally coming back and then the party.
"Hey, why don't we get some sleep?" He asks me, lying down under my blankets. He pays the empty space next to him and pouts. I giggle.
"Ok..." I give in, allowing him to pull my body close to him and hug me, his head resting against the back of my head and neck. Newt whispers into my ear as I doze off to sleep; "Goodnight, love..."

The next morning, all of the Glader's have forgotten about breakfast, including Fry, who is the Keeper of the Chefs and are now gathered around the open doors of the Maze. Chucks face is pale, he is so worried that they didn't make it and I am too. Just as I begin to give up hope and turn away from the open doors, I hear grunting and panting. I spin around the see Thomas and Minho carrying Alby towards the doors. As they get through the doors, Jeff and Clint take Alby straight towards the Infirmary. I run and jump into Minho's warm embrace. Wrapping my arms around my older brothers neck as he picks me up and swings me around as if I'm a little kid again.
"Don't ever do that to me again, Minho..." I say, my words muffled by his thick clothes.
"I promise, I won't ever again." He whispers into my ear.
As he puts me back down onto my feet, he begins to talk to all of the Glader's about the Grievers and what they looked like. Everyone had so many questions, but he always answered Chucks first; "What did you do? How did you get away from the Grievers?"
Minho's reply shocks the large group of the Glader's which are still crowded around the door, though some have gone to help Jeff and Clint with Alby.
"He killed one..." He says quietly.
"Who bloody did?" Newt asks, shocked at Minho's news.
"Thomas, the flippin' Greenie didn't just see one." He pauses hesitantly before continuing.
"He killed it... Thomas killed a Griever."

Hey guys!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it!
Also, I am publishing the first chapter of my new fanfic tomorrow. It's called His Lost Girl ~ Peter Pan x Reader. It is a fanfic based on the series called Once Upon A Time. I'd be so happy is you guys checked it out when the first chapter is published!
The next chapter for this story may be late because I have to revise for Chemistry and Maths on top of homework so it not may be out until Thursday! I'm so sorry! The next chapter will be another change within the Glade, which is a huge snow storm! So tune in for that when it comes out!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See ya guys later!
~ Emily 😁

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