Take off

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Megan's POV //

We arrived at the airport after an hour of singing and laughing. We grabbed our bags from the trunk and began making our way to security. The others went ahead looking for the way as Lara and I held back talking.

Lara : I can't believe we're going to Norway!!

Megan : I know!

Lara : what do you think it's gonna be like?!?!

Megan : well I imagine it being quite snowy but then I remember it's summer so probably sunny.

Lara : I didn't ask for a weather report, anyway how you feeling about the flight?

Megan : well I'd be lying if I said I was fine.

Lara : it's not bad, promise.

Megan : yeah, Martinus chatted with me this morning about it. He reassured me a bit.

Lara : good. So what did you two do last night?

I looked at her confused. She was smirking like an 8 year old.

Megan : what do you mean by that?!?!

Lara : oh never mind, it's obviously private....

Megan : oh shut it, we didn't do anything like that!

Lara : mmhhh sure.

Megan : Lara I'm 16!!

Lara : so?

Megan : so nothing happened!

Lara : what ever you say.

Megan : what did you do last night?

She raised her eyebrows still smirking. We both burst out laughing.

Marcus : come on you two or we're gonna miss the flight!!

We hurried to catch up still giggling.


It was now time to board the plane and so we were waiting in the cue. I was getting my passport and boarding pass ready when Martinus started laughing.

Megan : what?

Martinus : I was just looking at your passport photo.

Megan : shut up, it was a long time ago!

Martinus : no, you look cute!

Megan : then why you laughing?

Martinus : don't know, I can't help it. You just look so young! Aha

I pushed him away playfully.

Megan : lets see yours then?!?!

Martinus : sure, I was a cool kid!

He took out his passport, showing me the photo. I began laughing hysterically.

Martinus : it's not that bad!

Megan : no it's fine, it's just your hair!

Martinus : yeah it's a bit spiky isn't it aha

Megan : a bit?!?!

Martinus : ok fine a lot!

Lara : what you two laughing at?

Marcus and Lara turned around to face us.

Megan : just looking at our passport photos. Look!

I pointed to Martinus' still laughing. They joined in until we were all roaring with laughter. People were giving us looks but we didn't care. We continued giggling until we eventually made it to the desk. I suddenly got really anxious. This was it. I was going on a plane.

I felt a hand grip onto mine as we made our way down the corridor to the plane. I looked round to see Martinus. How does he always know what I'm feeling. He has like supernatural powers or something!

Martinus : it's gonna be alright.

I smiled, continuing to make my way to the plane. We got on the plane and took our seats. I was right by the window with Martinus beside me and kjell-erik on the other side of him. Marcus and Lara were in front. We could just about see there heads poking up from the top of the seats.

My breathing got heavier as the plane started to move. It felt strange. Just the whole atmosphere. The sound of all the people chatting and the engine combined. Looking out the tiniest window i'd ever seen watching all the other planes take off. The only thing that was familiar was the smell of Martinus' after shave lingering in the stuffy air.

The seats weren't particularly the comfiest so it took me a while to get comfy but as soon as I did the engine got louder and I was pushed to the back of my seat. We were taking off!

I grabbed Martinus' hand a bit too aggressively. He gripped onto mine as we got faster and faster. I squeezed his hand so tightly but I didn't care at the moment. We were about to fly!

I watched the world zoom past until we lifted off the ground. My stomach tossed and turned making me feel slightly sick. We eventually levelled off giving me time to look out the window at Glasgow. It was amazing!!

Megan : everything's so tiny!!!

Martinus laughed at me. We hadn't let our hands go yet.

Martinus : see, I told you it's not bad!

Megan : I'm just glad that bit's over!


Martinus POV ///

We were about 1 and half hours into the flight and didn't have long left. By now Megan seemed to be completely relaxed and wasn't scared at all.

We had been chatting literally the whole time about my life in Norway. We could talk for days on end without getting bored!

We were now watching friends on my laptop with headphones. Megan was resting her head on my shoulder as we laughed at all the jokes. After a while I realised Megan wasn't laughing anymore. I looked around to see her fast asleep. I smiled at how comfy she looked with her little face squished against my shoulder. She looked so peaceful and cute.

I'd missed Megan so much, you can't even imagine. It was so hard to perform for loads of people when inside I just felt lost without her. I felt like there was a piece of me missing.

And then when she said she couldn't come my heart sank. I was genuinely thinking of cancelling the rest of the tour just so I could be with her. But then she said she could come and now here we are. On our way to Norway. On our way to my home.

I was so excited to show her Trofors and my house. And then tomorrow we're off to Oslo to start the tour again. It's going to be so much fun! Especially with Megan!!

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now