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Megan's POV //

Martinus : I think it's about 25 countries?

Mum : wow that's a lot for only 3 months!!

Martinus : yeah it gets really tiring.

We were at the table having dinner. Martinus was sitting next to me and mum and dad were on the other side of the table. They kept giving me looks wondering if Martinus had asked me about going on tour with him yet. I tried to ignore them as best as possible.

I knew they were gonna want me to go even though I don't want to. I really couldn't deal with explaining to them why as well. Im just not ready to leave mum.

Dad : how do you do school work and everything?!?

Martinus : well my dad used to be a teacher so he helps us out a bit.

Dad : I must meet your dad soon, he sounds like a cool guy.

Martinus : he is! Best dad ever!!!

Dad : well after me of course.

He looked over at me expecting me to laugh but I just sat there continuing to twist my spaghetti on my fork, cringing.

Mum : what if you get ill during tour?

Ughh I wish they would stop asking about the tour that I wasn't going on.

Martinus : that actually happened a few weeks back. Marcus and I were both ill but we did the concert anyway. It was hard but we didn't want to disappoint everyone who had bought tickets.

Dad : I'm sure! All those people coming to see you!

Martinus : yeah I would feel too bad.

Mum : has anything ever embarrassing happened on stage?

Martinus : yeah I-


They all jolted their heads towards me surprised by my sudden outburst.

Megan : sorry, I didn't mean to shout it's just you keep going on about the tour can we talk about something else for once.

Mum : em yeah of course.

The room fell silent. No one had an idea of what else to talk about so the atmosphere was slightly awkward. It continued that way before Martinus broke the silence.

Martinus : I'm just gonna nip to the toilet, if that's alright.

Dad : of course Martinus, you don't need to ask.

He hurried off, escaping the not so pleasant atmosphere I was still trapped in. As soon as Martinus was out of sight mum began speaking.

Mum : what was all that about?!?!

Megan : ......Martinus asked me if I wanted to go on tour with him.

Their faces lifted whilst mine remained still.

Mum : oh, isn't it just great news!!! You'll absolutely love it!!

They were both completely oblivious to my lack of enthusiasm as they rambled on.

Dad : you'll get to see the tour bus and experience tons of different countries and-

Megan : I'm not going.

Their faces dropped in confusion.

Mum : what are you talking about, of course you're going.

I shook my head.

Dad : what, why not?!?!

Megan : I don't want to.

Mum : Megan, do you know what you are throwing away here?!?! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Why would you not want to go?!?!

Megan : I just don't feel like it.

Dad : of course you feel like it! Why in a million years would you not feel like it? So what's this really about?!?!

Megan : I.........I don't want to leave you.....

Mum : oh Megan, you're not going to throw this away cause of me are you?!?! Are you crazy!! I'll be fine.

Megan : I know you'll be fine but I want to spend as much time with you as possible!

Mum : we'll have plenty of time to spend with each other when you get back.

Megan : I'll be worried about you the full time and won't be able to enjoy it.

Mum : Megan, I want you to be happy.....

Megan : I know it's just-

Mum : and you're not gonna find happiness staying at this boring old home with me all day. If you go on this tour the memories will be with you your whole life. You will enjoy it so much I promise you.

Megan : I don't know.......

Mum : well I do. Please go on this trip Megan. If not for you then for me. If you want to make me happy then go or you'll regret it.

I looked up at her pleading eyes. I wanted her to be happy. And if going on this trip would do that then so be it.

Megan : ok....

Dad : ok what?!?!

Megan : I'll go.

Mum : REALLY!?!?!

Megan : yup!

I ran and hugged them both as tightly as possible. I can't believe I'm actually going!! Now I know that mum is gonna be fine I was way more excited!!

At that moment Martinus walked in. He stopped when he saw us hugging with smiles on our faces.

Martinus : what did I miss?

Megan : I'm coming.....

Martinus : where?!?!

Megan : on tour!!!!

Martinus : OH MY GOD ACTUAL!!!!

Megan : yup!

With a huge grin on his face, he picked me up and spun me around the kitchen making me giggle.

Martinus : right well we leave tomorrow at noon!!

Megan : wow that soon!!!!

Martinus : yeah, is that alright?!??

Megan : yeah it's just I'm not even packed yet! Come on!!

I grabbed his hand to go pack upstairs. Meanwhile dad was clearing his throats trying to get our attention.

Megan : oh, may we leave the table?

Dad : yeah, I was just joking go get packed!

We laughed and ran upstairs.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now