[END] Finally Free...

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Y/N's POV:
As the sun begins to set, causing the vast desert of the Scorch to become dark, I bury my head into Newt's shoulder, sitting against the cold, metal walls of the helicopter. I think about all the people we've had to leave behind back inside the Maze. Chuck, Alby, Gally, Zart. I think about everything we've come through together over the past three years; when Newt jumped off the Cliff, when Gally attacked me, when Ben was banished, when Teresa arrived and the resources stopped coming, when the Doors didn't shut, allowing the Grievers to attack, when we finally left the Glade and escaped the Maze. We are finally free.

"But are we really that free? Won't WICKED be coming for us? Won't the rest of our trials soon begin?" I think so myself, looking around the vehicle. Most people are asleep, including Minho, Winston, Teresa and Frypan. Newt, Tommy and I are the only actual Glader's who are awake.
"I hope we are really free..." I hear Tommy's quiet voice ringing through my head, it's nice to hear his voice talking to me only, it's been so long since we've talked 'alone', just the two of us. It feels nice, knowing Newt can't hear what we're saying,
"Hey Tommy, thought you'd be snoring away by now." I chuckle lightly inside my thoughts, glancing over at him, meeting his teary brown eyes that are staring back at
"You ok, Tommy? What are you thinking about?" I ask him inside my mind, pushing the message forwards, almost out of my forehead and in the direction of his. I watch as he hesitates for a moment, wiping a single tear from his cheek before speaking to me in his mind.
"I'm thinking about Chuck, and Alby, and Ben, and Zart, even Gally. They're all gone, N/N. What do we do now?" I can easily sense the sadness in his voice, in his mind, in his body. I hide my thoughts away from him, quietly to myself for a few moments, thinking about what to say. But I stop thinking and just talk, the right words always seem to come without me realising it, so why not just let that happen?
"We move on, Tommy. We grieve for them, then we move on and live our life's as best as we can. They wouldn't want us to live in misery or sadness over their deaths, they would want us to live our life's to their fullest potential. Moving on from death doesn't mean forgetting the ones we've lost, Tommy. We're just simply, coming to terms with it. They're at peace now, all of them." I wipe away a small, salty tear that begins to run down the rough surface of my dry, sand covered cheek.
"Wise words, N/N. Wise words. Anyway, can I call you that now? N/N. It suits you." He asks, I like it when he calls me N/N. It makes me feel at home, even though I don't know what, where or if 'Home' even exists in the Scorch. None of us even know where we are going or if there are any cities left, never-mind if we have real 'Homes' or not. I nod slightly to myself, knowing the Tommy is watching me. I can feel his eyes staring at me, burning into my face.
"Sure, Tommy, why not. Looks like you found a nickname for me after all." I smile slightly to myself, when all of a sudden, a mysterious voice appears inside my head, and clearly inside Tommy's as well considering the look on his face at the moment.

"Geez, I can every word you two shanks are saying! And it's getting bloody annoying! I would like to go to sleep, ya know?" I recognise the voice anywhere, with its thick, beautiful British accent. It's Newt.
"Have you been listening to everything we say to each other? Like, every single conversation?" Tommy asks him, crawling over to us and sitting down on the right hand side, his back leaning against the door of the helicopter.
"Fortunately for you two, no. I'm only just learning how to do this myself. How does this not give you guys a headache? My brain feels like it's being shaken around inside my skull." He moans, sighing out loud this time. He makes a stupid face when he realises that he's actually doing things out loud too, rather than just in our heads. I chuckle lightly.
"Anyways, I'm going to get some sleep, you guys should too. Especially you, love. I know how much the Maze broke and beat you down. You deserve to rest." He says, and I'm assuming it's inside my mind only as Tommy has already drifted off to sleep. Newt wraps his fur lined jacket above my shoulders and I carefully slip my arms into its warm, furry sleeves. It's very baggy and hangs off my pale, fragilely thin exterior, but I don't care. It smells just like Newt, the smell overpowering my nose and my werewolf senses as I close my eyes, resting my head in Newt's lap. He twists his fingers gently through my tangle hair, messing around with it before braiding it and tying in back out of my face. He gently leans down and plants a soft kiss on my lips, before I close my eyes and begin to drift off to sleep.
"We're really out of the Maze..." I think to myself, before falling asleep inside Newt's lap;
"We're finally free..."


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