The operation

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Martinus POV ///

Megan's dad drove us all home in two runs at around 12:30 in the morning. Luckily it was only a 20 minute drive so we didn't have to wait too long.

As much as I know Megan needs to be with her mum, I still wish she was coming home with us. I only just got her back and so I want to spend time with her.

It was an extremely quiet car journey. No one knew what to say after the news of the operation tomorrow. Megan's dad was quiet too. He was probably too busy thinking about his wife in hospital. I don't blame him.

We made it back to the house by 1 o'clock in the morning. Megans dad was extremely tired so straight after helping us with our beds he went straight to bed.

We, despite having a busy day, couldn't get to sleep so stayed up talking. After Megan's dad went to bed the girls sneaked down into the living room where we were.

Marcus : what a pleasant surprise.

Lara : isn't it?

She catapulted herself onto Marcus' blowup bed and snuggled in beside him.

Amy : did you miss us?

Hrvy : I mean it was pretty peaceful.

Amy nudged his arm as she sat next to him on his bed under the blanket.

Then in walked Charlene to which made the situation extremely awkward. Marcus and Lara were together, Amy and Hrvy were together and then there was just Charlene and I who were NOT together.

As there was no other place to sit, she came and sat next to me on my bed. It was awkward because we hadn't really talked since the kiss so we didn't really know what to say.

As the others began to chat I attempted to make it slightly less awkward.

Martinus : well, today's been interesting.

Charlene : pfft you could say that.

Then there was silence. The silence continued for so long that the awkwardness was nearly unbearable until she finally broke it.

Charlene : look, I don't want anything to be awkward between us after what happened. Can we just scrap everything and start over?

Martinus : I'm so glad you said that and yes, that would be great.

Charlene : good cause I'd hate to just not speak to you from now on. I still want to be friends cause you're a great person.

Martinus : same for you.

She smiled. That conversation lifted the biggest most heaviest weight off of my shoulders. I'm so glad she feels the same way cause to hold grudges would be pointless.

Lara : and then when we all make it back to tour we can expose Dave and get him fired!!

Charlene : it's a plan!

Amy : .....what are we gonna do if she never gets better?

The room fell silent. No one wanted to think about what we would do if that happened. No one had probably even taken that alternative into account. We've just been assuming that everything's gonna be ok but what if it's not? What if Megan's mum never gets better!? Megan would be broken. I'd have to go back on tour despite how much Megan was hurting. I don't think I'd be able to leave her. Not like that.


Megan's POV ///

It was morning now and I was just on my phone as mum was awake yet. I had had the worst night sleep ever which didn't come as a surprise considering the chair I was sleeping on and what was happening in just over an hour.

Yes, the operation was not long away and I don't think I'm ready yet. The information just came all of a sudden that she was gonna have a life or dead situation. I can't believe this is my mum.

Last year she was running marathons and climbing Mount Everest. Ok, that's a bit over exaggerated but she was very active. She IS very active. I hate seeing her lying in bed all day, not doing anything. It's just not her. It's not my mum.

After a further half hour of trying to pass time, she finally awoke from her deep sleep.

Mum : oh, what are you doing here?

She had that croaky but calm morning voice.

Megan : I stayed the night.

Mum : what? Where did you sleep?!?

Megan : on this chair.

Mum : well that must not of been the comfiest!? You should have gone home, gotten a good night sleep in your own bed!

Megan : I wanted to be with you.

She then did one of those 'you're being silly but I love you' smiles which I had sincerely missed these past few months.

Mum : what time is it?

Megan : 9:34am

Mum : oh....not got long.

Megan : no.

She turned her head to look up at the ceiling. I could tell she was filled with nerves which made me feel even more anxious.

Megan : it's gonna be ok mum, I just know it will.

Mum : I know, just take care of yourself.

Megan : I will.

Mum : If I go-

Megan : you're not gonna go mum!

Mum : IF I go, just know that I don't want you to grieve. I'd hate for you to be sad and waste your life away. Enjoy life as much as you can cause you never know what could be around the next corner. I sure didn't.

Megan : I know.

It was hard to get those words out as tears trickled down my cheek. A huge lump filled my throat as my mind wandered to the possible consequences this operation could have. I was praying it wouldn't happen but I couldn't change the fact that it might. I hated that.

Megan : the others will be here any minute.

Mum : I look a state! I should put even a little tad of makeup on to hopefully look half pretty.

Megan : pretty is overrated.

Mum : you've got a point.

The door opened and in came dad followed by the rest of them. They didn't know whether to smile or be sad. I understood their pain.

Martinus walked over and lay a kiss on my forehead as the others all piled in.

Martinus : how are you?

Mum : below average.

Martinus : sorry, stupid question.

A few moment later the doctor walked in.

Doctor : right, we ready.

Mum : yes and no.

We all backed away as the bed got wheeled away. I managed to give her one last hug before she vanished out of sight. And that was it. She was gone and all that was left to do was wait. And for a bloody long time. The doctor said it could be over 5 hours before results were given.

Martinus wrapped his arms around me for comfort as tears streamed down my face. I sniffed as my head snuggled into his jumper.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now