Griever Attack...

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Y/N's POV:
All of the Glader's are sitting in silence inside the Homestead. My head is leaning against Newt's shoulder, our fingers interlocked with each other's. Jeff is tending to Newt's ear whilst Clint is tending to my glass filled arms and bruised face. I wince as he applies an ointment to the cuts along my arms, I didn't even wince when he removed the pieces of glass, but the oil like substance stings like hell. Frypan and the other chefs are cooking some kind of stew with the all food that they could grab from the Gardens and the Kitchens. My brother, Minho, is sitting next to me snoring away. I still don't know how he can sleep through all of this. Chuck is silent too, he's normally talking mine of Thomas's ears off. But instead, he's laying down, his small, curly haired hair resting against my leg as he stares up at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep. Teresa is asleep against Thomas's shoulder, who is eating the soup that Fry has made us all. One of the other chefs walks over to me, handing me a large wooden bowl filled with a steaming chicken broth. I begin eating it as Fry hands a second bowl to Newt. We both thank him, before continuing to dig in to our meal.
After around 15 minutes, when everyone has received their fair share of chicken and vegetable soup, we hear chittering noises from outside. The Grievers have arrived. The Homestead has quickly become silent as loud conversations have turned into nothing. We hear their metal, spiked legs against the stone flooring outside the Homestead. Minho and Teresa are now awake and Alby, who was once relaxing, is now fully alert and ready for action. He seems a lot better than he was when he came out of the Maze a few days back. Newt's head spins around the Homestead very quickly, a look of fear soon crossing his face as he scans the room.
"What's wrong? Are you scared?" I whisper quietly to him, he turns to look at me, a single tear running down his face. I kiss him gently on the cheek before wiping it away.
"It's Zart, he's not in here..." His voices trails off as a loud, male sounding scream is heard from outside. Newt begins to sob quietly. I rise up onto my knees and pull him for a hug. He grabs hold of my shirt and begins sobbing into it, his tears soaking through my top. I place my chin against his forehead and wrap his arms around his neck. I rub his back with my left hand, comforting him as he continues to cry. Minho and Chuck turn to look at me. I look down at the floor and I begin to cry too, Newt let's go of my shirt and stares up at me, before he pulls me into a warm embrace as I sink down onto my knees, sobbing into his chest. Zart was one of my best friends, and now I had lost him to the Grievers. I should have made sure he was inside. I'm such an idiot.
After a while, the chittering noises of the Grievers have disappeared into the night. Jeff climbs up and looks out of the window, before turning around and nodding to me and Newt.
"It's all clear, they're gone." He tells us.
As we step out into the Homestead, I look down at the snow to see a trail of fresh blood leading to the doors of the Maze. I walk alongside it, following the trail and end up at the Box. The lid of it has been forced open and inside, laying dead on the metal floor of the cage, is Zart. His pale, lifeless body is covered in blood and a slimy goo. I scream in sadness. Not one of Banshee screams, but a scream full of emotions. I sink down into the snow covered grass, crying my eyes out. Newt runs over and wraps his arms around me, pulling me away from the Box. I fight back, stretching my arm out towards Zarts body. I scream out his name.
"No! Zart no! Please! NO!" I cry out, my voice full of sadness. Sadly tears streaming down my face as I struggle with Newt, who is still pulling me away from the Box. After a few moments of screaming and crying, I use all my courage to stand up, and turn away from the Box, still crying. I gesture towards Adam, one of the Baggers, to take Zart's body away and bury him in the Graveyard.
I look around the Glade, everyone is bowing their heads. Mourning his death. I storm off, pushing my way past everyone and begin to run to my hut. Newt shouting my name, running behind me.
Many of the Glader's didn't even know Zart very well, but I did. He was my shank, my keeper, my ally. Not only did I loose one of my best mates tonight.
I lost a Brother too.

Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It really hit me hard having to write this but it had to be done! I'm so sorry!
The next chapter will have another very important event so be prepared for even more feels! The second Griever attack is coming! That should be coming out tomorrow.
Also - sorry that this chapter is so bad! I might edit bits of it tomorrow if I can't but I'll have to see cause I still have lots of revision to do!
Anyways, See ya guys later!
~ Emily 😁

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