Hustle and bustle

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Megan's POV ///

And then we waited. Waited for what seemed like a lifetime only because all I did was check my watch and let my mind wander. Dad did occasionally ask if we wanted to go out for lunch or a walk to take our minds off of it all but I jumped in with a 'no' before anyone could even register what he had said.

I feel it would be selfish to go out. I would feel guilty to have even the slightest bit of fun whilst mum lay in that stuffy room getting who knows what done to her. To be honest, she had been insisted to take some pills to put her to sleep as they operated on her but that didn't change anything. She still wouldn't be with us. She would be alone.

Even if we did go out, I wouldn't get anything out of it. It wouldn't take my mind off of it. And it certainly would not be fun. The most It would do is change the location to which I was thinking about it all.

Martinus helped. Not by much as I don't think it would be possible to completely heal my worries but he certainly helped. Occasionally he would bring me a cup of tea or hug me close to his chest as we sat side by side on the ridiculously small chair.

He needn't say anything. The frequent peck on the forehead would tell me he's right by my side and isn't going anywhere. The going to get a cup of tea would tell me he's wanting to help but doesn't know how.

It was all clear to me how he was feeling even without words. And it was clear what I was feeling from his point of view just from the way I sat and did nothing with a glum expression spread across my face.

I like that. I like that we don't need to say anything and still know what the other is thinking or feeling. I like that we've made it to that stage where words are no longer needed in order to communicate with one another.

The others helped too but in a different way. They would talk about other things like exposing Dave and where their favourite location was on tour. It helped because it made me think of all the fun I had experienced whilst on tour. All the new places I had visited. All the new buildings and seafronts and squares I had never dreamed I would ever have the chance to explore.

It also made me think about Dave and his unmissable expression when he hears he's fired from the tour. He'd first blame me for everything to make me feel bad before running out in a state of anger and shock. Then would come the bit none of us would see but desperately want to as by that time he'd be long gone. He would be sad and regretful for everything he had done. He would want to turn back time and maybe even want to apologise for the things he did to Martinus, to Charlene, to me.

My mind had wandered off in a daze. I had finally found a way to get my mind off of everything until my eyes caught a glimpse through the window of the door of about 5 doctors all, one by one, running past in a rush. They were running in the direction of where mum was taken for her operation.

I bolted up from my seat next to Martinus and ran to the door.

Martinus : Megan?!?

I ignored him as I frantically opened the door and poked my head outside. When I did, a sudden burst of noise rumbled from down the corridor. In a state of panic I left everyone behind and followed the hustle and bustle.

As I sprinted down the halls the noise got louder and louder until it became almost deafening. The sounds of machines bleeping and wheels turning added to the unbearable noise as I finally reached the room. I stopped and stared.

The door read 'room 131'. My heart skipped a beat as I seemed to remember the doctor explaining that she was getting taken to room 131.

I peered inside but hardly anything was visible through the 6"4 blue shirted doctors and nurses. I couldn't bare it any longer so I ran inside. Barging through the people, I finally caught site of mum.

She lay completely still despite everything that was happening around her. Her eyes were shut. Her chest worryingly still. Before I could do anything else an extremely big and tall man appeared in front of me.

Doctor : I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave.

He pushed me backwards until I eventually lost sight of mum.

Megan : that's my mum!

Doctor : we are dealing with the situation, meanwhile you're gonna have to wait outside.

Megan : what situation?!? Tell me what is going on!!!

Doctor : you will be informed as soon as we have the details.

Megan : but-

He pushed me further backwards until I was completely out of the room and the door was slammed shut in front of me. Then suddenly the noise was gone. I was helpless.

Seconds later the others came running down the corridor towards me. I sat against the wall by the door staring into nothingness, deep in thought and worry.

Dad : what's happening? Where's your mum!?!

Megan : in there.

Dad : is she alright?!?

Megan : they wouldn't tell me. They don't tell you anything. They don't care about your feelings!

Martinus came and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. I shook him off. I needed to be alone.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now