What just happened!?!

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Megan's POV ///

In that instant my skin became greyed, my mouth hung with lips slightly parted and my eyes were as wide as they could stretch. I rendered, speechless, my brain desperately scrambling to make sense of it all. I stood as if paralysed.

At first I couldn't understand it. It didn't trigger in my brain that my boyfriend was kissing the one girl I was threatened of the most, after telling me I was the only one he wanted. Not only that but in front of a full arena with thousands of girls with their cameras, capturing everyone painful moment.

But then it hit me. And it was unbearable. My knees gave way letting me fall to the ground. My eyes became blurry with tears. My breathing was rapid.

I wasn't the only one that was shocked. I heard gasps coming from behind as the full backstage stood to witness the horror that came before me.

They let go of the kiss but by that point I was a state. I glanced over at the other end of the stage where Charlene entered and caught site of Dave. What I next witnessed resulted in a physical feeling of sick. He was smiling.

I turned and ran. I couldn't handle this anymore. I needed to go home. I was heading for my things to leave when I felt an urge to be sick. I ran to the nearest toilet and into one of the stalls to throw up.

You'd think I'd feel better after it but I didn't. My stomach may have felt better but my heart remained shattered into a million pieces. I was broken and I was positive that this time there was no way of fixing it.

After approximately 20 minutes in the bathroom, I ran out and into the dressing room. I stuffed my bag full of all my things as fast as I could and called a taxi to pick me up to get the next flight home. I also texted my mum to let her know I was coming home early.

As soon as I had my bag on my back and was ready to leave I noticed the handle of the door turn down. Someone was coming in but I suddenly got sidetracked by a bleep coming from my phone. I looked down at it and gasped as I read it.

Martinus POV ///

What was happening!?! Charlene is sat here instead of Megan. She just came out of nowhere and there was no sign of Megan. I didn't know what to do. For some reason I will never know, I went along with it. Though I regret it, maybe Megan let her on instead because she got too shy.

I was extremely confused but we sang to her anyway. I pretended like everything was going as planned because I'm a perfectionist. I like when everything goes as planned.

I was still disappointed. Although I was nervous, I desperately wanted to confirm our relationship and this was our chance but obviously she just chickened out or something.

We finished up singing to her and so she stood up. I took her hand to help her up and she curtseyed towards the audience. I smiled as the audience roared with screams and claps.

Marcus was so nearly about to put the chair away when she suddenly, out of nowhere, leaned in and kissed me!!!!

I backed away, startled,  but that just made her lean in more. I couldn't say I hated it but I felt a sudden rush of guilt wash over me. I never wanted this to happen. I love Megan.

What is she doing? What was she thinking? Why was she doing this to me and our relationship!! Unanswered questions whizzed around my head as she continued to kiss me passionately.

Eventually I pulled away and just stood there staring at her in disbelief at what she just did. The crowd went wild with screams of surprise but also happiness. They seemed to like us together which made this full thing even worse.

Then I remembered Megan. What have I done!?! Charlene coming on stage was obviously not planned or discussed with Megan as she never would have let her kiss me.

I suddenly pictured her crying into her hands backstage. I looked round to the side of the stage and caught glimpse of someone running away. I assumed it was Megan and so attempted to run after her but instead got pulled back by Charlene.

Charlene : where are you going?

I looked straight into her eyes. She seemed different. She wasn't flirting with me but instead seemed genuinely concerned about where I was going.

I then looked round to the audience and took a deep breath.

Martinus : I just want to make clear that Charlene and I are NOT together. I have no idea what just happened and I have no intention of doing it again. I am in fact in love with someone else. Her name is Megan. You may not like her because she's not famous or she doesn't wear any makeup or designer clothing. You may not like her because she's not the most confident person in the world. Or you may not like her because she is just so simple isn't you. But to me she is perfect and I could not ask for anything more. This girl, who is most likely crying her eyes out backstage having just watched that, is my real girlfriend and so if you have a problem with that then you can buggar off into another fandom. Thank you and goodbye.

I ran off stage as fast as I could leaving all the shellshocked faces behind. I was rather proud of myself if I don't say so myself. I went from shaking with nerves for singing first kiss to Megan on stage to completely thrashing a full on, deep speech about my love for Megan.

I brushed off the pride and focused my thoughts on finding Megan. Where could she have gone? I ran down to the dressing room and saw her stuff all still spread out everywhere. She wasn't here so where was she? I continued running around the building for ages until I bumped into Marcus.

Marcus : wow! What just happened out there!!!

Martinus : to be completely honest, I have not got a clue. It can out of nowhere!!

Marcus : I thought it was supposed to Megan out there?!?!

Martinus : it was!!! I don't know what happened!!!

Marcus : she's gonna be so upset!

Martinus : I know so help me find her quick!!

He began to run with me as we continued to look for her. She couldn't be far....could she?

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now