Snow Storm...

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Sorry that this chapter is shorter than the rest of them, I thought this might add so,e tension when it comes to the Snow Storm in the Glade!
Hope you guys enjoy!

Newt's POV:
After Alby was declared unfit to be the Leader of the Glader's for the time being, after his experience of going through the 'Changing', Y/N and I had been asked to step into his place for the next few days while he recovered after recovering the Grief Serum from Jeff and Clint.
Everyone is still shocked from the news about Thomas killing a Griever inside the Maze but unfortunately, we can't give anyone the day off. There's too much work to be down and with the supply shortage, we need everyone working. Y/N and I give small ten minutes breaks after every three hours of work, an hour for lunch and then everyone is back at it again. Y/N is tending the herbs in the Gardens, making sure they will be ready for Clint and Jeff if they need any for medicines. I stare at her, biting my lip. I want to kiss her, to wrap my arms around her, tell her I love her dearly, but I can't, not whilst we're working. So all I can do is stare and hope that she doesn't see me. I continue weaving baskets and looking after the crops, watering them, collecting fertiliser, the usual daily jobs of the Gardens.
But of course, The Glade hasn't exactly been normal recently, we all know that. As the end of the day draws closer and everyone packs up their work, getting ready for dinner, the sky begins to turn grey. Heavy, dark looking clouds blocking out the sunlight. I turn to look at Y/N, she has planted her feet firmly, pushing them into the ground, I watch as she stiffens her body. She's looking upwards, towards the sky, a look of confusion spread across her face. All of a sudden, a white speck of what looks like dust floats down and lands on her nose. I watch as her body shivers, it must have felt cold against the skin of her nose. She lifts up her finger to touch her nose, before removing it and staring down at it, examining it, a look of fear and shock across her face.
"Oh that's just bloody great!"  I think to myself, shrugging my shoulders up and then down again; "What the bloody klunk is it now..."
"It's snow..." I hear her whisper quietly. I walk over to her, gently holding her arm before staring into her shimmering E/C coloured eyes.
"I hate to break it to you, but it's never snowed in the Glade love. Not ever." I tell her, fear flooding through my voice, which was very much unintentional. She looks at me in despair. I can see the fear shinning through her eyes as if I'm looking directly into her soul, grasping onto it, trying not to it let go. I place my hand gently on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her; "It's alright, love. We're gonna be ok, we just need to get everyone inside." I whisper to her, trying to hide the fear in my voice. I fail miserably. Her faces changes from a look of fear to a look of worry and anxiety, she rests her hand on the palm of mine, staring down at it; "Your scared..." She whispers quietly, looking up at me, I can see the pain she's feeling across her face, "You know, it's ok to be scared, don't you?" She asks me, even quieter than the first time. I nod my head up and down slightly in agreement, I know she's right, I just don't want to admit that I'm scared of a little bit of snow, but inside the Glade, most things that are new are scarier than expected.
Just as all of the other Glader's are ushered into the Homestead, the snow begins to fall very heavily, burying the Glade under a cold, frosty sheet of pure white. I'm sitting, snuggled up near the fire. Y/N is fast asleep, resting her heavy eyes and head on my shoulder. I kiss her gently on the top of her forehead, wrapping, twisting her soft H/C hair around my fingers, weaving strands together, creating patterns, shapes, drawings. I stroke the top of her head with my left hand, brushing short strands of her away from her peacefully sleeping face. She's beautiful when she's asleep, and where she's awake. I hear her begin whimpering in her sleep, her werewolf senses usual kick in when she's having a nightmare, I see the fear spreading across her face and through her entire body, a single tear trails down her face, having no direction to go in except down.
I kiss her lightly on the forehead again, wrapping my arm behind her shoulders and pulling her close;
"It's ok, love. I'm here. As long as I'm here, your safe..." I hesitate before saying my final words as I drift off the sleep next to her;
"I promise, love..."

Hey guys!
Woo! I wrote a short chapter for once! Less than 1000 words! I wanted this chapter to be short and include a little more about Newt's true, really heart felt feeling towards Y/N, the feelings he hasn't told her about or tried to fully explain to her yet!
The next chapter will go back to the original storyline of the book, which is the night that the Doors to the Maze don't close and all the other three Doors open, allowing Grievers into the Glade. That should be coming out on tomorrow at the latest!
Also, the first chapter of my new book called His Lost Girl ~ Peter x Reader, is now available to read! I am really sorry that this cheater is so late, I spent a lot of time yesterday planning story lines  for His Lost Girl, which I then have to write
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
See ya guys later,
~ Emily 😁

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