The Doors...

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Y/N's POV:
After the surprise storm of snow, which Chuck decided we should name storm Alby is his honour because he is going through the 'Changing", we all exit the Homestead and head out into the Glade. The sky is clear and the stars are clearly visible throughout the early, navy night time sky. I hope that Newt and I get just one night of peace. Just for once. The last few days have been pretty hectic around the Glade, and it's not getting any better. My eyes scan the Glade, when I realise a very big problem.
The Doors.
The Doors into the Maze.
The Doors into the home of the deadly Grievers.
They haven't closed.
I look around the Glade in a panic, everyone is running around the Glade in a frenzy, grabbing food, water, blankets, hammock material, sleeping bags, torches and other supplies. They are running with them, running back towards the Homestead. The builders have got hammers, nails and planks of wood. They begin to border up the all the windows, covering every inch of them in wood. Some of the Slicers are carrying large chunks of meat wrapped in cloth into our home. Zart and the other Gardeners have gathered lots of fruits, vegetables and the other crops for food, and also to try and save our already shortened resources. Minho and a few others have grabbed as many weapons as possible to add to the collection. Chuck and Frypan have brought over a large stove, a few kitchen knifes and boiled water in a large pot to cook food. A wave of panic hits me like a tsunami: Where is Thomas and Teresa? I look around the panicking Glader's, not knowing what to do, everyone is covered in the white, fluffy snow, what once was a flat, glistening of frost has now been turned into the battle hill of a total fiasco.
Suddenly, a terrible grinding echoes throughout the Glade. Newt and I turn to see the Northern Doors are opening. Then the Western Doors. And finally, the Eastern Doors bang open all at the same time, causing the entire of the Glade to shake. Shouts of panic turn into screams of fear and anxiety, the Glader's begin to pick up their pace, sprinting over to get inside the Homestead. We all know what's coming, and it's terrifying everyone.
As Zart gestures the last few Glader's into the Homestead, panic rushes like a surge through my body. I shiver, shake and sweat rapidly and uncontrollably. Newt wraps his arm over my shoulder, trying to lead me inside the Homestead. I push him away, I knew what was coming, and by the look on his face, so does he. I feel the panic, anxiety and anger rush through my brain. I watch as Newt covers his ears as I open my mouth, as if to speak. But I don't speak.
I scream.
Louder than I have ever screamed before. I hear the glass of all the Homestead windows smashing, glass flying everywhere. Pieces of sharp glass landing in my arms, my hair and also in my hair. I fall down into the deep snow in the most excruciating pain I've ever felt, shivering and shaking, having no control of my body. I'm sweating like crazy. I can feel my eyes glowing their bright ruby red. My fangs and claws have appeared without my permission, and I'm to weak so I can't hide them. No matter how hard I try. I look over at Newt, his ears are bleeding as he rushes over to me, I try to push up away, flinging my arms at him but I fail miserably. He picks me up into a princess carry before running into the Homestead. I can feel the pressure he's putting on his limp just to help me.
I hear Zart slam the door, locking it behind him. Newt sits me down on the floor next to the fire. He winces quietly, rubbing his previously broken leg and ankle. It's covered in many different bruises ranging from colours such as green to yellow to purple. My face is covered in cuts, bruises and newly visible scars that have already healed within seconds after the scream. Now that I've finally stopped shaking, Newt wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. He kisses my gently on the forehead, I nuzzle my head onto his chest in return, he strokes his hands through my hair, pulling out the large pieces of snow whilst rubbing my arm to keep me warm. Unfortunately, I'm still shivering, even when I'm within his warm embrace. He looks at me, I can see a sort of anger within his face. It's subtle but it's there.
"Love, Don't do that to me ever again, even if your going to scream like that. Please don't put that wall up again. Please, don't ever push me away again." I watch as I tear rolls down his cheek. I kiss him softly, cupping his face within my small hand. I love him so much... I regret pushing him away within seconds. I open my mouth and whisper into his ears, which are now covered in his own dried blood.
"I love you..."

Hey guys!
Sorry that this chapter is so bad and so short! I've been really busy with school, exams and essays lately so I haven't had any time to plan this cheater!
The net chapter will be about the faithful Griever attacks on the Glade and the Glader's! That should be coming out tomorrow evening!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Also - thank you guys so much for 100 people reading my first book that I've written! Also, thanks for the votes;
See you guys later!
~ Emily 😁

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