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Marcus POV ///

Lara : she's actual the coolest person ever!

Marcus : I know, but she's not really talked to me much.

Lara : how come?

Marcus : don't know, Martinus seems to really click with her though!

We both looked over at them both laughing as they ate their lunch.

Lara : yeah....

Marcus : I feel really bad for Megan.

Lara : ....

Marcus : she's not allowed to meet her.

Lara : I suppose.

Marcus : have you talked to her yet?

Lara :

Marcus : maybe you should, I mean you are best friends.

Lara : WERE best friends, she's decided to replace me.

Marcus : I'm sure that's not true.

Dave : Lara!

She jumped at his very intimidating voice shouting her name.

Dave : times up!

Her shoulders dropped as she let out a sigh.

Lara : well, I guess that's me away.

Marcus : I really don't know why you only get half an hour, it's so stupid.

Lara : you're telling me!

She kissed me on the cheek before going over to Charlene for one last hug. I watched as she had a word with Dave and then rolled her eyes as she walked out. I giggled before turning back to Martinus and Charlene.

I was prepared to go over to talk to them but instead something caught my eye. They were both sitting at the table eating lunch which was fine but Martinus had his arm around her chair. I found it slightly strange as he 1. Hardly even knows her and 2. Is with Megan.

What was he thinking? Cameras were everywhere. This was definitely going to be all over Instagram by the time we leave. He was either not thinking or there was another reason. But what? What possible reason would he be doing this?

I needed to tell Megan before she sees it herself but I didn't want to hurt her. I know she's been caught up in all the hate and drama recently so I don't think she wants to hear this as well.

I genuinely didn't know what to do next. I could either go over there and awkwardly just sit there listening into there convo clearly third wheeling, or I could awkwardly just stand here by myself.

Either way it was gonna be awkward so I decided to not move and just stand there, watching what was happening. And it was definitely awkward.


Lara's POV ///

Megan : and then he just walked off leaving me to cry in the dressing room.

Lara : why would he do that?

Megan : I have no idea, I knew me saying that wouldn't end well but I never thought he'd be angry.

Lara : I still don't know why you broke up with him though. You guys are perfect for each other!

Megan : yeah, I realised that like right after it happened. I thought the reason I was getting hate was that I was with Martinus but even after we "broke up" it was still going on. That's when I realised I needed him. I feel lost without him...

I looked down at my bracelet that Marcus gave me a while back and began spinning it around my wrist.

Megan : what is it?

Lara : there's something I need to tell you but you're not gonna like it.

Megan : what? Lara, tell me!

Lara : it's about Martinus.

Megan : what did he do? What happened?

Lara : no it's just, him and Charlene were getting really close in there....

Megan : w-what do you mean by close?

Lara : like.....he touched her hair at one point.....

She stood up and began walking to the door where they all were, anger spread across her face. I pulled her jacket back.

Lara : Megan, don't! Before you do something you regret!

She sat back down.

Megan : he doesn't get to do this! I know I was the one that wanted to break up but he doesn't get to get all close with another girl, bearing in mind it's my idol, making sure you see and tell me only for me to get jealous!!!!

Lara : I might have misinterpreted it?

Megan : no, you can't misinterpret flirting Lara! I know exactly what he's trying to do and it's working!

Lara : well, don't let it work!

Megan : I just feel so unwanted.

Lara : I think it was more Dave that pushed them together to be honest. He kept pushing Marcus and i away and making them sit together and stuff.

Megan : I should have guessed this was his doing! He really just doesn't want Martinus and I together does he! As soon as we fought he some how became a really happy person! I wonder why! He's hated me from the start and I've never known why.

Lara : he hates me too.

Megan : he really just gets on my nerves like what have I ever done to him?!?! Nothing! And still he hates my guts! .........sorry, I need to calm down a bit.

Lara : just a tad.

Megan : bet you've missed my rants.

Lara : you can't imagine!

We both laughed.

Megan : I just wish everything was back to the way it was before this stupid tour. When there was no drama. No arguments or rants. Just excitement when I got a text from him after school. I can't remember the last time I felt that excitement. I knew I should have never come.

Lara : you didn't know all this would happen. Everything will turn out in the end. It always does.

Megan : I'm not convinced.

Lara : trust me.

I smiled. But I couldn't help the fact I still had a lump in my throat which just wouldn't go away. I felt sick just imagining the ways Martinus was flirting with Charlene. Why would he do this to me? After everything we've been through together.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now