He's back!

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Megan's POV //

It felt incredible to be back in his arms again. I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet. I didn't want to let go. I had been waiting for this moment for over a month now and it was better than I had ever imagined.

I let go, my arms still wrapped around his neck. I stared into his deep brown eyes that had been on my mind since that day he left.

He was even more handsome than I remember which I didn't think was possible. He was rocking the messy beach hair from being on the plane all afternoon and was wearing his old comfy tracksuit and still he was irresistible.

I could smell his all so familiar after shave that he wears everyday. This might make me weird but I even missed his smell!

He beamed down at me showing off his fetching smile making me die inside. I genuinely don't know how I coped not seeing him for over a month. To be honest I'm surprised I didn't just give up and jump on a plane to Norway to see him.

Martinus : you don't know how much I missed your gorgeous face!

I blushed, moving closer to him.

Megan : not as much as I missed yours.

Our lips were centimetres apart. I could feel his breath. I let my hands shift from his neck up into his hair as he had his hands around my hips. I leaned in.

Mum : Martinus!

We both jumped moving away from each other. Martinus began giggling uncontrollably.

Megan : mum!

Mum : oh sorry did I interrupt something?

She had a grin spread across her face as I folded my arms in frustration.

Martinus walked towards the door and held out his arm for a handshake.

Martinus : nice to see you again Mrs haldane.

Mum : oh don't be silly.

She went in for a hug making him relax a little. Mum was never one for formal things so her reaction didn't surprise me at all.

Martinus went back to the end of the garden to collect his bags. As he did I walked up to mum.

Megan : did you know about him coming?

Mum : mayybbbeee.....

I smiled and gave her a big hug.

Megan : thank you.

Martinus walked back over to us carrying his very big bag making me wonder how long he was staying.

Mum : I thought you'd like it if Martinus stayed over tonight? Just for a little catch up.

Megan : Are you kidding?!?! YES!!!!

Martinus laughed bringing his bags inside. I brought my bag, which I dumped on the ground, inside and closed the door behind us.

Just as Martinus was putting his bags down by the door my dad came through into the hall.

Dad : Martinus, how's it going man?!?

Megan : dad, stop trying to be cool by saying 'man', no one says that anymore.

We all laughed including Martinus.

Martinus : don't worry, I think you're cool.

Dad : at least someone agrees with me!

They hugged.

Mum : right, why don't you two lovebirds go up to your room and get organised. I'll start the dinner.

I blushed. Why did she have to say lovebirds? That's so cheesy!! Why are my parents so cheesy!?!?!

We ran upstairs and arrived at my room.

Megan : where's Marcus?

Martinus : he went to surprise Lara at her house, think he's staying there over night as well.

Megan : oh Lara will like that ahaha

He nodded, laughing as I open my door. Martinus dumped his bags by the door and made himself at home by laying on my bed. He let out a very dramatic sigh of relief.

Martinus : it feels so good to be back here.

I jumped on the bed next to him with my laptop and books ready to do some homework.

Megan : really?

He sat up a little giving his full attention.

Martinus : yes! I mean don't get me wrong I love being on tour but sometimes it can get a bit too much and I just need a rest.

Megan : I don't know how you do it!

Martinus : do what?

Megan : just travelling all the time, having concerts nearly every night AND having school on top of it all! I can hardly handle the school bit never mind the others!

Martinus : I've got to admit it is hard but I really do love it! Just being on stage and singing to all those people that came just to see you....it's incredible!!

Megan : it must be....

I looked down, fiddling with my pencil.

Martinus : what is it?!?!

He reached for my hand.

Megan : no, I'm happy for you...it's just.....ugh it doesn't matter....

Martinus : no, tell me.....you can tell me anything Megan.

Megan : it's just that.....you have this whole other completely different life that I'm not apart of and I just want to be with you and experience what you love with you rather than being stuck here waiting for your next text. I want you to enjoy yourself but I want to be more a part of your life.

I looked up at him. I was surprised to see him smiling.

Megan : why you smiling?!?!

Martinus : Megan I didn't just come here to see you.....

Megan : what?!?!

Martinus : I came here to tell you something and I was waiting for the right moment....

There was a small pause making me very impatient and tense. He was still smiling and enjoying making me wait.

Martinus : would you like to join us on the rest of the tour?!??

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now