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Sidon's P.O.V.
Time skip

         It has been two weeks and five days since Link went to fight Calamity Ganon.
            I wish I wasn't starting to give up hope, but I truly am, and I feel horrible about it. I had to stop training with Laruta about five or six days ago, I just couldn't muster the energy.
           I don't really leave my room much, I just go to get food and drink. Laruta is very concerned for me, and so is my father. I try to avoid them because I don't want to worry them more.
         I haven't moved from my bed in the past day. It was about mid afternoon, if I had to guess. I groaned loudly, the prospect of getting up was not appealing.
          I rolled from my bed, my feet hitting with a loud thump. I threw on a sweater and some trousers and went to my window. I peaked out of the curtain, and after blinking away the initial brightness I saw that I was correct in guessing it was about mid afternoon. I sighed, swearing under my breath. I had become mostly nocturnal at this point.
            At night I go to use the forges, I am currently making armour for Laruta, but I do not want to speak to random Zora, so I mostly avoid daytime walks. I closed the curtain and went back to bed, flopping down with a loud sigh.

Link's P.O.V.

           Zelda and I have been traveling for about a week. We had stayed at a stable last night, and now it was about midday. I rode an all black horse named Twilight, and Zelda rode Epona. We had been riding is silence for almost the whole day.
           Zelda suddenly broke the silence, "how close to Zora Domain are we?" She was looking around, basically everywhere but me.
            I looked at the mountains that were drawing very close, "we should be there by evening. Why?" I asked.
          She shrugged, then turned to me and smiled, "can we go faster? I'm sure you want to see Sidon again," she said impishly.
            I snorted, "well, I do, but that's hardly a reason to speed up," I was admittedly trying to downplay my feelings.
          Zelda rolled her eyes, "I want to see the Domain again too," she admitted.
          I laughed, "Alright, we'll rotate between canter and trotting," I said as I set my horse off with a trot, then a canter.
Zelda laughed as her horse caught up to mine. I snorted and kept scanning the surrounding area just in case. I got a weird feeling.
"Wait, Zelda, stop for a second," I held out a hand as she tried to ask me what was wrong, "somethings up," I said simply.
I breathed in deeply, now noticing what was wrong. I smelled bananas. I pulled my sword from my back, looking around for any hint of movement.
I saw a flash of red and a glint of silver, then there was a hiss. I leaped from my horse and an arrow landed in a tree that was right behind my head.
Twilight neighed, stepping to the side quickly. I heard Zelda gasp loudly. I looked over my shoulder, seeing if she was okay. I felt a sharp flash of pain through my head and I crumpled to the ground.

Zelda's P.O.V.
The yiga member hit link over the head with the blunt end of their sickle, causing him to crumple to the ground. I had a small dagger in my boot, but I'm not sure how much good that'll do.
I grabbed a branch by my head and jumped gracefully from my horse. I raised the stick above my head and brought it down on the Yiga's head as hard as I could. They cried out and fell as well. I didn't think as I pulled my dagger from my boot and drove it into the Yiga's throat.

Link's P.O.V.
I struggled to open my eyes, the lights seeming a little too bright. I was jolted awake when I heard Zelda cry out.
I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was on the ground, although I don't remember getting there. I sat up slowly, looking around dumbly. I then saw Zelda standing over the Yiga. The Yiga was limp and a dark red liquid ran slowly from their neck. I looked then to Zelda, she had a small dagger clutched in her hands, her knuckles white and the blade red with blood.
Her golden hair whipped wildly around her, her blue eyes clouded and troubled. Her mouth was slightly agape, and her nose was scrunched up. I noticed now that her whole body was trembling hard.
I raised a hand slowly, I felt like my body was working too slow, "z- Zelda!" I managed, my voice hoarse and cracking.
             Her whole body shook in a violent shiver. She dropped her hands and turned slowly. Tears cut down her cheeks silently and in a steady stream. Her eyes were distant still, and I had a feeling that she didn't really hear me.
           I extended my arms slowly, motioning for her to come towards me. She obliged, taking careful steps forward. Her right hand still grasped the blade tightly, her knuckles white from gripping. She fell to her knees before me, silent sobs now shaking her body.
           "I killed them! I didn't even hesitate, and I killed them!" She cried, staring down to her bloodied hands and knife.
           I put a hand on her arm, she flinched when I touched her, but didn't pull away, "you saved my life," I tried to reassure.
