Inside The Dreadheads...

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Y/N's POV:
Alby decided last night to let Gally stay in the Glade, seeing as he couldn't remember what he had done to me three years ago. This morning, Newt woke me up early and decided we should spend some time in the Dreadheads to get him off my mind for a while.
As we are hanging around in the deeper parts of the Dreadheads, Newt is sitting under one of the taller trees. He is picking and wrapping the green, furry stems of big, colourful flowers together, almost creating some kind of chain. As he finishes looping the last flower stem to the first, he lifts it up to the sunlight in pride.
"What is it?" I ask, curiously.
"It's a flower crown, love, for my favourite princess of the Glade." He replies, kissing my on the cheek before carefully balancing the handmade accessory on my head.
"Thanks Newt..." I whisper, he kisses me on the forehead.
"I'm gonna go get us some lunch from Fry, ok love? Don't worry, I won't be long." He says.
As he makes his way across the Glade towards the kitchens, I hear a twig snap behind me. I immediate stand up, my hand grabs onto the gun in my holster, but I don't draw it just yet.
"Who's there?!" I shout, spinning around quickly, looking in all directions, trying to catch a scent. I see a shadow move quickly from behind a tree. I turn, but it's gone it an instant. I feel a hand grab my shoulder and push me down to the ground, I hit my head of a stone, but I don't feel that pain as it heals within seconds. I look up to see Gally on top of my me. I spit in his face.
"Get... Off... Me!" I scream at him.
"You think I'd really forget you, Y/N!" He yells. His eyes glow a striking green colour.
A Were-Jaguar.
"You see, that's the one thing they didn't take from me, my memories of your, our time together as kids, when I lost you to the Creators, when you lost us to the Maze, and my feelings about you!"
Gally leans down and try's to kiss me, but before he can, I land my knee right in him stomach. He rolls off of me and over to my side, laying down on some tree roots, holding his abdomen in agony.
That's when I run.
I run towards the Glade, moving about 400 yards every second, faster than anyone else in the Glade can run. Just as I make it to the side of the closed Box, I feel Gally's hand push me face first into the fresh grass. I roll over, ready to push myself up, but he sits on top of me, his face towering over mine.
He raises his fist above my face, and I ready my hand to catch it, but before he can throw it, Newt hits him in the head from behind with one of the shovels from the Garden. His body rolls to the side.
He lies there, knocked out cold.
Newt reaches his hand out towards me, I quickly grab it and he pulls me up to that I am standing. He pulls me into a tight hug, nuzzling his forehead into my neck.
I look down to see Alby, Zart, Minho and Winston are holding each of Gally's limbs down to the floor. They begin to drag him away, heading towards the Pit.
I hear the familiar footsteps of Chuck and Thomas running towards us, Newt still hugging me.
"Y/N!! Y/N!!" I hear Chuck shout, a sense of panic and worry in his voice.
"Are u ok?" He asks, pushing Newt gently away from me before pulling me into one of his tight hugs. I kneel down in front of Chuck so that our faces are at level height. His eyes are streaming with tears. I wipe them away with my thumbs and pull him into a tight squeeze.
"Don't cry Chuck, I'm ok, he can't hurt me now alright? I'm too strong for someone like him to be able to hurt me" I whisper into his ear, he stops crying soon enough.
I stand up and turn to Newt, he's hanging his face, almost as if he's ashamed of himself.
"Newt?" I can hear his quiet sobs, I lift his face up to look at me, tears streaming down his face.
"This is all my fault, if I hadn't left you alone in the Dreadheads, I should have known that something like this was going to happen." He manages through the tears.
"Hey! This is not your fault ok? We didn't know this was going to happen alright! I didn't know, you didn't know, no one knew ok? So don't blame yourself Newt!" I say, pulling him into a tighter hug than I had given Chuck just moments ok. I feel a small, delicate arm wrap around mine and Newts waists. I look down to see Chuck hugging us both.
"It's not you fault, Newt!" He shouts. Newt chuckles lightly through his tears, before wrapping his arm behind Chuck's back and returns the hug. I feel Thomas's hand lightly tap me on the shoulder. I break out of the hug and leave Chuck to help calm Newt down.
"Hey um... are you like... ya know, ok? What... what was that just now? Why... why did that guy just attack you? are you so strong? Can you teach fight like that?"
God, this new Greenie asks so many questions. I think to myself
"I'm fine, Thomas, Really, I'm ok. Gally is just a bit, ya know, aggressive when he can't get his own way then." I begin, I feel Newt's arm slowly wrap around my waist, slow enough for Thomas to look down and notice. I know that Newt is trying to make him feel scared of him. I know that Newt is jealous of Thomas, and I kind of liked that.
"Well, he seems like a huge jerk, Y/N!" Thomas exclaims.
"I just hope that your ok." He says, before Chuck grabs him by the arm and drags him over to kitchens to get lunch.
"I guess that flower crown I made is pretty stable." Newt chuckles lightly, I hadn't even realised that the flower crown he had made me was still on my head, perfectly intact. I laugh.
"I guess your just good with flower." I smile at him.
"Stop doing that." He whispers, smirking at me.
"Stop doing what?" I ask.
"Stop distracting me, I can't stop my eyes from glowing when you smile." He chuckles. He's right, I look up to see that his eyes are glowing the striking blue colour that I remember. I close mine and then open them again, they are glowing bright ruby red.
"Y/N!" Alby shouts. I stop my eyes from glowing, and Newt does to. I turn around to see Alby running across the Glade from the Map Room, the Bestiary in his hand. When he finally reaches us, he flips the book open at a page I've never soon before.
"I know what you are, Newt." He exclaims, joy ringing out through his voice.
"Well then, what the bloody hell am I then Alby?" Newt asks, curiously.
Alby turns the book around and places it into his hands. He points at the title at the top of the page.
"A Were-coyote..."

Hey guys!
Woo! Two chapters in one night! I hope you enjoyed this chapter about Gally trying to get close with Y/N and finally finding out what Newt really is using the Bestiary! Also, sorry about the long chapter :(
The next chapter will be about Y/N teaching Thomas to fight and it will also include the arrival of the Last Greenie ever; Teresa. That should be coming out at some point tomorrow, (05/03/2018)!
Also, chapters may not be coming out every day now since school is starting  on Monday and I have a lot of tests coming up after Easter! However, I will make an effort to publish a new chapter at least once every two days!
Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far!
See ya guys later!
~ Author :)

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