Hide and seek

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Megan's POV ///

Amy : I can't find her!

Megan : ugh she's too good at this game!

We sneaked around the room pretending we didn't have a clue where Emma was hiding. I heard a little giggle coming from behind the sofa.

Amy : well why don't we try another room.

Megan : yeah let's go then.

We stomped our feet and opened the door without going out. 5 seconds later a little head popped up behind the sofa.

Megan : found you!!

Emma : but you left!

Amy : you see that's what we wanted you to think.

She giggled before covering her eyes and beginning to count. Amy and I ran out and made our own way to a hiding place.

I, still not knowing my way around this place, somehow made it backstage accidentally pushing people on my way past. I made my way through a curtain and decided to hide behind this random but massive piece of equipment that I didn't have a clue what it was.

I stayed there for what seemed like forever until I heard a little voice coming from behind me. It was faint as the noise of the concert was blasting over it but I could just about make out what they were saying.

"Pssttt!" It said. I looked around confused until I noticed someone kneeling down about 15 ft away trying to get my attention. They began mouthing something to me but I couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe it was because she was talking in Norwegian?

It seemed like she was trying to warn me something so in the intention to go over and see what she wanted I stood up from behind my hiding place.

Suddenly unexpected lights flashed at my eyes and blinded me in the process. I was taken aback. For a split second I didn't have a clue what was going on until it clicked on my head.

I was on stage! I was standing in front of thousands of screaming fans. Only they weren't screaming anymore. Instead they were rather quiet and probably confused why there was a 16 year old girl standing in the middle of the stage when they were expecting a Marcus and Martinus concert.

I could see them as well. They were both bewildered at first but then began laughing.

The next move was something I will regret for the rest of my life. For some bazaar reason I decided to WAVE!!! Yes, I actually waved to the audience! I didn't do what the ordinary person would and just walk of stage (not that any ordinary person would even find them selves in this situation in the first place) but instead I did the most awkward wave imaginable.

To add to the wave I gave a little smile before realising I should probably get off stage. I ran off, my face turning the colour of a tomato as I registered what just happened.

The girl that was trying to get my attention a few minutes earlier came walking towards me laughing.

Person : well you don't have to be a singer to be on stage eh?

Megan : I can't believe that just happened!

Person : it's a story to tell.

Megan : thanks for trying to warn me anyway

Person : no problem ahaha

Emma came tottering up the stairs singing to herself with Amy following up behind her. I ran up to them both.

Emma : found you!

Megan : you will not believe what just happened to me!

Amy : tell me!

Megan : I was on stage!!

Amy : what?!?!

Megan : I was hiding behind this piece of equipment and then stood up and realised I was on stage!

Amy : oh my god!

Megan : I know!!

Emma : even I've never been on stage!

Amy : that's something on your bucket list ticked off then!!

Megan : yup!

We chatted and laughed as we made our way back down to the dressing room. I opened the door still laughing to find Lara sitting on the couch.

Megan : oh hey!

Lara : where have you been?!?!

Amy : oh Megan was just on stage!

We began laughing hysterically once again.

Lara : I've been looking for you everywhere

Megan : I thought you were with Marcus?

Lara : I was until about an hour ago and he had to go on stage.

Megan : oh yeah

Emma : we were playing hide and seek!

We sat on the sofa before Dave burst in.

Dave : why were you on stage!!!

Megan : oh yeah, sorry about that.

Dave : sorry?!?! Is sorry all you've got to say! Do you know how much work goes into these shows!! It's not just for some stupid good for nothing teenager to just walk on and ruin!

Megan : I didn't mean t-

Dave : NEVER AGAIN!!!!

He slammed the door behind him as he left. A few seconds later we all burst out laughing. Everyone except from Lara. As Amy and Emma chatted I attempted a chat.

Megan : are you ok?

Lara : I'm fine.

Megan : you seem a little quiet.

Lara : ok.

Megan : I'm worried about you.

Lara : I'm fine.

Megan : is everything ok between you and Marcus?

Lara : just leave me alone alright!!!!

I decided to just leave it there. I mean I wasn't gonna get anywhere.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now