           Zelda furrowed her brow and shook her head quickly, "yes, but at the cost of another. They were alive too," her voice cracked.
          I pulled her into an embrace, "that may be true, but the Yiga are horrible. They follow Calamity Ganon, and they aren't afraid of hurting anyone who opposes them. What you did was self defence, and I'm not saying it was definitely morally correct, but it was the only thing you could have done," I said into her hair as she clung to me for dear life.
           She chocked back a sob, "there was more I could have done!" She cried into my shoulder.
            I sighed, "yes, you are right, that wasn't the only thing you could have done. You could have spurred on Epona and ridden to the Domain, riding fast and leaving me," I squeezed her tighter.
           She pulled back from me to look into my eyes, her clouded blue eyes holding deep hurt, "why, in the name of Hylia above, do you think I would leave you?" Her voice cracked, she sounded incredibly offended.
           I smiled a little sadly, "I didn't. But you said that you had more choices, and I was telling you them. You do not have to capacity to become a cold blooded killer, so don't let this get to you. I'm not going to lie and say that they will all deserve it, but, as long as you do not kill for pleasure, then it is better than the alternative," I assured, my voice now getting raspy once again.
            She titled her head, thinking, then she smiled sadly, "I suppose you are correct. I was a little shocked that was all," some of the clouds cleared from her eyes and she looked more like the Zelda I know.
           I smiled wide, "it's okay, but we should be going, don't want to keep everyone waiting," I joked.
             Zelda chuckled a little and stood, her knife laying in the grass. She seemed to notice as well as she stood and stared at the bloodied blade.
            I grabbed it and pulled out a strip of fabric. I wiped the blade and then passed it back to her. She hesitated, something flashing through her eyes, but then she took it. She returned the blade to its place in her boot, and she went to Epona. She hoisted herself on and turned to me, who was still sitting in the dirt.
           I sighed and chuckled a little, "I'm getting up," I mumbled as I rubbed my head. It didn't hurt very bad anymore, but there was a steady dull ache. I shuffled so I was on my hands and knees. I got my feet under me and stood up ungracefully. I wobbled on my feet slightly then managed to stand straight.
         I chuckled slightly then walked over to Twilight. I heaved myself onto her and sighed, "okay, let's go, and quick," I said, clicking the reins. Zelda followed suit and we started with a canter. We rode in silence for a long while. We came to the start of the path that leads to Zora Domain.
          Zelda looked at the tall towers on either side of the path, an awed look on her face, "the beauty of this place never fails to amaze me," she said quietly.
           I snorted, "we haven't even gotten to the Domain yet," I clicked the reigns, sending Twilight quickly down the trail. I heard Zelda do the same and when I turned to check on her she was riding a short distance behind me.
           We rode in silence again, my mind wandering to Sidon and the Domain. I have come to think of the Domain as home, and that is because of Sidon. Only three people in my life have truly made me feel comfortable and safe like he does. He is one, along with Zelda and my mother. Zelda has a calm, gentle energy like my mother, and I'm so glad that I did not lose Zelda to the Calamity.
Sidon is different though, he is outgoing, making up for my own shyness. He is considerate, and gentle when it's needed. The thought of him causes my heart to flutter, still, and whenever someone says his name I grin like an idiot.
Zelda snapped me out of my own mind with her voice, "is that the bridge leading into the Domain?" She asked, pointing over to a blue mass in the distance.
I focused on it to see the long bridge that is in front of the Domain. I smiled like and idiot and sat up straighter. "Yeah! We're almost there," I said, making Twilight go slightly faster.
We soon made it to the front of the bridge. A tall black scaled Zora smiled up at us as we stopped our horses and dismounted, "Link! You're back, and is that princess Zelda?" He stepped forward, taking the reigns of our horses, I nodded, "yes, it's good to see you as well. Do you know where Sidon is?" I tried to sound nonchalant, but it didn't work well.
          The guard laughed a little, "the Prince? He is in his room, he hasn't been around much lately," I nodded and started to walk away, but the guard stopped me, "Link, wait! King Dorephan is wishing to speak with you," I smiled and nodded, waving quickly as I walked away.
           Zelda followed close, staring around with her blue eyes wide and full of wonder. She was obviously deep in though as she tripped over a stray stone and I had to catch her before she fell.
         She laughed a little, "sorry, I was preoccupied," she said, her voice a little more quiet than usual.
