Get away!

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Megan's POV ///

Finally we landed in Milan, Italy after a very torturous 2 hours. The full way they were talking and giggling together whilst I attempted to shut it all out with headphones. Even then I could still hear them.

At one point Charlene went to the bathroom so it was just Martinus and I sitting there in silence. It was awkward at first but then he surprisingly spoke to me.

Martinus : what you listening to?

I didn't hear him at first so he lifted one of my headphones and repeated himself.

Martinus : what you listening to?

Megan : jeez you gave me a fright!

Martinus : sorry aha

At that precise moment I just so happened to be listening to make you believe in love so I decided to just make one up. Why I couldn't of just said a real song I have no idea.

Megan : eh....blinded...

Martinus : oh never heard that one before, who's it by?

Megan : em...l-lyrico....

Martinus : who?

Megan : t-there a band from Japan you wouldn't know them.

Martinus : oh ok.

I turned my head and cringed at what I just blabbed on about to him. There's no such band as lyrico from Japan and no song called blinded! Why was I such an embarrassment!

Charlene came back at that moment and then that was it, we hadn't talked since. To be honest it would have been really awkward if we did do some small talk cause of what happened the other day.

Anyway, now we were landed and everyone was getting their bags from the top bit. When Martinus and Charlene were at a safe distance away, I turned around to the seat behind me to see Lara.

Lara : I feel so bad for you.

Megan : Any other seat would have been fine!

Lara : maybe it was fate!

Megan : huh?

Lara : maybe it was meant for you two to sit next to each other so you could talk and sort out your problems!

Megan : sure but how do you explain Charlene?

Lara : well sometimes fate gets it a little wrong.

Megan : I think life just hates me.

Lara : don't be so hard on yourself. At least you weren't sitting next to a middle aged ill man who sneezed on me every five seconds!

Megan : yeah I heard that ahaha

Lara : was not fun!


Martinus POV ///

We finally made it to the venue for the concert which was happening in around 3 hours. Today had been all travelling so I was relieved to relax.

Not to mention the very awkward flight beside Megan and Charlene! I mean, I was trying to stay away from Charlene so that Megan wouldn't hate me as much but she just kept talking to me and taking random selfies with me at random times.

My plan to get Megan back was backfiring and I only had another 6 days until the tour is over and everyone goes home, including Megan to which I probably will never see again if I don't sort things out.

Everyone put their bags in their changing rooms, then all came to the big hall to hang out before soundcheck.

When I walked in everyone was already there. I spotted Megan first. She sat with Amy, Lara, Maria and Lukas. Yes Lukas. Don't get me wrong Lukas is a good guy, just not with Megan.

I then spotted Marcus sitting with some of the band. I went over to them.

Marcus : oh you decided to finally show up?

Martinus : yeah, eh where's Charlene?

Marcus : why?

Martinus : do I need a reason?

Marcus : I've not seen her.

Martinus : ok.

You're probably thinking exactly what Marcus was thinking. That I wanted to talk to her. Well you're wrong. I wanted to know where she was so that I could talk to Megan. I have decided that Marcus' tactic of doing nothing but staying away from Charlene was taking to long so I'm just gonna go for it and see what happens.

Martinus : wish me luck.

Marcus : with what?

I stood up and began walking over to Megan. I got about 3/4 of the way when Charlene suddenly sweeped in front of me. I took a deep sigh. Worst timing ever.

Charlene : hey Martinus!

Martinus : hi Charlene, can I just-

I tried to pass by her but she blocked me off.

Charlene : what you doing?

Martinus : I was just gonna-

I tried again but again she blocked me off. What was she doing?

Charlene : I like you're hair today!

Martinus : em...thanks?

Charlene : you should have it up in a man bun more often, you suit it!

Martinus : thanks but can I get past-

She then began to touch my hair which made me feel very uncomfortable. She was very close to me, why was she doing this?

I glanced over at Megan who was now staring right at us. I tried to push Charlene away but she was stronger than she looked.

Charlene : what are you doing Martinus? Aha

Martinus : stop.

Charlene : what do you mean stop? Aha

Megan was still staring at us and I swear I saw a tear appearing in her eye. I felt so bad. I wanted to hug her. Tell her everything was ok, that I loved her and not Charlene. I've always loved her. She was always the one. But I couldn't because Charlene was blocking me for some strange reason.

Suddenly, Megan stood up from her seat and ran out the door. Her friends looked confused as to why she would do that but I knew exactly why.

Martinus : get away!!!!!

I shouted at the top of my lungs towards Charlene resulting in every single head in the room turn to see. She backed away looking hurt. I stood there for a moment, out of breath, before running out the door after Megan.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now