Dave who?

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Megan's POV ///

It's sound check now and we were just about to confront Dave about our plan. I had a feeling he was not gonna let us do it considering everything that's happened but it doesn't hurt to at least try. I'm wishing that maybe once he's gonna be nice to me and actually let us do it but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be let down.

Megan : why do I need to talk?!?

Martinus : cause...I don't want to do it.

Megan : not a valid reason. He hates me! I think you should do it.

Martinus : pfft no way.

Megan : pleaseeeeee

I began to do my puppy dog eyes at him to which he smiled and sighed.

Martinus : ughh fine! you know I can't resist that face.

I let off a cheesy grin before following him over to Dave. He was sitting in one of the seats at the back of the hall writing stuff down on his personal clipboard that no one is ever allowed to see but wants to. I believe it's his diary and so all his dark DARK secrets are in there. Just a thought.

Martinus : Dave?

He looked up and made eye contact with Martinus to which he smiled.

Dave : hi Martinus.

He then caught glimpse of me to which his smile expectantly disappeared. He stood up and put his clipboard away to give full attention to what we were about to say.

Martinus : we've got something to ask you.

Dave : what about?

Martinus : the concert tonight...

Dave crossed his arms as he was listening.

Martinus : we were thinking about confirming our relationship tonight on stage and so I was wondering if there's any chance of Megan being the first kiss girl....

We both stared at Dave's reaction with caution. I even took a step back in fear of what he may do next.

Dave : Of course!! That's a great idea!

Megan : what?!?!

They both looked at me.

Megan : I mean...thanks.

Eh Dave who? Where the heck has Dave gone! Who is this strange but terrifyingly jolly and easy going substitute that stands before me? I was genuinely more scared than I had ever been of him due to his surprising reaction that just did not sound like Dave.

Martinus : thank you so much!!!

Dave : he took his clipboard back out and sat back down to write again. Martinus turned around and walked away with me beside him.

Megan : what just happened?!?!

Martinus : I have no idea but now I'm excited!!

I smiled. I was excited too.


It was about 5 minutes before they had to go on and I was with Martinus backstage. I fixed his hair as he was sorting out his earpiece.

Megan : I think I'm getting the hang of this tour thing now.

Martinus : you're a pro.

Megan: ok don't overreact.

I put my hands back down to my side and took a deep breath. He stopped what he was doing and slid his fingers into mine.

Martinus : it's gonna be ok.

His hazel brown eyes gazed deep into mine as my full body relaxed. He let a little smile go, which reassured me that everything was gonna turn out in the end. I knew I'd always have him by my side.

The 1 minute countdown began. Marcus ran up to us with a huge grin spread across his face.

Marcus : you guys ready for this?

Megan : ready as I'll ever be.

Martinus : let's do it.

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before running to his starting position to go on stage.

I heard someone walk up behind me. I turned around to see Lara also with a cheesy grin.

Megan : why is everyone so happy?!?

Lara : why are you so depressed!??

Megan : I'm not, I'm just extremely nervous!!

Lara : for what?

She looked at me for a worryingly long time before catching on.

Lara  : oohhhh yeah sorry mind blank.

I rolled my eyes.

Lara : they'll love you, I know it.

Megan : how can you be so sure.

Lara : I have a feeling.

Megan : that's reassuring!

Video : 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

They ran on stage as my heart bested at 100mph. I had never been so nervous in all my life.

A few songs went by which seemed to take a lifetime before it was finally time for 'first kiss'. I walked over to the very side of the stage and I could see the whole audience with all there cameras pointed straight at me.

I wasn't even in sight yet and I was about to faint. How am I supposed to go on stage!!

Martinus : I know you guys were expecting a fan to come up here right?

They all screamed 'yes'

Martinus : well we're kinda mixing things up tonight. Instead of one of you guys coming up here, we have a special guest!!!

That was my cue. I took a deep breath and was about to walk onstage but instead looked over at the other end and gasped. CHARLENE WAS WALKING ONSTAGE!!!

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now