          I smiled and laughed, "it's fine, but it's a good thing I'm here," I joked as I helped her up and poked her side.
          She danced away, laughing loudly. I laughed as well, following as we walked towards the steps leading to the throne room. Zelda took a deep breath, but after seeing me, she started to laugh again.
           I feigned offence, "excuse me," I was still laughing as well. She took a few deep breaths and then managed to hold back her laughs.
           "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I guess I could tell that you were happy, so I fed off of it," she shrugged, starting up the steps to the throne room.
          I shrugged, "I guess I am pretty happy to be back," and with that I followed her into the throne room.
          King Dorephan was sitting in his usual spot, and when he saw us come in he got a huge grin across his face, "Link! Oh and princess Zelda! I am so happy that you have returned Link, and I'm overjoyed that you chose this as your first destination princess Zelda," he bent down to our level.
          I smiled wide, "I'm glad I'm back too. I was told that you wanted to speak with me?" I asked, getting antsy to go and see Sidon.
           Dorephan nodded, "I wanted to know that you were alright, that's really it. Now, I believe that there should be someone who wants to see you Link," I nodded, bowing slightly and starting to turn.
            "Link!" Sidon called from behind me. I turned quickly, seeing Sidon standing there in a sweater and some trousers.
             "Sidon!" I yelled as I started off running towards him. He opened his arms and I leaned into them. He held me close, laughing into my shoulder. I was smiling like an idiot as I held him close. He pulled back first, setting me down gently and kneeling awkwardly down so he was around my height.
        "I'm so glad to see you my little Guppy," he said as he cupped my face in his large hands.
           I laughed, "I'm happy to see you too my Songbird," I said low. He chuckled at the name, then used his cane to stand.
            I saw him stiffen, then lower himself awkwardly into a bow, "my deepest apologies princess, I did not realize you had returned with Link," he spoke in a clear voice.
            Zelda snorted, "wow, you truly grew up didn't you Sidon?" She said as she walked down to where we stood just inside the doorway.
            Sidon stood straight, looking a little startled, obviously not knowing what to say to that. Zelda laughed, "I'm just bothering you. You are obviously dating my dearest friend, who is like a brother to me." She said sweetly.
             Sidon blushed slightly, then smiled, "why don't we continue this conversation outside, it is a beautiful day," he faked enthusiasm as he motioned towards the door.
             Zelda nodded, and followed as Sidon lead us outside as king Dorephan laughed behind us. Sidon lead us to the top of a thin waterfall.
             Sidon sighed, "I apologize for the inconvenience princess, it's just I could feel my father staring at me," he laughed a little awkwardly.
           Zelda laughed and rolled her eyes, "drop the formalities when it's just us three. It will get old fast and it is tiresome. Just call me Zelda and speak to me like I'm a friend,"
Sidon sighed, visibly relaxing, "oh thank Hylia. It was already getting bothersome," He chuckled a little.
Zelda smiled, "good. Now, I know that you two probably want some time alone. So, just show me to where i can sleep and then I'll leave you two alone,"
I felt my face flush a little, but I shook my head, "I mean it might be nice but do you know where everything is? And are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. I remember this place from a hundred years ago. Just point me in the direction of my room and I'll see you two at dinner," she shrugged a little.
Sidon cleared his throat, "Well we have an empty room beside mine, although I don't know if it is adequate for a princess," he said, thinking.
Zelda rolled her eyes, "I've been fighting Ganon for one hundred years. I have slept on a dirt floor with Link for the past while. Did you know he snores and hogs all the room? Honestly a bed of any type would be wonderful right now." She sighed a little.
Sidon chuckled, "yes, when Link sleeps he does snore horribly. I didn't think a noise that loud could come from such a small creature," he wrapped an arm around me.
I blushed, "do I really?" I leaned into Sidon's side, sighing slightly. Sidon snorted, "yes, and you hog a lot of bed room. That's coming from me too, and I'm almost ten feet tall,"
I breathed in deeply, "fuck," I said as I exhaled. Sidon laughed at this, and Zelda giggled a little.
           I sighed, still blushing slightly, "okay, shouldn't we show Zelda to her room?" I asked, trying to divert attention from myself.
            It worked, "yes, follow me, I will show you to your room," Sidon said as he motioned for Zelda to follow. We set off across the Domain, and into the hallway that leads to some of the bedrooms. We stopped at Sidon's door, and he pointed to the one next to us.
           "That's your room for as long as you wish. The keys should be inside," he said as Zelda nodded.
