Us against the world

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Lara's POV ///

I was still sitting in the bus. 3 hours later. Emma came in a couple of minutes ago asking if I wanted to play hide and seek. I said no. I wasn't up for having fun. I know that sounds deeply depressing but it's how I feel. All I wanted to do was sit here and think.

I think Emma thought I was going crazy because she kept asking if I was ok but I just said I was fine. I mean I wasn't gonna explain everything to her. All she wanted was someone to play hide and seek with, not a full essay on how my life is going to pot.

I thought now was a good time to go back inside. The concert had just finished so I wanted to see Marcus. Also I think I've stayed out here long enough for people to probably think I've gone awol.

I got up from my bed and made my way back inside to backstage. As I turned the corner to the corridor where our dressing room was I immediately noticed Martinus running to the door. I hid by the side of he corner so he couldn't see me.

He looked flustered like something has happened. I wanted to ask him what had happened but it was probably something to do with Megan and I couldn't bring myself to think about her right now.

As soon as Martinus went in I sneakily walked to the door and listened in to the conversation. They were quite loud so it wasn't hard to hear them.

Martinus : what happened?

Megan : I can't do it Martinus, I'm sorry.

Martinus : do what?

Megan : this, I can't take it anymore.

Martinus : take what? Megan, you're scaring me!

Megan : .....Martinus........I think we should break up.

I gasped. A bit too loudly as I was meant to be sneaky. But what?!?!?! They can't break up!! They're team Megtinus! They can't do this!

I was gone for what, 3 hours?!?! And they're breaking up!?!? Still shocked, I couldn't listen in any longer and decided to go to Marcus for answers. I ran backstage meeting Marcus at the curtains talking to Emma.

Emma : I thought you didn't want to play?

Lara : Marcus, what happened to Megan and Martinus?

Marcus : oh yeah, Martinus missed his queue to go on stage because he was talking to Megan.

Lara : wait what?!?! No, they're breaking up!

Marcus : what!?!

Lara : yeah, they're in the dressing room talking about it!

Marcus : come on then!

He grabbed my hand but I pulled away.

Marcus : what?

Lara : I-I don't want to go.

Marcus : why not?

Lara : I'm not in the best place with Megan at the moment.

Marcus : ugh come on Lara what is up with you? You two are best friends since forever and you can't even talk to her. And you've been so off lately. I mean you spent like 3 hours in the bus alone? Why don't you just talk to her!

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now