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Martinus POV ///

We ran for a long time. And I'm not just saying that. It was roughly about 20 minutes later  when we finally began to slow down and give up.

Martinus : where is she!?!

Marcus : how could she just disappear?!? I don't understand!!

Martinus : we've genuinely looked in every single room in this full building about 10 times!

Marcus : obviously not everywhere if we've not found her.

He stopped and thought for a moment. He stroked his chin as his mind wandered.

Marcus : where could she be....

I stood there, cross armed, waiting until he got a bright idea.

Marcus : you said you looked in the changing room?

Martinus : yeah, before I bumped into you.

Marcus : well she could have gone after you left!

Martinus : come on then!

We ran to the changing room and I opened the door to see Lara standing there looking frazzled. But no Megan.

Marcus : Lara what's wrong!?

Martinus : where's Megan?!?

Lara : she went home.

Martinus : to Scotland!?!! What why!!

I stared at her with concern and curiosity. All I got back was a blank face. She looked as if she was about to cry. What was going on?!?

Lara : it's her mum...

Martinus : oh god, no, please no!!

Lara : she's fallen seriously ill and is in hospital.

A tear fell from her eye. She knows Megan's mum quite well so it was obviously really hard for her too. Marcus ran over to comfort her with a hug as I remained footed to the ground, not knowing what to do.

The crowd were still out there, wondering where we we were and what the heck just happened. I needed to go after Megan but after what just happened I don't know if she'll ever want to see me again. I might just make it harder for her.

Marcus : why did she leave you here!?

Lara : I walked in on her crying and was about to comfort her after what she just witnessed when she got a text. It was her dad telling her that her mum was ill and that he had booked her a flight home tonight. She got even more upset and I tried reassuring her that everything was gonna be ok but all she did was push me out the way and ran out the door with her things.

Martinus : when was this?

Lara : about 10 minutes ago, I've just been sitting here going through in my head what to do.

Martinus : do you know what time the flight is?

Lara : I checked on my phone, it said 9:45.

I checked my watch.

Martinus : we've got an hour, we could make it if we go quick. Come on!!!

I ran out with Marcus and Lara following.

Megan's POV ///

I was in the taxi. It was quiet. All you could hear was the consistent sniffles coming from my red nose to which I had wiped several times. I was a state. I had cried more in the last hour than in my full lifetime.

I could tell that the taxi driver was concerned as he kept looking through the mirror at me. I tried my best to hide the fact that I was aching inside but it didn't exactly turn out so well.

Taxi driver : you ok dear?

Megan : em yeah.

I was the worst at lying. Whenever I lie I go extremely high pitched which gives it away in an instant.

Taxi driver : are you sure?

Megan : ugh no.

Taxi driver : what wrong?

Megan : let me boyfriend just kissed another girl on stage, I was just sick in the bathroom and my mum has cancer and is in hospital at this precise moment.

Taxi driver : oh my word, I don't blame you for crying!

I continued to chat and tell him my life story when we finally arrived at the airport. I payed and said goodbye before walking in.

I'm not gonna lie, I was petrified. I was about to go on a plane by myself and I'm only 16. You might think that's ok but I'm not exactly the most confident person I've met. Perhaps the least.

I somehow successfully made it through security and sat at my gate ready to go. It was about 10 minutes before boarding so I checked my messages. I was surprised to see about 10 new messages from various people. One from my dad...

"Dad : get through security alright?"

I quickly replied with a 'yes' before moving on to my other messages. Nearly all the others were from kjell Erik, Lara, Amy, Marcus and Martinus wondering where I've gone. I didn't bother texting them back as I didn't want to be involved with it all ever again.

I do, however, regret the way I treated Lara. She had done nothing wrong I was just way too emotional at that point to even try to be nice. Everything had just happened all at once and it was just too much to handle.

I still didn't text her back as she was probably with everyone else including Martinus to which I wanted nothing to do with ever again.

I scrolled down to my last message which, to my surprise, was from Charlene. I hesitated to open it. My hands were shaking. Why would she text me?!? I eventually clicked on it and scanned the message.

"Charlene : I'm so so sorry, I regret it. It was Dave. He forced me to do it! I never wanted Martinus. I'm so sorry."

I read it over and over again. Trying to make sense of what had been written. What was she talking about that Dave forced her to do it? As much as I hated Dave, I didn't believe that he made her do that. He couldn't be that evil. Could he?

The tannoy went off signalling it was time to board so I put my phone away, my head still racing with thoughts, and joined the cue.

I was the last to the desk and the lady was checking my passport when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned around and gasped as I saw Martinus, Marcus and Lara standing before me.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now