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Megan's POV //

Mum : you'll do fine.

Megan : its too stressful.

Mum : just make sure you study and you'll get A's in all of them.

Megan : I don't know mum

Mum : just you wait.

I looked down at the plate I was meant to be eating from and sighed.

Mum : what's wrong?

I gave her a look she knew all too well - my self pity look.

Mum : oh Megan don't worry about him, just focus on your exams.

Megan : I can't.

Mum : you can.

Megan : ....I miss him Mum.

She got up taking her plate to the sink to wash.

Mum : I know you do darling but he'll be back soon and until then just focus on getting good grades for your future.

I nodded as I pushed around the untouched food on my plate. She looked round at me and raised her eyebrows.

Mum : you gonna eat that or not?

Megan : I'm not that hungry.

Mum : you'll need to eat something or you won't have any energy for school.

She looked down at her watch as I managed to take one bite of my pancakes

Mum : Talking about school, you better go or you're gonna be late.

I got up from the table and went over to put my shoes on. As I did mum followed.

Mum : I'm going to the shops so do you want a lift.

Megan : yeah sure.

She grabbed her scarf for her head. Yes, all her hair had gone. She was now completely bald. It was kinda strange but I'm getting used to it now. It's been one and a half months since she started her chemotherapy and she's been feeling a lot better.

It's made a big difference but it's not gonna cure her cancer and we know it. We don't often talk about it but we both know she's not got long left.

Megan : you don't have to wear that mum

Mum : yeah I know

Megan : you shouldn't have to hide it.

Mum : I'm just not quite confident enough yet to go out without it.

Megan : ok, just know you're still beautiful and you shouldn't have to hide.

She smiled at me as she got her jacket on. I grabbed my bag and followed her out into the car.

When I was seated I took out my phone and saw I had a message from Martinus. I opened it up and instantly felt way better knowing he was thinking about me.

"Martinus : good luck on you're Maths exam! Love you Xx"

I was so engrossed in my phone that I didn't realise I was actually smiling.

Mum : who you texting?

I looked up at her as she was giving me a little smirk. She knew all to well who it was.

Megan : Martinus.

Mum : what's he saying?

Megan : just wishing me luck on my test today.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now