His Memories...

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Thomas's POV:
My eyes open abruptly to see a blackened wooden ceiling. I try to sit up, but something pulls me back down onto the bed. I look down at my chest, hands and feet. They are strapped down by leather buckled straps which at attached to the bed. I turn my head on my pillow slightly to see Y/N asleep on the chair next to me.
"How long has she been here?" I think to myself. Suddenly, she stands up from the chair and begins undoing the straps.
"Long enough..." She spits angrily. As I begin to sit up, she lands a slap across my face. I cup the side of my face as it aches with the pain. I imagine the red hand mark against my cheek as I move my hand away from my face.
"What the bloody hell where you thinking, Tommy?! You could have gotten yourself killed if Teresa hadn't found that last vial of Grief Serum inside her jacket pocket!" She shouts at me, spitting on my face again.
"I needed to remember Y/N... I couldn't just let-" I begin to say, but she interrupts me, sighing.
"Yes, I know what you had to do Tommy. I understand why you did it, just don't ever do that again ok?" She asks me, I nod slightly in return.
The door slams open, knocking over a large metal table. Newt and Minho are standing in the doorway, Minho is leaning against the wall whilst Newt is leaning against the door frame.
"Well, looks like your not dead after all. Your are one stupid shank you know that right, Thomas?" Minho says to me, walking over and patting me on the shoulder.
"Yeah, well done Tommy. You gave everyone a bloody fright last night, especially Chuck, poor little lad burst into tears after you passed out. Unfortunately, we've only got some bad news I'm afraid. Gally's taken over the Glade and has convinced most of the Glader's that you and the girl are dangerous. He's ordered for you and Teresa to be banished tonight at sundown." Newt tells me, sighing.
"But, he can't Newt! I think I know a way out of  this god damned place! For good!" I yell at them, joy flooding through my voice.
"So you expect me to trust you and your memories, you except me to trust something that you think you bloody remember?" Newt spits at me, I nod abruptly.
"Alright then, Y/N and I will leave you in peace. You tell Minho about you let little escape plan." He says quietly, before leading Y/N out of the door, following behind her as he gently pulls it closed.
"I see the way you look at her, ya know? You love her, don't you?" I whisper to him quietly, he hangs his head in shame.
"Of course I love her... but I'm not supposed to love her like that, she's my baby sister." He says to me, a silent tear rolling down his cheek.
"But your not, your not her brother..." I remember something from the Changing. I remembered what Y/N really is, what I did, how to escape the Maze. Everything.
"Y/N was made in a tear tube, Minho. Along with dozens of other teenagers. They were tested on for years, that's why she has all those scars. But only Y/N and a few others were good enough for Wicked, they got rid of the rest. Chucked them onto the streets."
I tell him the stories of the Creators, who are known as Wicked or World In Catastrophe: KillZone Experiment Department. Of how the Solar Flares from the Sun have scorched the Earth, turning it into a dessert. I tell him about an incurable disease known as the Flare, and how it changes people, makes them forget the people they live, makes them hostile towards everyone. I tell him how they experimented on teenagers, including ourselves, trying to find a cure to the Flare, how all of the Mazes are trials, filled with variables such as the Grievers and the Maze changing every single night.  I tell him that it's my fault that we're here, that Teresa and I were forced to help create the Maze. I explain to him how we were send into the Maze because we betrayed Wicked and how we helped a rebellion group known as the Right Arm by telling them where every Wicked operating base was.
Minho sits staring at me as I finish telling him everything I remember.
"I've got to go tell Y/N! This may be our one way ticket out of here Thomas! God! You have no idea how happy I am right now, you stupid shank!" He grabs the door-handle and yanks the door open, rushing down the corridor and out into the Glade. I hear as he shouts Y/N's name, saying he needs to talk to her right away.

After about an hour of sitting and staring at the burnt roof in silence, Newt walks into my room and I sit up slowly, greeting him with a warm smile. He smiles back, Minho obviously hasn't spoken to Y/N just yet.
"Minho told me that you know the way out, Tommy. That you can take us home, is that true, Tommy?" Newt asks me, a sense of hope fills his voice and his eyes as he stares at me. I nod quickly.
"I hope so Newt, I really do hope so!" I tell him, Minho has obviously told him about the escape plan and the outside World. The Flare and the Scorched Earth.
"So we're really leaving tonight?" Newt stares at me again, he is so hopeful of getting out of this place, and I can't really blame him. I hate it here, and he's been here three years. I can't imagine what that feels like for him. To finally be able to leave. I nod, hanging my head in shame, thinking about everything I did to him. What I did to the Gladers. About what I did to everyone in all the other Mazes that are out there. It's my fault that they're stuck in these situations.
"I know what your thinking about, and it's not your fault, you know that right? None of this was your fault. You were being controlled by Wicked and anyways, none of that matter anymore, Tommy." Newt begins, resting his hand gently on my leg, trying to reassure me.
"The people we were before the Maze, they don't even excise anymore, the Creators took care of that. But what does matter, is who we are now, and what we do right now, Tommy." I nod at him, showing that I agree, that we share the same thoughts. He continues;
"And if that means betraying Gally, and following Alby's wishes to leave. Then that's what we have to do, Tommy."

Hey Guys!
Woo! Two chapters in one night! Not bad for someone who is ill! Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it's so bad! It's very late where I live and I'm kinda tired but not really that much!
The next chapter will be when most of the Glader's betray Gally and follow Alby's wishes of leaving the Glade and trying to find the end of the Maze! That should be coming out tomorrow or maybe tonight, I don't know. I guess you'll just have to see!
See ya guys later!
~ Emily 😁

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