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Charlene POV ///

Dave : ok, now!

Charlene : but-

Dave : no but's! If you want the money you go now!!!

I gulped. He can be scary when he's angry. I didn't want to do this. I could back away now. Now was my chance to say no. But for some reason I didn't. Instead I listened to what he was telling me and approached Martinus.

I took a deep breath and turned on my flirting mode as I sweeped in front of him.

Charlene : hey Martinus!

Martinus : hi Charlene, can I just-

He tried to get past. I panicked and blocked him off. I glanced at Dave who was watching my every move. I hated this.

Charlene : what you doing?

Martinus : I was just gonna-

He then tried again and again I blocked him off. I felt so bad but I didn't know what else to do. I was also aware that Megan was sitting right behind me in the sofa watching all this.

Charlene : I like you're hair today!

Martinus : em...thanks?

Charlene : you should have it up in a man bun more often, you suit it!

Martinus : thanks but can I get past-

I looked over at Dave for help who was motioning for me to touch his hair. I shook my head but he began to wind up so I took his advice.

I tried getting closer to him as he was constantly pushing away.

Charlene : what are you doing Martinus?

I fake laughed to lighten the mood but he wasn't having any of it. I could see where this was going.

Martinus : stop.

Charlene : what do you mean stop? Aha

I knew exactly what he meant. I don't even know why I asked it. I guess I just didn't know what else to say.

Suddenly, Megan stood up from her seat and ran out the door. Her friends looked confused as to why she would do that.

Martinus : get away!!!!!

He suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs as he pushed me away and stared with hurt in his eyes. He stared for a long amount of time, out of breath. He looked angry, furious in fact but I could also see the sadness seeping through his eyes. He couldn't understand what I was doing and neither did I.

He took off out the door after her and I couldn't help being slightly happy of his action. I glanced over at Dave who had his hands on his head. That was obviously not what he wanted to happen. I looked back at the door he ran out of and couldn't help but let out a small smile. You go get her Martinus!

Martinus POV ///

I ran out the door and kept on running. I had no idea what direction she went so took a wild guess. I ran for what seemed like forever as I called her name to get her attention.

After a full 10 minutes of running around frantically, I caught a glimpse of a red hooded figure sitting just outside the door to the building. It was definitely Megan. I knew from the way she sat and the blood red hoodie that was given to her for her 15th birthday by her gran.

Megan : go away.

Her voice was croaked, like she had been crying. I didn't listen to her but did the complete opposite by sitting down next to her.

Megan : do you not understand English?!?

Martinus : to be fair, I am Norwegian.

I giggled at my own joke which I don't think helped the matter. She remained still without even a glimpse of a smile leaking from her drained face.

Megan : what are you doing Martinus?

Martinus : I care about you Megan.

Megan : do you really? Not what it looked like in there.

Martinus : I swear to god, she came out of nowhere. I didn't mean for any of it to happen.

Megan : yeah well it did happen.

Martinus : I know and I'm sorry.

Megan : is that it?

Martinus : I don't know what else I'm supposed to say?

Megan : there's nothing TO say.

Martinus : what do you mean?

Megan : I mean, we're done talking.

Martinus : maybe you are but I'm not.

Megan : make up your mind Martinus! I'm fed up of holding onto you, hoping that maybe one day we might actually have a chance of getting back together. I've given up. You've moved on, I get it. Just don't mess with my mind and simply be straight with me.

Martinus : I don't think you understand.

Megan : what? What don't I understand?!?

Martinus : I'm not going to move on. I've already told you that. No matter what I do or what you do, some part of me will always be stuck on you. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because you're the only person I've truly unconditionally loved. Maybe because you're the only one who's able to put me under this much hurt. No matter the reason, I could never stop loving you.

She stared at me with relief in her eyes. I meant every word I said. She has no idea how much I've missed her laugh and smile. A tear fell from her eye and so did one from mine.

Martinus : I'm so tired of missing you.

I placed my hand on her face as I stroked away the tear that fell from her eye.

Megan : but what about Charlene?

Martinus : I feel nothing for her, you're the one I want.

Megan : you're such an idiot do you know that?

She sniffed and giggled.

Martinus : I've been told.

The tips of her mouth lifted into a smile as I fell more in love with her than I had ever done before.

She launched herself into my arms as a huge sigh of relief left my mouth. The sudden whiff of her all so familiar shampoo and perfume brought back all the memories and moments we shared together before everything happened.

I kissed her forehead. I finally had her back. She was mine and I was NOT gonna mess this up again.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now