Dont do this

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Martinus POV ///

Megan : .....Martinus........I think we should break up.

At that moment, when those words I never believed would ever fall out of her mouth were said, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I also realised something, that the breaking of a heart wasn't just a metaphor. It causes actual physical pain. She's a part of my heart that's just been ripped out and left a hole. I felt empty. Confused. I needed answers.

Harvey : ok, well we're just gonna, you know, head off ok em right yeah bye.

Amy : yeah, we'll leave you two to it.

They both left. We were now alone with only me having a look of both shock and confusion spread across my face.

Martinus : w-what....

Megan : I'm so sorry Martinus it's just not working.

Martinus : what do you m-mean it's not working? It was going good. We were good.

Megan : it's not you it's me.....the fans they j-just-

Martinus :woah woah don't worry about them.

I stood up from my kneeling position and sat on the sofa next to her, taking both her hands into mine.

Megan : I can't not worry Martinus, they're everywhere!

Martinus : please don't do this Megan, what we have......I love you.

Megan : I don't want to but it's not good for me to keep doing this, I'm not happy.

Martinus : what d-do you mean you're not happy? I'll make you happy, I will. I promise, I will make you happy.

Megan : I-I'm sorry.

Martinus : Megan, what are you doing? I can help you. We can get through this together. I'll be there for you. Anything you want, I'll be there. Please.

Megan : you can't change the hate Martinus.

Martinus : I could!

Megan : you can't, it's not gonna happen.

Martinus : please Megan!

Megan : please don't make this any harder than it already is Martinus.

Martinus : but I'd be lost without you....

She looked straight in my eyes as a tear fell down her cheek. She took her hand up to my face and stroked away the tear that escaped my eye.

I pulled away and stood up.

Megan : Martinus?!?

I looked at her for a while. Straight into her eyes. My sadness turned to anger. Why would she do this? Over something as stupid as hate she's just gonna throw everything away. I thought she loved me more than that but obviously not.

Martinus : why?!?!

Megan : I told you why, it's because of the ha-

Martinus : the hate, yeah, but why break up with me!?!

Megan : its complicated

Martinus : oh it's complicated is it? To me it's two people who love each other. What's complicated about that?!?!

Megan : Martinus, please don't do this!

Martinus : how did you expect me to react?!? Did you just think I was gonna accept it and walk away! Well no I'm not, I'm willing to fight for our relationship but you're obviously not!!!

Megan : Martinus!!!

Martinus : no, I thought this was what you wanted! For me to leave? Well lucky you!! It worked!!!

I stormed off, slamming the door behind me. I instantly regretted it and thought about going back in and kissing her right there and then. But I didn't. Instead I just stood by the door, not knowing what to do with myself. I eventually walked away as tears streamed down my eyes.

Megan's POV ///

He slammed the door behind him. I ran to the door, about to run after him, but decided against it and just slid my back down the door, eventually sitting with my head in my knees, crying.

I sat there for what seemed like forever but was probably just a couple minutes before the door nudged my back signalling that someone wanted in.

I got up, wiping the tears away as they came in. It was Amy.

Amy : what happened, are you ok?!?!

Megan : emm it didn't go v-very well

Amy : awk Megan.

She gave me a sympathetic hug that was probably meant to make me feel better but instead did absolutely nothing to heal my pain.

My heart was still aching. I had never experienced this feeling before. I felt lost. I didn't know what to do. I had probably just lost the one I love because I was too much of a wimp to face up to the haters.

Now that I think about it, it's so stupid. What was I thinking pushing someone away that could've helped me through it!?!

I couldn't even go home. I had no one to go home with. And I don't think I'm organised enough to go on a plane by myself, even if I am 16 now. I was stuck here.

Thats me now lost two of my favourite people, the ones who have had my back the last couple of months with my mum being sick. The ones who have cared for me and made me smile when I've been feeling down.

I had Amy but she didn't know me as well as Martinus and Lara. She's a good friend but she's not been my best friend for 10 years like Lara. I needed to sort my life out, and fast.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now