              She yawned wide, "Alright, I might sleep a little, so if I don't come and knock on your door make sure that I'm awake?" She asked, starting to step back towards the room.
              I smiled and nodded, giving her a thumbs up, which she returned before ducking into her room. I then sensed Sidon behind me. I turned around, a warm smile across my lips.
             He was smiling warmly, with a little hint of mischief, "do you wish to go into my room?" He asked, his voice low.
              I smirked a little, "I think I do," I said as I took a step closer to Sidon. He nodded and opened the door. I ducked through it, and he followed, closing and latching the door behind us.
            I breathed in the familiar scent of the room. I sighed deeply, then started crying. I wasn't really sure why, but I couldn't stop it.
            Sidon looked surprised, "Guppy? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned tinting his voice.
            I shook my head, "it was all so much. Calamity Ganon was horrible, and it was terrible seeing the castle like that. It was all so much, and I'm so glad hat Zelda is back and I'm so fucking happy that I'm home," I said, not thinking as I spoke and just letting it spill out.
           Sidon smiled wide, tears coming to his eyes, "you called the Domain home. That's what matters: that you are home now, and you are safe with me. Calamity Ganon can not, and will not harm you for as long as I live." He wrapped me in a enveloping hug. I cling to him, my hands knotted in the fabric of his sweater. We stayed like this for a while longer, until Sidon pulled back.
              "I have an idea. Do you want to go for a walk?" He suggested, tilting his head slightly. I put my hands on either side of his face, staring into his bright yellow eyes, "in a minute," I said quietly as I pulled him into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, returning the passionate motion.
             I pulled back a little, "do you want to go for that walk now?" I whispered against his lips.
          I felt him smile, "yes I do," he kissed me again quickly and pulled back. I sighed as he pulled back, leaving me without his warmth. He went to his table and grabbed a bag and his swords. He then joined me at the door again, tilting his head slightly as he opened the door. I walked out quickly, then waited for him. He grabbed my hand with his free hand, that wasn't on his cane, the we started off.
          I bumped my shoulder into his, smiling wide, "were are we going?" I asked.
           He smiled down at me, a little bit of a mischievous glint in his eye, "Well, you know of this place, and we've been there before." That was all he gave me as he lead me away.
           We walked past the guards at the front gate, who started snickering to each other as we walked away. When we were out of ear shot I turned up to Sidon, "why were they laughing," I asked a little dumbly.
Sidon sighed, "there is a running joke about our size differences. They are really quite crude," he sighed, then started to walk a little quicker. The sun was dipping low when Sidon drew me off the path. We had been away from the Domain for a while, and I had a slight hunch on where we were going. Sidon started to look a little nervous, the closer and closer we got to his mystery destination.
He had also gotten quieter as we went. He was talking nonstop when we left, but had slowly faded into silence. He was walking ahead of me, and I got an idea. I smiled mischievously as I walked up silently, then wrapping my arms around his waist.
He jumped and let out a little scream. He then chuckled nervously, "sorry Guppy, I'm a little lost in my own head," he turned a little to look at me.
I was leaning against his back, breathing in his warm scent, "are we almost there Songbird?" I purred.
He smiled sweetly, "yes, we are very close. In fact it's just through that curtain of vines," I saw where we were going now.
I smiled wide, that cheesy sweetheart. I let go and grabbed his hand, leading him into the clearing. In front of us was the heart shaped lake, the waterfall crashing down.
I breathed in the earthy scent, the water and leaves combining. The water glistened in the light, and the waterfall was amazing as before. I laughed and took off running towards the waterfall. I stripped down to my shorts and climbed up on a tall rock. I jumped into the water below, splashing water.
I came back up, spitting out water and taking a deep breath. I saw that Sidon was just pulling off his trousers, and then he walked into the water. He swam quickly over to me.
I smiled wide, "I see that your leg is a little better?" I asked.
He smiled, flipping onto his back and pulling me onto his stomach, "it feels much better in water. I think that I'm getting better, and I hope that I will be able to walk without the cane soon," he closed his eyes and relaxed.
I kissed him quickly and the flipped off of him. I swam over to the edge, then I started to walk up a path leading to the hill at the top of the waterfall. I turned back to see Sidon floating, a smug look on his face.
"Come on!" I called down to him. He looked at me, "make me," I sighed.
          I then got a thought, "I won't fuck you tonight," and I never saw a man move faster.

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