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Megan's POV ///

Megan : good luck!

Martinus : thanks, I love you.

Megan : love you too.

He ran backstage ready to go on. I could tell he was nervous as his hands were shaking and he was trying to control his breathing. The count down began as lara and I watched them from our seats backstage.

5...4...3...2...1.......the lights flashed as the stadium filled with screams of over-excited girls. They both ran on stage and what I thought couldn't get louder did. The full arena was roaring with noise. Some being music and some being the voices of thousands of fans singing a long to 'elektrisk'

I found myself singing a long too even though it was all in Norwegian. I had been working on learning all of their Norwegian songs off by heart and this one just so happened to be the one I knew the best.

My heart was filled with pride as I watched Martinus dance around the stage with a beaming smile spread across his face. He loved it and seeing the one I love so happy made me happy.

Before, I just thought it was like a job for him but now I know why he does it. Seeing him up there makes me think he was born for the stage. Even though he was nervous before he looks so comfortable, like he's in his natural habitat.

He's meant for this life and I'm so happy that I can be a part of it now. That I'm part of his amazing journey.


It was now about 1 hour into the show and I was starting to get slightly bored so I decided to check my phone. I was scrolling through insta looking through the cute edits of Martinus when I caught sight of something else. Something very familiar posted by a fan account.

I was about to move on when it suddenly occurred to me that it was me in the picture! It was taken yesterday in the airport at Trofors.

It was a picture of Martinus and me with security guards huddled around us but you could still see our faces clearly. Martinus was smiling as a fan took a selfie with him meanwhile I looked like I was about to cry. Not mentioning my messy hair and ugly face.

The caption read "anyone know who this is cause I sure hope she's got nothing to do with my boy!". I scanned it over and over again trying to get it into my head what she was saying.

Her boy? What does she mean? Before now I was certain that he was mine but obviously she believes that a boy she hardly knows is hers! I felt the burning heat off my face as I got more and more infuriated every time I read it.

I saw it had over 50 comments which made me feel utterly sick. I didn't want to and I knew I shouldn't but I decided to look at them. As I scrolled down the pages of comments I felt my eyes watering up. Tears fell as I read the number of cruel comments that came before me.

"Ew she's ugly" "I don't think Tinus could ever go out with a girl like that aha" "no he's mine!" "Tinus is having a midlife crisis!" "Don't think I've seen anyone as disgusting as her" "its not true!" "She should just die"

The last one really got to me. I ran off backstage leaving Lara and just kept running. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was I needed to get out of there and fast.

I ended up outside and sat on the steps. I took deep breaths as tears flooded my eyes, making them blurry. I couldn't see very well but I spotted a figure walking my way.

As it came closer I noticed it was Amy. She sat down next to me looking very concerned.

Amy : do you want to talk about it?

Megan : it's nothing.

Amy : Megan, I've only known you for about 3 hours but I'm pretty sure if you're crying something's got to have happened so tell me, maybe I could help.

Megan : you can't.

Amy : please, I hate to see you upset.

I looked at her before giving her my phone to read it all. Her face turned to absolute horror as she scrolled through them all.

Amy : Megan, you shouldn't read these.

Megan : well I did.

Amy : it's not good for you.

Megan : it doesn't matter if I read them or not, they all hate me and always will!

Amy : you can't judge a full fan base over a couple of mean texts.

Megan : did you even read them? They want me gone, they want me dead!

Amy : they're just jealous.

Megan : why would they be jealous of me?

Amy : you've got what they want which is Martinus.

Megan : so they're hating on me cause they're jealous?!?!

Amy : exactly.

Megan : that's so pathetic!

Amy : some people are like that. When I first started going out with Harvey i got bundles of hate. It was constant, every time I went on my phone there was something about me that caught my eye. But do you know what I did which was the worst thing to do?

Megan : what?

Amy : I read them. And not just one, I would read them all. Every night I would spend hours crying over every single one of them. It got to the point where I would actually look for them until I realised something. That there was no point. It just got me all worked up and made me think everyone hated me when they didn't. I began to read the nice comments and realised that the majority of his fans actually liked me. I was amazed and after a while I forgot all about the hate and learnt to just block it out. You're always gonna get people like that but all you have to know is that they are just jealous. They don't actually mean what they say.

I put my phone away, wiping the tears from under my blotchy eyes.

Megan : thank you.

Amy : no problem.

She gave me a hug. I let out a giggle as I thought to myself.

Amy : what?

Megan : this whole day I was panicking that you and everyone else on the tour team would hate me when in fact it was the fans I should have been worrying about.

Amy : you don't have to worry about anything. Just be yourself. I know it's cliche but it's true. Trust me.

Megan : god, where have you been all my life?!

We both laughed as I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

Amy : if you do ever get the need to read them just come to me and we can talk.

I gave her a thankful smile.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now